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Oblivion:Capstone Cave

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Capstone Cave
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Bandit Enemies
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Chest 02
Console Location Code(s)
CapstoneCaveExterior, CapstoneCave, CapstoneCave02
Jerall Mountains
West of Bruma
Capstone Cave

Capstone Cave is a medium-sized cave west of Bruma containing bandits. It contains two zones: Capstone Cave and Capstone Great Cavern.


  • This cave contains 55 Cairn Bolete plants and 29 Wisp Stalk plants.
  • The second section of this dungeon features a lower class knife which is suspended in mid-air. It can be reached by standing on the table and jumping up.
  • Capstone Cave also appeared in ESO.


Key to Maps
Map of Capstone Cave Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 2, 37
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Capstone Cave (editor name CapstoneCaveMapMarker). The entrance door is NNE of the marker, 50 feet away.
  • 0-1 Bandit Enemy (each 50% probability melee, 25% archer Bandit, 25% Dog) is near the entrance.
  • 1 Imperial Legion Forester is near the entrance.
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Snowy Mountains variety) is near the entrance.
  • The following weapons can be found near the entrance: 5 Iron Arrows
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 73 Clouded Funnel Cap plants, 13 Milk Thistle plants, 36 Motherwort plants, and 1 Wormwood plant
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location C: 5 Iron Arrows

Zone 1: Capstone Cave[edit]

Capstone Cave

Upon entering you will encounter a typical bandit camp in the first open area containing three enemies, a locked chest and a bedroll at b. Heading down the right hand tunnel leads to a dead end with three chests scattered around the room. Head to the left to progress through the cave, where you will find one or two bandits and a chest. To the south is a dead end with a cave in trap at F. Continuing on into the cave, the next area will contain more opposition and more minor loot. To the right is the door to the second zone, while the northern tunnel leads to yet another room with a chest. Careful when walking up though; at the end of the short tunnel is a Pressure Plate (E) that will trigger a Swinging Mace at D. Finally, enter the second zone Capstone Great Cavern through door C.




Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors in/out of this zone
    • 1 door (at Out) leads outside
    • 1 door (at C) leads out of dungeon to Capstone Great Cavern


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map

Zone 2: Capstone Great Cavern[edit]

Capstone Great Cavern

This zone welcomes you with a pressure plate triggering a Swinging Mace trap at G. Your main objective, the boss chest at B, is located on an upper level of the main cave, high above the bandit camp below. To reach it, it is necessary to go through most of the cave; head north through the only available tunnel to the upper level, then clockwise around the upper level of the main cave. While traversing the upper section, there are two Rotten Plank traps at D, that will break if you walk over them. Right next to the boss chest is a Swinging Log trap triggered by a pressure plate right after the last rotten plank. Claim the contents from the chest, then backtrack all the way to door C and reenter Capstone Cave.




Doors and Gates:

  • There is one door (at C) in/out of this zone, leading to the zone Capstone Cave


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map