The journal provides access to most of the information about your character. It is opened using the Open Journal control. Within the journal are four main sections: Stats, Inventory, Magic and Maps and Quests. Each of these sections is further broken down into five tabs.
The manual accompanying the game provides an overview of the journal and all of its available pages, including additional details not covered here.
In addition to the Tab key, the individual sections of the journal can also be accessed using the F1 through F4 keys. The latter was a late addition and is not mentioned in the manual.
These tabs summarize your character's statistics. Unlike the other sections of your journal, no actions can be taken in the Stats tabs; they are simply for reviewing information.
This shows your character's name, his/her birthsign, and class. It also shows his/her Health, Magicka, and Fatigue levels.
This shows your eight primary Attributes, including their current values, and a description of the attribute if you have selected it. For other attributes, see the Character tab (for Health, Magicka, and Fatigue), or the Inventory section (for Encumbrance).
If an attribute's value is displayed in red, it is below normal due to a drain or damage effect. If the value is green, it is above normal due to a fortify effect. Details on the effects altering your attributes can be found on the Active Effects tab, except for damage effects.
This shows all of your skills. Your major skills are the first seven on the list, followed by the fourteen remaining miscellaneous skills.
If a skill's value is displayed in red, it is below normal due to a drain effect. If the level is green, it is above normal due to a fortify effect. Next to each skill is a progress bar showing how much experience you have gained towards increasing the skill. At the bottom of the page is a bar showing your overall progress towards raising your level.
This shows your current factions, your rank in each faction, and an insignia for each rank.
Shows various statistics about your character, ranging from days spent in jail to people killed to jokes told.
The inventory pages allow you to equip, use, and drop the items that you are carrying, as well as assign weapons and tools to hotkeys. The controls used within the inventory menus are detailed in the Inventory section of the Controls article. Highlighting any item displays additional information about that item (e.g., enchantment, potion effects, etc.) Using a tool causes you to do the associated task (e.g., selecting alchemy equipment allows you to make custom potions; selecting a repair hammer allows you to repair your equipment).
Each of the tabs in this section display your Encumbrance, total Armor Rating (including physical armor and magical shield effects), and total Gold. The symbols on the top of each page can be used to sort the list of items. The symbols represent:
: Base Value in gold
: Weight
- Dagger icon: Weapon damage (taking into account the item's health and your current skill and attribute values. In contrast, the weapon damage values listed on this site are all base weapon damage).
: item's Armor Rating (taking into the item's health and your current skill values. In contrast, the armor rating values listed on this site are all base armor ratings).
: item's percentage health (100% for fully repaired, 0% for ruined). The absolute values for each item's health are listed on this site.
This same page is also shown when you open a container or when you are bartering with a merchant. In these cases, there are two sets of pages: one for your inventory, and one for the container/merchant's inventory. To switch the displayed inventory, use the Toggle Inventory control. When you are bartering with a merchant, the displayed values are the current barter values of the items, rather than the base values.
All Items[edit]
Lists everything in your inventory (includes everything shown on the subsequent tabs).
The weapons in your inventory.
The armor and clothing in your inventory
All potions, alchemy apparatus, and ingredients in your inventory.
Miscellaneous items, including books, soul gems, keys, torches, lockpicks, Welkynd Stones and Varla Stones.
The magic tabs allow you to select your active spell, and select which spells are accessible via hotkeys. The right-hand column of each tab provides the current Magicka cost of each spell, taking into account your current skill level in the relevant magic school. Highlighting a spell provides additional details about the spell, such as the magnitude and duration of each effect.
The bottom of each tab in this section provides your current Spell Effectiveness. Note, however, that the provided spell magnitudes do not take into account the spell effectiveness.
All Magic[edit]
Lists every spell, power, and scroll to which you have access, including both purchased spells and custom spells. This tab includes everything listed on the Target, Touch, and Self&Summoning tabs.
All available magic that can be cast at a ranged target.
All available magic that requires touching the target.
All available magic that you can cast upon yourself and summonings.
Lists all of the active magical effects that are currently affecting your character, including spells, abilities, diseases, potions, poisons, enchanted armor/clothing. The value displayed next to each magical effect is the total magnitude; highlighting the effect displays the specific sources of the effect with their individual magnitudes.
The one notable exception is that damage effects (e.g., for health, magicka, or attributes) are not listed in this menu. Since such effects are permanent (until healed), identifying the source of the damage is not necessary (nor even possible in all cases, for example, health damage from weapons).
Maps and Quests[edit]
Within the maps tabs of this section you can see your current location and fast travel to other locations. The quest tabs allow you to review your quests, and set which quest is currently active.
On the two map pages, there can be up to three different colors of markers:
- A red marker indicates a quest marker that is outside the current cell
- A green marker indicates a quest marker that is in the current cell
- A blue marker can be set by the player to point anywhere. The blue marker can be set either from the Local Map or World Map tabs.
If you see a purple marker on your compass, it means that the active quest and player-set markers are in the same location relative to your current position.
Local Map[edit]
Your immediate surroundings. Indoors, it shows your current zone. Outdoors, it shows the local area. Areas which you have not yet visited are fogged out (unless fog of war has been toggled).
World Map[edit]
A map of all of Cyrodiil. Select any dark-colored map marker (light image on a dark background) to fast travel to that location. Light-colored markers (dark image on a light background) are locations you have been told about but have not yet visited; you must first travel there by foot or by horse before you can use fast travel for the location.
Active Quest[edit]
All of the quest entries for the quest that you have selected from Current Quests. The red or green markers for this quest will show up on your compass and on both maps (if the quest has any quest markers).
Current Quests[edit]
Lists the most recent quest entries for each of the quests you have received but not yet completed. Select one for it to be your Active Quest.
Completed Quests[edit]
Lists the most recent quest entries for each of the quests you have completed. If you select a quest, you can see all of its quest entries.