Oblivion Mod:Midas Magic/Aurum Incantatem
Book Information Aurum Incantatem |
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by Midas
This tome seeks to catalog the elemental energies infused in aurum, otherwise known as gold. When aurum is combined with certain material of magical or and in some cases mundane origins, it can imbue the magically inclined with unique magical abilities. The magical process for creating these spells is simple. Combine the correct ingredients into an Aurum reactor, cast any spell on the reactor and ingest the resulting residue.
The following pages contain descriptions and recipes for the few of the discoveries that have been made so far. With time and diligence more of these discoveries will be made. Be forewarned, the ingredients may in some cases be hard to come by but the results are worth while.
Midas' Astral Mark / Recall
- These spells allow the caster to form and utilize magical connections to a long-forgotten pocket of space in the Astral Plane. Using the mark spell, the caster may form a connection to one of six Astral Gates to the point in space he is currently occupying. The recall spell teleports the caster into the astral pocket where he may use the gates connected to the marks. If the recall spell is cast inside the pocket, the caster will be teleported to the place that recall was last cast.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Diamond
- 1 Flawless Ruby
- 1 Flawless Sapphire
- 1 Flawless Topaz
- 1 Flawless Emerald
- 1 Flawless Pearl
Midas' Absorption Stream
- Destruction Expert
- This spell cast a stream of life-absorbing energy for 3 seconds. The stream draws health to the caster as long as it is focused on the target.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Copper Nugget
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Astral Combat
- This spell casts a beam of otherworldly energy. If it comes in contact with a living being, the target and the caster will be transported to the Astral Plane, where they may engage in mortal combat.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Astral Beacon Cap
- 1 Minotaur Horn
Midas' Acid Arrow
- Destruction Apprentice
- This spell launches an arrow of conjured acid at your target, causing damage to health and equipment.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Arrowroot
- 1 Dragon's Tongue
Midas' Acid Cloud
- Destruction Expert
- A cloud of acid precedes the caster, corroding weapons and armor and damaging the health of those in its path.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Entropic Essence
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
Midas' Acid Trap
- Destruction Journeyman
- Lays a trap that sprays corrosive acid on your victim, causing damage to health and equipment.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Calipers
- 1 Dragon's Tongue
Midas' Arcane Burst
- Destruction Master
- This spell creates an explosion of pure magical energy centered on the caster. The blast causes magical damage and forces your opponents away.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Arcane Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Bound Blaze Saber
- Conjuration Journeyman
- This spell conjures a sword of magical fire in the caster's hand.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Longsword of the Blaze
- or
- 1 Longsword of the Inferno
Midas' Bound Frost Fang
- Conjuration Journeyman
- This spell conjures a sword of frost magic in the caster's hand.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Longsword of Blizzards
- or
- 1 Longsword of Winter
Midas' Bound Volt Edge
- Conjuration Journeyman
- This spell conjures a sword of shock magic in the caster's hand.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Longsword of Lightning
- or
- 1 Longsword of Storms
Midas' Berzerk
- Restoration Apprentice
- This spell transforms the caster into a powerful fighting force. It enhances strength and speed, but most importantly infuses the blows of the caster with powerful physical force that blows opponents back. It does leave the caster slightly vulnerable to weapon attacks.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Strong Elixir of Exploration
Midas' Breath of Fire
- Destruction Apprentice
- Causes the caster to breathe flames for a short duration. Setting your targets aflame.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Firesalts
- 1 Garlic
- 1 Leek
Midas' Catapult
- Conjuration Apprentice
- This spell creates a working catapult in front of the caster.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Oar
- 1 Repair Hammer
- 1 Silver Bowl
Midas' Chain Fireball
- Destruction Novice
- Casts a ball of fire on the target. This spell has a chance to jump to another nearby target based on the casters luck. This spell has 3 levels.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Ruby
- 1 to 3 Chainmail Gauntlets
Midas' Chain Lightning
- Destruction Novice
- Casts a bolt of shock damage on the target. This bolt has a chance to jump to another nearby target based on the casters luck. This spell has 3 levels.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Topaz
- 1 to 3 Chainmail Gauntlets
Midas' Chest
- Alteration Novice
- Midas' Chest when called summons an other-worldly storage apparatus in which the caster can place his or her wares. Ever so handy for the burdened adventurer.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Silver Urn
- 1 Lock Pick
Midas' Column of Fire
- Destruction Master
- Calls down fiery wrath from the heavens on your target and those around, dealing an explosion of fire damage. Requires Destruction Mastery and can only be cast outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
- 1 Greater Arcane Essence
Midas' Comet
- Destruction Master
- This powerful incantation will call down a Comet to strike your target and those around with an explosion of frost damage. Requires Destruction Mastery and can only be cast outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Frost Essence
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
Midas' Crushing Stones
- Destruction Apprentice
- Manifests large boulders to surround and crush your target. This spell creates physical stones and is not affected by magical resistances.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Slime Heart
- 1 Flawless Emerald
Midas' Death Ray
- Destruction Novice
- This spell casts a beam of dark energy that damages the vicim's health. If the victim is killed, the spell will create a soulgem in the victims inventory.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Ebony Nugget
- 1 Grand Soul Gem (Empty)
Midas' Death Stream
- Destruction Expert
- This spell cast a stream of dark energy for 3 seconds. If the victim is killed, the spell will create a soulgem in the victims inventory.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Ebony Nugget
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Detection Mastery
- Mysticism Expert
- The ultimate detection spell. Detection Mastery detects and distinguishes friends, foes, item and corpses in the vicinity of the caster.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Lesser Arcane Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Dust Storm
- Illusion Apprentice
- This spell conjures a blinding dust storm. It impairs all those caught in it including the caster. The effect slows targets and drains fatigue and renders the marksman skill useless. Only works outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Voidsalts
- 1 Glowdust
- 1 Bloodgrass
Midas' Entangle
- Alteration Novice
- Midas' Entangle is a ranged attack that summons entangling vines to restrain your foe. The vines can only hold one enemy at a time and if the enemy's agility and speed are high enough they may break the bindings.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Arrowroot
- 1 Daedra Silk
Midas' Explosive Arrow
- Destruction Journeyman
- This spell fires a magical arrow that explodes on impact with the target or after a 10 second timer.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Silver or Glass Arrow
- 1 Cyrodiilic Brandy
Midas' Fire Burst
- Destruction Master
- An explosion of fire centered on the caster blasts your opponents away in flames. Can only be used by Masters of Destruction.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Fire Seeker
- Destruction Expert
- This casts as an intelligent magical projectile that hovers above the ground seeking out its target. It inflicts fire damage on impact.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Daedra Venin
- 1 FireSalts
Midas' Fire Trap
- Destruction Journeyman
- This spell conjures a magical mine that falls to the ground. Anyone who trips it is caught in an explosion of fire damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Firesalts
- 1 Calipers
Midas' Force Ball
- Mysticism Novice
- Midas' Force Ball is a projectile based attack that explodes in a blast of pure magical force when it intercepts a target. Although this spell doesn't do magical damage, victims can receive impact damage from the fall resulting from the blast.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Pearl
- 1 Daedroth's Teeth
Midas' Force Burst
- Mysticism Novice
- Force Burst casts a wave of magical force outward from the casters position. Any object within it's range will be forced away from the caster. If the caster wanders outside of the eye of the blast he may feel the effects as well.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Pearl
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Force Push
- Mysticism Novice
- Midas' Force Push summons and impenetrable ball of pure magical force in front of the caster. Those caught in it's wake are temporarily rendered helpless and blown aside by the blast.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Pearl
- 1 Varla Stone
Midas' Force Shield
- Mysticism Expert
- This Spells surrounds the caster with a wall of magical force. It repels those who encroach and from time to time, reflects magical projectiles.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Crystal ball
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Freeze Ray
- Destruction Apprentice
- Midas' Freeze Ray cast a beam of concentrated frost energy. Opponents caught in it's path must resist frost or become frozen solid for a period of time and receive frost damage. While frozen, they cannot move or be harmed.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Sapphire
- 1 Lichor
Midas' Frost Trap
- Destruction Journeyman
- This spell conjures a magical mine that falls to the ground. Anyone who trips it is frozen and receives frost damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Frostsalts
- 1 Calipers
Midas' Ghostly Visage
- Illusion Apprentice
- The caster takes on the appearance of a ghost. This spell adds resistance to normal weapons and frost.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Skooma
- 1 Ectoplasm
Midas' Geysers
- Destruction Journeyman
- This spell causes scalding steam to erupt from the ground beneath all targets in the vicinity of the caster, causing both Frost and Fire damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
Midas' Glaive
- Destruction Novice
- This cheap but ill-conceived spell hurls a disk of spinning blades at your opponents. This disk causes an amount of physical an electrical damage and ricochets off the surroundings until the spell dissipates. If used improperly, it can do more harm than good.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 5 Silver Daggers
Midas' Grow Ray
- Alteration Novice
- The Grow Ray temporarily increases the target's size. While enlarged, the target suffers reduced speed and agility.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
- 1 Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap
Midas' Hail Storm
- Destruction Master
- This powerful spell calls the frost elements to create a torrent of hail from the sky. Requires Destruction Mastery and can only be cast outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Frost Essence
- 1 Greater Entropic Essence
Midas' Heat Beam
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Heat Beam cast a beam of fire magic at the target, instantly causing fire damage. The concentrated power of this spell can burn through solid objects to hit the target. This spell has 3 levels.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Ruby
- 1 to 3 Imp Gall
Midas' Holy Burst
- Restoration Apprentice
- Midas' Holy Burst is an area effect spell on the caster. The effects are similar to that of Holy Ray but affect all in the area of the caster. If no one else has been affected by the spell, it will heal the caster.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Diamond
- 1 Greater Life Essence
Midas' Holy Flare
- Restoration Journeyman
- Casts a stream of holy fire from the caster's fingertips. Undead targets burst into holy flame, while others only feel a calming effect.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Lesser Life Essence
- 1 Lesser Fire Essence
Midas' Holy Ray
- Restoration Novice
- Midas' Holy Ray casts and instant hit beam which causes divine damage to undead or daedric targets and restores health on non-evil targets. It has no effect on evil mundane targets or dremora.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Diamond
- 1 Ambrosia
Midas' Holy Stream
- Restoration Expert
- This spell cast a stream of holy energy for 3 seconds. The effects are similar to Holy Ray, save that they compound the longer the spell is focused on the target.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Ambrosia
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Holy Trap
- Restoration Apprentice
- Manifests a magical trap before the caster. Undead targets that come in contact with it recieve [sic] holy damage..
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Diamond
- 1 Calipers
Midas' Ice Burst
- Destruction Expert
- Summons a powerful explosion of ice centered on the caster to freeze all in range.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Frost Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Ice Seeker
- Destruction Expert
- This casts as an intelligent magical projectile that hovers above the ground seeking out its target. It inflicts frost damage on impact.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Daedra Venin
- 1 FrostSalts
Midas' Ice Stream
- Destruction Expert
- This spell cast a stream of ice for 3 seconds. Targets are continuously damaged by frost energy while in the stream.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Frostsalts
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Ice Strike
- Destruction Expert
- This spell hurtles powerful ice crystals at the target area which explode on impact slowing targets and delivering frost damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Varla Stone
- 1 Greater Frost Essence
Midas' Ice Walk
- Alteration Journeyman
- This spell creates a magical walkway of ice beneath the caster. While active, the caster may walk through the air in any direction he pleases.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Refined FrostSalts
- 1 Astral Beacon Cap
- Caution, this spell can get you into places you shouldn't be.
Midas' Igloo
- Conjuration Novice
- Midas' Igloo draws on the power of frost to form a solid shell of ice around the caster. While inside the caster is safe from harm. This spell may only be dispelled with fire magic..
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Lesser Frost Essence
- 1 Stone Brick
Midas' Light Arrow
- Illusion Apprentice
- Casts a magical arrow of light energy. The arrow will illuminate the target area or if it strikes a living being cast light on it. This spell will cause significant damage to vampires.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Silver or Glass Arrow
- 1 Torch
Midas' Lightning Bolt
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Lightning Bolt casts an instant hit bolt of shock energy at the target. It will continue to strike in a tight dispersal pattern until it connects with a target or dissipates. This spell has 3 levels.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Topaz
- 1 to 3 GlowDust
Midas' Lightning Storm
- Destruction Master
- The ultimate in destructive power. This spell rains down a relentless barrage of unerring lighting bolts on you enemies. Requires Destruction Mastery and can only be cast once per day, only outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Shock Essence
- 1 Greater Entropic Essence
Midas' Living Glaive
- Destruction Expert
- This summons an intelligent version of the Glaive. It seeks out your enemies and inflicts physical and shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 5 Silver Daggers
- 1 Ectoplasm
- 1 Voidsalts
Midas' Magic Missiles
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Magic Missiles casts 3 small projectiles of pure magic at the target. These missiles move unhindered by physical objects and will hit all targets in their path.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 3 Skooma
Midas' Magic Seeker
- Destruction Expert
- This casts as an intelligent magical projectile that hovers above the ground seeking out its target. It inflicts magical damage on impact.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Daedra Venin
- 1 Glowdust
Midas' Magma Ball
- Destruction Journeyman
- Midas' Magma Ball launches a physical projectile of magma. This projectile will ricochet off the environment until it impacts a target and detonates in a ball of fire. The magma ball will eventually detonate on it's own.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Ruby
- 1 Fire Salts
Midas' Magma Stream
- Destruction Expert
- This spell cast a stream of magma for 3 seconds. Targets are continuously receive fire damage while in the stream.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Firesalts
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Mechanical Mine
- Destruction Journeyman
- Creates an automated mine which seeks out targets and explodes on contact. If the mine is destroyed before it can detonate, the explosion only does partial damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Weight 1 Calipers
- 1 DreughWax 1 Firesalts
Midas' Mega Fireball
- Destruction Expert
- This spell hurtles a powerful fireball at the target area which explodes on impact releasing force and fire damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Varla Stone
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
Midas' Meteor
- Destruction Expert
- Casts a powerful meteor from the casters fingertips, causing physical impact and fire damage to unlucky foes.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Lesser Fire Essence
- 1 Lesser Entropic Essence
Midas' Meteor Storm
- Destruction Master
- Calls an incredibly destructive hail of meteors from the sky. Can only be used by Masters of Destruction, and only outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
- 1 Greater Entropic Essence
Midas' Missile Shield
- Alteration Novice
- Midas' Missile Shield surrounds the caster with a translucent magical shield that blocks all arrow and projectile attacks, and protects the caster from falling damage. It does not block magical or other physical attacks however.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Crystal Ball
- 1 Scales (Fish)
Midas' Missile Shower
- Destruction Expert
- This spell launches a barrage of up to 7 magical projectiles at the target. Each missile inflicts fire, frost and shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Lesser Arcane Essence
- 1 Voidsalts
Midas' Missile Storm
- Destruction Master
- A more powerful version of the Missile Shower. This spell will continually launch missiles from above the caster while in effect.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Arcane Essence
- 1 Voidsalts
Midas' Nature Orb
- Alteration Expert
- This creates a slow moving sphere of natural energy. The sphere will explode on impact or after 6 seconds have passed, causing magical damage and stuns the targets.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Taproot
- 1 Tigerlily Nectar
- 1 Flawless Emerald
Midas' Nova Burst
- Mysticism Expert
- A swirling vortex of flame appears above the caster. Any target that comes in range is repeatedly pelted with fireballs.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Voidsalts
- 1 Greater Fire Essence
Midas' Noxious Fumes
- Illusion Apprentice
- Surrounds the caster with a cloud of noxious gas. The gas may demoralize, stagger or stun opponents.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Onion
- 1 Green Stain Shelf Cap
Midas' Nuclear Blast
- Destruction Master
- This powerful spell cause a nuclear explosion at the target area. Those caught at ground zero receive massive fire, force and magical damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- Mace of Malog Bal
Midas' Oblivion Portal
- Mysticism Novice
- Through the use of the long hidden dimensional key. A caster may summon forth a gate into Oblivion itself. This spell may only be cast outdoors.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- The Prime Morpholith
Midas' Pebble Blast
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Pebble Blast cast a shower of magical heated stones at your opponents. These stones do physical damage and ignore magical resistance.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Emerald
- 1 Ogre's Teeth
Midas' Plasma Ball
- Destruction Expert
- This spell launches a powerful ball of shock energy which explodes in a blast of shock damage on impact
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Varla Stone
- 1 Greater Shock Essence
Midas' Plasma Shards
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Plasma Shards launches 1 to 5 high velocity projectiles. These projectiles will penetrate physical objects and upon impacting a target inflict a small amount of shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 to 5 Welkynd Stones
- 1 Sacred Lotus Seeds
Midas' Plasma Stream
- Destruction Expert
- This spell cast a stream of plasma energy for 3 seconds. Targets are continuously damaged by shock energy while in the stream.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Welkynd Stone
- 1 Grand Soulgem filled with a Grand Soul
Midas' Poison Cloud
- Destruction Expert
- Casts a cloud of poison gas in front of the caster. If the target fails to resist, he becomes fatally poisoned. The effects can be reversed by the Holy Ray.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Poisoned Apple
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
Midas' Power Word Stun
- Illusion Apprentice
- The caster speaks an incantation and the target directly in his path is immediately stunned for a moment. However, speaking this word will draw the attention of others.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Cheap Wine
- 1 Harrada
Midas' Prism Missiles
- Mysticism Apprentice
- Midas' Prism Missiles casts 3 small magical projectiles at the target. These missiles move unhindered by physical objects and inflict one of 5 random effects on targets.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 3 Skooma 1 Emerald
- 1 Sapphire 1 Ruby
Midas' Prismatic Effects
- Following are the different effects of Midas' Prism Spells.
- Red 20pts of Fire Dmg
- Blue 40pts of Frost Dmg
- Yellow 80pts of Shock Dmg
- Green Paralysis for 10 sec.
- Violet 5pts Speed Dmg
Midas' Prism Ray
- Mysticism Apprentice
- Midas' Ray is a beam spell which inflicts one of 5 random effects, similar in effect other Prism Spells, on one target. While the beam is in effect, it follows the aim of the caster.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Varla Stone 1 Emerald
- 1 Sapphire 1 Ruby
Midas' Prism Spray
- Mysticism Apprentice
- Midas' Prism Spray casts 5 streams of magic from the caster's fingertips, each carrying a different effect. This spell can affect all targets in it's path.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Ruby
- 1 Topaz
- 1 Emerald
- 1 Sapphire
Midas' Purify
- Restoration Journeyman
- This powerful spell removes all ill effects from targets in the area; restoring health, and attributes while removing poisons, magic effects and disease. It also strikes terror the undead that feel its power. It can only be used once a day.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Life Essence
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
Midas' Rose of Kindness
- Illusion Master
- Midas' Rose of Kindness cast a magical flower as a projectile towards a target. Enemies are calmed by it. Friends are charmed by it. And assailing guards are just confused and walk away.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Primrose Leaves
- 1 Redwort Flower
Midas' Ring of Fire
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Ring of Fire surrounds the caster with a defensive ring of fire. Anyone entering this ring sustains fire damage. Additional Brandy increases the strength and mana cost.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 to 3 Cyrodiilic Brandy
- 1 Troll Fat
Midas' Slime Ball
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Slime Ball casts a projectile that coats the target in thick, viscous slime. The target's movement is hindered; making it difficult for it to walk, jump or fire arrows.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Jade (Whole)
- 1 Water Hyacinth Nectar
Midas' Sharing
- Alteration Novice
- Midas' Sharing allows the caster to exchange inventory with friendly characters. Items transferred become their property. You may, in cases, be unable to access the targets inventory. This spell renders the friendly less than fully dressed for a moment.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Bog Beacon
- 1 Sacred Lotus Seeds
Midas' Shock Burst
- Destruction Master
- This spell surrounds the caster with a powerful electric charge. Targets in range are blasted away as they receive shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Shock Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Shock Trap
- Destruction Journeyman
- This spell conjures a magical mine that falls to the ground. Anyone who trips it receives shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Voidsalts
- 1 Calipers
Midas' Shrink Ray
- Alteration Novice
- The Shrink Ray temporarily reduces the target's size. The diminute target suffers reduced strength and may become overburden by his own gear.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
- 1 Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap
Midas' Smoke Screen
- Illusion Novice
- Enshrouds the caster in a cloud of smoke; making for a much easier escape.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Bonemeal
- 1 Bloodgrass
Midas' Snow Ball
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Snow Ball launches a physical projectile of ice. This projectile will ricochet off the environment until it impacts a target and detonates in a ball of frost damage. The snow ball will eventually detonate on it's own if no target has been hit.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Sapphire
- 1 Frost Salts
Midas' Sound Burst
- Mysticism Journeyman
- Sound Burst creates a sonic explosion centered at the caster. Targets in range are forced away and stunned by the blast.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Sapphire
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Sparks
- Destruction Novice
- Midas' Sparks is a low level spell that casts a erratic barrage of electrical sparks at the target doing a small amount of shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawed Topaz
Midas' Spell Shield
- Mysticism Expert
- Creates a magical shield in front of the caster. It blocks physical attacks and magical projectiles. This shield is fueled by the casters Magicka and will remain until the caster deactivates or is drained.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- Spell Breaker
Midas' Spirit Hammer
- Restoration Journeyman
- Midas' Spirit Hammer binds a weightless Warhammer of Spirit Energy to the caster. This weapon turns undead and damages the fatigue of your opponents.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Ebony Warhammer
- 1 Greater Life Essence
Midas' Stoneskin
- Alteration Apprentice
- Tranforms the casters flesh into flexible stone. It increases the casters armor class and resistance to fire but slows the caster and lowers mobility.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Scamp Skin
- 1 Stone Brick
Midas' Stone Storm
- Destruction Expert
- Midas' Stone Storm summons a vortex of stones centered on the caster. Those caught in its path receive physical damage and may be knocked unconscious for a period of time.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Emerald
- 1 VoidSalts
Midas' Stone Wall
- Alteration Journeyman
- This spell creates a solid wall of stone in front of the caster; creating a physical barrier between him and his foes.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Emerald
- 1 Stone Brick
Midas' Stun Gas
- Illusion Apprentice
- Midas' Stun Gas casts a cloud of gas in front of the caster that damages targets fatigue and has a chance of rendering them unconscious.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Spiddal Stick
- 1 Vampire Dust
Midas' Summon
- Conjuration Novice
- Midas' Summon summons an avatar of Midas himself. Although he will not engage in combat, you may barter with him while you are in the field. One of his more valuable characteristics is that he carries a supply of repair hammers and lock picks.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Minotaur Horn
- 1 Beer
Midas' Summon Carpet
- Conjuration Novice
- Midas' Summon Carpet calls to you a magic carpet that allows you to travel Tamriel at blazing speeds. The carpet doesn't truly fly but hovers above the ground. It does not sustain falling damage an can hover above water.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Enchanted Cloth
- 1 Ectoplasm
Midas' Summon Carpet
- Note:--- The Carpet Will Fly Properly if caps lock is pressed twice, the Controls are the same as normal, except that up and down movement is controlled by the mouse.
Midas' Sun Burst
- Restoration Apprentice
- Sun Burst calls forth a searing holy light to brighten the darkest catacombs. This spell causes substantial fire damage to vampires.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Topaz
- 1 Greater Life Essence
Midas' Thunder Cloud
- Destruction Apprentice
- Midas' Thunder Cloud summons as small but potent lightning storm that moves slowly in front of the caster. Anyone caught in it's wake will be struck by a bolt of shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Topaz
- 1 Void Salts
Midas' Tornado
- Destruction Expert
- Manifests a violent torrential cloud in front of the caster. Targets caught in its wake are helplessly flung aside and suffer shock damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Flawless Pearl
- 1 Voidsalts
Midas' Tractor Beam
- Mysticism Novice
- This spell casts a beam of force energy which draws objects and people alike toward the caster. The beam follows the caster's direction for the duration of the spell.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Astral Beacon Cap
- 1 Flawless Pearl
Midas Touch
- Alteration Novice
- Midas Touch imbues the living target with 50 points of fire and normal weapons resistance. When cast on a corpse, it will turn the corpse into gold. In moments, the corpse deteriorates into a cascade of coins.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Clanfear's Claw
Midas Transmute
- Alteration Novice
- Midas is a variation on Midas Touch. It transmutes items into gold coins. If cast on a living being it petrifies them into a golden statue. Casting the spell on the statue will return the target to normal.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Clanfear's Claw
- 1 Greater Arcane Essence
Midas' Ultima
- Restoration Expert
- Ultima is an explosive healing spell. All caught in the blast experience restored health but are stunned by the force of the blast.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Life Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas' Vortex
- Mysticism Expert
- This spell creates a magical vortex in the target area. The vortex draws all in range into its center causing magical damage.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Entropic Essence
- 1 Greater Sonic Essence
Midas Wabbabeam
- Alteration Novice
- Although theoretical, I believe it possible to use the aurum reactor to transfer the obscure powers of the legendary Wabbajack staff to a magical beam.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 WabbaJack
Midas Water Globe
- Alteration Apprentice
- Forms a swirling ball of water that precedes the caster. The first living target that touches the globe is engulfed and suspended helplessly for thirty seconds.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Greater Osmotic Essence
- 1 Greater Arcane Essence
Midas' Wildfire
- Destruction Apprentice
- This spell creates a wave of fire in front of the caster that burns all targets in it's path.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Bloodgrass
- 1 Lesser Fire Essence
- 1 Firesalts
Midas' Wings of an Angel
- Restoration Journeyman
- The caster sprouts wings and is able to fly for 30 sec. While in flight, the caster must remain stationary to cast spells or arrows.
- Ingredients
- 1 Gold Nugget
- 1 Angel Feather
- Feathers can only be bought from Angels in certain places
Midas Magic
- For more information on ingredients like Essences, Ebony, Brass and the like please read
- Aurum Assimulator
- Owner's Manual
I'd like to thank everyone that made my work possible.
Everyone at TES Construction WIKI Makers of NifScope Bethesda
And my wife for her loving devotion and toleration of my efforts.