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Oblivion:Fort Gold-Throat

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Fort Gold-Throat
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Goblins, Undead
(1 boss-level Goblin)
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Fort Chest
Console Location Code(s)
FortGoldThroatExterior, FortGoldThroat
Nibenay Valley
Far East of Bravil, middle branch end of the Panther River
Fort Gold-Throat

Fort Gold-Throat is a small fort east of Bravil containing goblins. It contains only one zone, Fort Gold-Throat.


Key to Maps
Map of Fort Gold-Throat, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 37, -11
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Fort Gold-Throat (editor name FortGoldThroatMapMarker). The entrance door is SSW of the marker, 80 feet away.
  • 0-1 Goblin is near the entrance
  • 0-1 Mud Crab is near the entrance
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Swamp variety) is near the entrance
  • 1 Nirnroot is at location N on map
  • 1 Chest (contains Note of Bounty, ingredient, 75% soul gem; non-respawning) is at C
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 8 Fly Amanita plants, 18 Foxglove plants, 8 Monkshood plants, and 4 Summer Bolete plants

Zone 1: Fort Gold-Throat[edit]

Fort Gold-Throat

Fort Gold-Throat is a fairly linear Goblin Lair and the boss-leveled chest is an easy one to reach. From door Out head forward and ignore the passages to the left and right for now. Continue until you reach a larger room with three levels. Jump down from the balcony and dispose of the two goblins patrolling the area. Nearby you will find two minor loot chests, a zombie corpse, a bloody skeleton and a number of iron weapons and equipment (C).

Jump down from the bridge into the level below, which hosts two rats, and take northern tunnel, which will lead you to the lair of the boss-leveled Goblin at A, which is behind a Swinging Mace (D) triggered by the Pressure Plate at E. Also nearby is the fort's boss chest (B). From here, head southwest to the room with the bridge and loot the nearby chest.

You have two options now. The tunnel to the southwest leads to a dead-end catacomb-like structure with a minor loot chest guarded by an undead enemy. The southeastern tunnel instead leads you to a small balcony overlooking a room full of stone tombs, with an iron shield and an iron war axe nearby. From here you can snipe at the enemy below, or jump down to engage it. Once dispatched, use the fallen statue and wooden planks in the northwestern corner to climb out and return to the front door.


  • 1 boss-level Goblin at location A on map
  • 2 Goblins
  • 1 archer Goblin
  • 1 Undead
  • 3 Rats


  • 1 boss-level Fort Chest (Goblin variety) at location B on map
  • 1 Chest 01 (locked)
  • 2 Chests 02 (1 locked)
  • The following armor will always be found: 2 Iron Shields
  • The following weapons will always be found: 4 Iron Arrows, 1 Iron Bow, 1 Iron Dagger, and 1 Iron War Axe
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location C: 3 Iron Arrows, 1 Iron Bow, 1 Iron Dagger and 1 Iron Shield


Doors and Gates:

  • There is one door (at Out) in/out of this zone, leading outside