Oblivion Mod:Kvatch Rebuilt

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Kvatch Rebuilt[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Kvatch Rebuilt Team, Zaldir
Current Version 3.0RC3
Last updated 5 August 2019
Links Oblivion Nexus
Language English

French: Confrerie des Traducteurs (v2.1.1)
German: Oblivion Nexus (v2.1.2)
Russian: Annals of Tamriel (v2.1.1)
Spanish: Oblivion Nexus (v3.0RC3)

Requirements Shivering Isles, OBSE 20+
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 6 (1)


Kvatch Rebuilt aims to rebuild the city of Kvatch from the ashes in which you find it, while blending as seamlessly as possible with the original game. The rebuilding takes place in several stages, from the clearing of the rubble to the city restored to its former glory.

Along the way you'll find a variety of quests that introduce new locations, new characters, new armor and of course the rebuilt city to explore. Along the way you'll also have the opportunity to become the Count (or Countess!) of Kvatch, depending on how you play through bits of the mod.

The complete city also features a brand new arena, where you can entertain or be entertained. It's a bit different from the arena in the Imperial City, though, to keep things more interesting.

The Expansion will let you explore the ruins of old Kvatch, and even the ruins beneath that!



  • If you are using a mod that alters the IDs of certain common creatures (eg. OOO), the in the fifth quest, A Sanguine Howl, when you need to collect souls, the spell will not recognize the added creatures. Therefore Kvatch Rebuilt has extra specific spawns for the necessary creatures that will be enabled. They can be found near places that you will have visited during the Kvatch Rebuilt quest line already.
  • It's obviously not best advised to run any of the other Kvatch overhaul mods alongside Kvatch Rebuilt. However, to switch from one to another it is recommended to make a save somewhere away from Kvatch, deactivate the other Kvatch mod, load you save game and resave. Exit again and activate Kvatch Rebuilt and load up your save.
  • From the distance Kvatch may well still look burnt, even when the rebuild is complete.
  • The ground is still burnt around the city. This is due to a limitation in the game engine.
  • It is advisable to load Kvatch Rebuilt after OOO/FCOM and Better Cities.
  • Most of the mod features NO voice acting, with the exception of the two main characters in the underground expansion.