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Eydis Fire-Eye[edit]
Moved from main text: And even if she attacks, there's a strong chance that even defending yourself may put a crime on your record, and a boot to your rear from the Faction. It just happened to me. (6/15/08)) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:40 on 16 June 2008
- I just ran this Eydis thing through a half-dozen times after completing the Main Quest and I have it figured out what is happening. When you walk within her AI range (first step on the staircase in my case) she gives a threatening dialog with Goodbye at the end and jiggles her weapon, but she never draws and attacks. She just stands there all nicey-nicey with a 100 disposition. If you attack at this point, it is a crime because she never attacked. If you activate her, she will give the same dialog and then attack. If you kill her after that, you are not charged or booted. If you cast a calm instead, she will turn nice again unless you re-activate her and she attacks again. --Brf 22:39, 17 June 2008 (EDT)