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(RefID: 000389B9)
Store Faregyl Inn
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Level 20 Class Publican
RefID 000389B9 BaseID 000389B8
Available 6am-2am every day
Rents Bed Bed 10 gold
Training Trainer (Advanced)Alteration (Advanced) Alteration, Advanced
Gold 50 Mercantile Expert (80)
Sells Ingredients (Food), Root Pulp
Other Information
Health 139 Magicka 73
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Faction(s) None

Abhuki is the Khajiit innkeeper at Faregyl Inn. She sleeps on the bedroll behind the counter from 2am to 6am and spends the rest of the day serving the inn's customers and offering her services as a merchant and as an advanced trainer in Alteration.

Being an innkeeper, she can rent you a bed for 10 gold per night. She will also sell and buy food and drinks, though she makes tough bargains because of her high Mercantile skill. She wears common, middle-class clothing consisting of a brown shirt and light brown linens with pigskin shoes, and carries a medium amount of gold.

As an advanced trainer, Abhuki can provide you with the necessary reference for the Alteration master training quest. Once your Alteration skill level reaches 70, speak to her and choose the "training" option, which will trigger the quest.

Related Quests[edit]


If you inquire about renting a bed at her inn, she will say:

"A bed you seek? There is one here for you, if you have the 10 gold to rent it."

If you accept her offer, she will reply:

"Up the stairs you must go, to the first door on your right. That is your room for the night."

If you attempt to rent the bed without having enough gold, she will tell you:

"You do not have the money for me, so I do not have a room for you."

If you ask her about the bed after you've rented it, she will inform you:

"You have rented the only room I have for you."

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

If you ask her about training after your Alteration skill level reaches 70, she will tell you:

"Tooth-in-the-Sea can teach you more than I. Search for him north of Bravil, along the coast of Niben Bay. Or perhaps in it, depending on his mood."

If you ask her again about this, she will respond:

"Seek out Tooth-in-the-Sea. He can train you further."


  • Interestingly, Abhuki is assigned ownership over many doors and beds in most, if not all, of the inns across Cyrodiil. This was perhaps done to stop other NPCs from using those beds and doors. Abhuki has the first name alphabetically of any NPC, so the programmers may have just used her out of convenience.