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Oblivion:Sister Angrond

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Sister Angrond
(RefID: 000ACE74)
Location Gottlesfont Priory
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Level 4 Class Priest
RefID 000ACE74 BaseID 000ACE6D
Other Information
Health 35 Magicka 122
Responsibility 90 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Nine Divines Acolyte(Acolyte); Gottlesfont Faction
Sister Angrond at Gottlesfont Priory
Sister Angrond strolls around the Priory

Sister Angrond is a Wood Elf priestess living at Gottlesfont Priory. She and Sister Phebe Jeanard are avid gardeners, and specialize in the cultivation of Lady's Mantle. Feel free to pick some when you visit.

She wakes up at 6am, and spends four hours wandering around the priory house. At 10am she changes behavior and will, due to a series of bugs, seek you out and ask you to leave the otherwise hospitable priory the moment you enter. At midday she relaxes a bit and takes a two-hour brunch. After two hours of wandering around the bug kicks in again at 4pm and lasts until her two-hour dinner at 6pm. She spends the rest of the day wandering around the priory house, until she goes to bed at midnight.

She wears a set of middle class clothing: a blue & green outfit and a pair of quilted shoes. She carries a spare pair of tan linens and a small amount of gold.

When she greets you, she'll say "I am Sister Angrond of Gottlesfont Priory. We gather and prepare healing herbs and mushrooms." When asked about Gottlesfont Priory, she'll say "The Sisters of Gottlesfont gather Steel Blue Entoloma and Lady's Mantle Leaves. Take what you need, and you're welcome to gather mushrooms nearby."

Sister Angrond possesses a custom list of spells that befit her role as a healer, though she is unable to cast all of them (see Bugs):


  • Sister Angrond was supposed to worship in the nearby Chapel twice a day, but three faulty AI-packages cause her to stay in the house and make her hostile to strangers; firstly, her default package is a HouseOwner-package and she will fall back on this package and kick you out of the priory. Additionally, a PlayerNear-package prevents her from even trying to get to the Chapel if you are anywhere near the cell and will also slightly affect her meals. Another less-than-hospitable package, namely a LockDoorPackage will be the icing on the cake and will ensure her intended routine is more or less destroyed, with the exception of her bedtime.
  • A combination of her magical schools' skill levels and her total available magicka results in her being actually unable to cast her Cure Disease, Dismiss Undead, Greater Fortify Strength and Mute spells.