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Oblivion:Eugal Belette

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Eugal Belette
(RefID: 000234D1)
Home City Chorrol
House Eugal Belette's House
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 12 Class Warlock
RefID 000234D1 BaseID 000222AD
Other Information
Health 79 Magicka 192
Responsibility 20 Aggression 10
Faction(s) Mythic Dawn 0(Initiate Initiate); Chorrol Citizen
Eugal Belette

Eugal Belette is a Breton warlock living in Chorrol. He claims to be new in town, but carries a dark secret; he is a Mythic Dawn sleeper agent, and will attack you on sight upon the completion of the Dagon Shrine quest.

Rumors around town reveal that other Chorrol citizens have noticed him acting strangely, and that odd noises have been coming from his house at night. As his basement is filled with Mythic Dawn paraphernalia and alchemy equipment, this might very well hold true. Furthermore, he spends the entire night down there, from midnight until his bedtime at 6am. He wakes up at midday, exits the house, and takes the small walk down to the Oak and Crosier, where he will spend four hours wandering around and talking with the other regulars. On the 4th, 5th, and 6th of each month, this will also include his "friend" Ulen Athram. At 4pm, he heads home, and once again enters the basement to spend another two hours down there. He surfaces at 6pm, when he will eat dinner on the ground floor in his house. At 8pm, it's time for his evening walk near the South Gate, where he will stroll around until midnight.

His attire consists of a pair of doeskin shoes, a quilted doublet, and tan linens. He also carries around a copy of the Conjuration skill book Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1, his house key, and a small amount of gold. He knows one random major Destruction spell and the standard Mythic Dawn Armor and Mace spell.


When you approach him, he won't really tell you anything except his name:

"My name is Eugal Belette. I'm pretty new here – don't know a soul."
"I'm sorry. I'm new in town, and don't know anyone."


You can hear rumors about him when two NPCs talk:

Possible Starters Possible Responses
"I heard some strange noises coming from Eugal Belette's house." "I'm not so sure about that Eugal Belette. An odd fellow, and people have said there are strange noises coming from his house at all times."
"Have you heard the odd noises coming from Eugal Belette's place?" "Eugal Belette is an odd one... and I swear I heard strange noises coming from his basement not long ago."

Unused Dialogue[edit]

The reason as to why Eugal's behavior attracts so much attention from the townsfolk, is because he likely was meant to either start a quest, or at the very least play a larger role in a quest that didn't make it into the final game. In the Construction Set, there are 8 different player-only dialogue topics that are prefixed with MythicDawnPostulates. The "Mythic Dawn Postulates" are likely an earlier version of what would become known as the Mythic Dawn Commentaries in the final game. You would've had an interaction with someone about the books after you found one of them, in what might've been an earlier iteration of The Path of Dawn.

One of your available topics simply read Mythic Dawn Postulates, which might've been the start-off point. You might've also started off by saying It's just a book I found. if your conversation partner asked about it first, although this is unknown. In all likelihood, they would've started to elaborate, and you could've said Interesting. Go on. at which point they would've continued. Finally, they would ask you where you got the book from, and it appears you could've given two different responses: either From a campsite inside Sancre Tor. or From Eugal Belette. If the latter option was chosen, it seems your conversation partner would've asked what happened to Eugal, to which your only option appears to have been Belette attacked me. I killed him.

These lines imply that you were once meant to collect the Mythic Dawn's book, similar to the final game, and that getting Eugal's copy was one of the options given. In the final game, a copy of the commentaries can be found on his person as well as in his house. What's even more interesting, is the fact that the other option implies you getting it from inside Sancre Tor, a location that is normally only accesible way later in the Main Quest, implying you either would've gone there earlier, or that it was never quest-locked to begin with.


  • As a member of the Mythic Dawn, Eugal will attempt to kill Brother Piner if he detects him when he enters the city. He will attack anyone around him too, which may result in some quest-breaking deaths.
  • There are two unused AI packages bearing Eugal's name: XXXEugalBeletteEat1 and EugalBeletteOwnerFollowXx1. The former is a simple eating package that would've had Eugal eat breakfast in his house from 8am to 9am, while the latter would've made him follow you around in case you entered either his house or basement and he was nearby.


  • Even though Eugal spends a lot of time in the basement, he actually doesn't go into the locked room. He will spend all his time on top of the stairs, doing absolutely nothing. This is due to the fact that the package isn't configured correctly. The package needs a direct target inside the cell, as just using the cell as destination causes him to stand in place.