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Morrowind talk:Rabinna's Inner Beauty

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Confirm note[edit]

Just tested this: You can guide Rabinna directly to the Argonian Mission, without ever talking to her. --BenouldTC 15:37, 3 July 2008 (EDT)


So, I came across Fatleg's Drop Off in my travels, and talked to the dude who tells you to take Rabinna to Balmora, and I said no because I was doing other stuff. Now, I actually want the quest, and whenever I ask him about "deliver that slave" he says "yeah, gotta get her to Balmora one way or another" but he never lets her follow me again. Do I have to raise his disposition, or is there a console command, or am I screwed? -DevotedInsanity 18:31, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

I can't test this myself, but try entering the following three console commands: these are what would have got executed if you had accepted the quest straight away.
  • Journal "MV_SlaveMule" 30
  • AddTopic "Relam Arinith"
  • "Rabinna"->AiFollowCell Player "Balmora, Vorar Helas' House" 0, 22, 19, 5, 0
Let me know if that works. rpeh •TCE 14:50, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
Hi, Rpeh, Rabinna disappeared in my game. I used the following commands to get a new, following one:
  • placeatpc "Rabinna" 1, 1, 1
  • Clicked on newly-spawned Rabinna in the console, followed by:
  • AiFollowCell Player "Balmora, Vorar Helas' House" 0, 22, 19, 5, 0
This worked perfectly for me.
Eldubya (talk) 17:06, 31 December 2013 (GMT)

Bug May Be Resolved by Unofficial Patch[edit]

I think the bug about the mission not being flagged as completed must have been resolved by the unofficial patch. I just dropped her off at the Argonian mission and have 1.6.5 installed, and it is marked as cleared. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:41 on 2 March 2012

Not even unofficial patch; I'm running the final official patch and it registered as complete. Magic9mushroom (talk) 06:17, 3 June 2018 (UTC)
The bug was reported and confirmed before it was noted as fixed by the UMP, so while something fixed it, it does exist in some circumstance. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 13:32, 3 June 2018 (UTC)
Can you put in a note that it's fixed by an official patch, then? I'd do it myself, but I'm unversed in UESP-specific syntax. Magic9mushroom (talk) 13:05, 10 June 2018 (UTC)
There is no fix by an official patch that I am aware of. The bug was added to the page, then confirmed on the page, and then reported as fixed by the UMP shortly after. It is your report stating that the unofficial patch was not responsible, and removing the bug outright, that resulted in me re-adding it without the reported fix. As there are no patch notes for the UMP it is impossible to know what they have supposedly fixed without being one of the authors of the mod. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 13:37, 10 June 2018 (UTC)
My report is that the bug is not present in M+T+B with final official patch. It would logically follow that the original reports must have come from some previous version and thus that it's been fixed (I suppose an alternative would be that it only affects the Xbox version). Not sure why you're talking about the UMP; it's irrelevant here. I'm going to reword the bug report so that it doesn't imply the bug is present in all versions (that would be a lie, and IMO it is more important not to spread lies than to include uncertain information). Magic9mushroom (talk) 02:25, 11 June 2018 (UTC)
This is getting completely out-of-hand. I assume you read the page before you edited it, in which case you would have noticed that it said "This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project". I assume you read the text you were removing which included the abbreviation UMP. I assume you replied to the topic "Bug May Be Resolved by Unofficial Patch" you are taking issue with the fact that the unofficial patch supposedly fixed it. I assume that when you say "Not even unofficial patch" you are mentioning the unofficial patch that was included on the page before you removed it. When you start to say "Not sure why you're talking about the UMP" after all of that I assume that you have no idea what you are talking about as you mentioned it, you edited it, and you replied to a topic about it. When you say that the UMP is irrelevant under the header that explicitly mentions the unofficial patch, I do wonder what exactly might be relevant in your mind. I don't even want to start trying to understand your suggestion that the bug is only on the Xbox when exactly no-one has mentioned that anywhere.
When I say there is no documented fix in any patch or any release, then the page cannot say that. You cannot add "This does not occur on PC with the final official patch." because that implicitly implies that the bug exists and that one of the official patches fixes it, which you cannot say at all because you do not know that. Unless it is fixed by an official patch, there will likely be someone else who experiences this even in your exact circumstances (M+T+B with all latest patches).
I will repeat the order things happened, because you do not seem to understand how important it is. 1. Someone reported the bug. 2. Someone confirmed the bug as existing. 3. Someone reported the bug as fixed by the UMP. All you are telling us is that you did not experience the bug without using the UMP, which, taking into consideration the original post claiming that the UMP must have fixed it, means that the UMP probably does not fix it. You cannot state anywhere that this bug doesn't exist at all when others have experienced it. The vast majority of bugs are all "may happen", meaning that not everyone will experience it, and even those that do will not experience it on every playthrough. The simple act of loading a save before it is supposed to occur is often enough to not see it happen again.
A "confirmed" bug is not a bug that has been patched, a patched bug is a bug that has been patched. Confirmation is when two different users experience the same issue. Please stop trying to create and imply things that are not being said. Stop trying to imply that it doesn't exist. You didn't experience, good for you. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:25, 11 June 2018 (UTC)


how do you raise her disposition enough for her to talk to you? 22:22, 1 July 2012 (UTC)

I found that she'd talk to me before I accepted the quest. So I just raised her disposition some, then accepted the quest, and then she would talk to me about needing to escape and all that. --Mqduck (talk) 09:57, 14 March 2013 (GMT)
If you're Khajiit or have very good Personality, your disposition with her may very well be adequate. Downstrike (talk) 06:34, 19 April 2013 (GMT)
Under the Persuasion menu, you can Admire, Intimidate, or Bribe, depending upon what you're good at; if you're not sure, Save first. Downstrike (talk) 06:34, 19 April 2013 (GMT)
Above advice is incorrect; Persuasion options don't work on Rabinna due to her "Goodbye". Charm works, however. It's not strictly necessary to raise her disposition, in any case; the article notes that going to Vorar Helas' house and killing him will make Rabinna open up to you. Alternatively, you can simply deliver her to Im-Kilaya without being told that you need to go there. Magic9mushroom (talk) 06:14, 3 June 2018 (UTC)

Locked Doors[edit]

Shouldn't there be a note acknowledging that both doors of Vorar Helas' house are locked when you arrive there with Rabinna? One could either break in or take this as a refusal of delivery, and feel free to deliver Rabinna elsewhere. Downstrike (talk) 06:48, 19 April 2013 (GMT)

Rabinna unwilling to be freed by the Nerevarine[edit]

I was curious and tried to free Rabinna via a normal slave key (Addamasartus). As expected the option to free her appeared in conversation menu but after freeing her an error appeared and she was not freed / didn't drop her slave bracer and I was able to "free" her as often as I wanted. I wonder if all of these count towards the freed slaves for the twin lambs, might have to check that some time soon. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:36 on 28 August 2013

Rabinna won't Follow any More[edit]

Rabinna was following me between Hla Oad and Balmora when I had to save the game and exit. When I returned to the game, I remembered that I hadn't talked to her yet, so I did it then. I finished by telling her that I would take her to Im Kilaya.

She failed to follow me. I went back several times and told her to travel together, and each time she said that she would follow. She's still just standing there, near the tree in the wide flat area when I walk away. Her disposition toward me is still the original 51. I'm not using any mods, so my best guess is that the developers didn't intend for me to talk to her along the trail after saving, exiting, and reloading the saved game.

Naturally, my most recent save was just after she agreed to follow me this time, and my backup save was back in Hla Oad, before several other actions I'd done there. Apparently, I'm going to have to do them over.Downstrike (talk) 05:28, 8 July 2020 (UTC)

It's been a while since I've played, but the mechanisms for NPC's following is universal so developer intent is irrelevant. I was unable to reproduce but I do have MPP 1.6.5 and a host of other mods that came with the 4GB patch. You say no mods, does that include Tribunal and Bloodmoon?
Open the console, click on Rabinna and type GetCurrentAIPackage. Confirm if it is properly set to 3.00. It's likely Rabinna is "stuck" which you can type tcl with her selected and it should get her moving again after which you can type tcl again to get her correctly placed on the ground. Sometimes just doubling back past an NPC and taking a slightly different route can also get them moving again. C45P3R (talk) 23:15, 2 August 2022 (UTC)

Cannot Free the Khajiit[edit]

Good evening.

Okay, so I'm mad now. I was going to go to the Team Commona Hideout behind the secret switch that opens the trapdoor. It's the one in the Fat Leg Shop. There was no guard to fight.

When I arrived, I trolled every Commona Tong member into attacking me.

That's when it got better.

I met an actual human trafficker asking me to take a Pleasure Khajiit literally and physically stuffed with Skooma to the boss in Balmora. Her name was Rabinna. I refused and then killed the trafficker, taking his clothes for extra measure.

Following on my quest to kill the Commona Tong in order to un-cuck House Hlaalu from their grasp, I killed everyone else except the enslaved Khajiit.

Now, I can't free the Khajiit; there's no key to her shackles. When I talk to the Khajiit, it just says she's too scared to speak and force-closes the dialog. I have no Bounty on my head or any faults against my character. I am also playing a Khajiit myself.

She doesn't follow me.

After some searching, I read about this Quest. I am afraid that I am no longer able to actually free Rabinna. I am a Khajiit and I have a duty to The Clowder to free my kind. I accidentally killed a slave once or twice because I didn't realize it, but I've freed every single one that I have come across. Rabinna is next. I need her to be free.

I am not able to go back to a previous saved game because I saved after I cleared the entire hideout.

What can I do now? I am willing to use cheat codes to get out of this problem.

Thank you for any assistance you may render.

-- 01:18, 24 July 2022 (UTC)

Okay, I managed to solve the problem. I restarted the game, came back in, and I was able to talk to Rabinna again. This was not the case previously. Restarting the game apparently reset the relation between me and Rabinna in the form of Disposition. Now that her master was dead, the game calculated her differently after I restarted. I am leaving this here in case anyone can be helped by this. If you want to avoid this problem, raise her Disposition BEFORE you kill her trafficker. -- 02:01, 24 July 2022 (UTC)

Final journal entry completes quest just fine on official version 1.6.1820[edit]

The bug section notes that after taking her to Ebonhart, quest stage 115 doesn't actually complete the quest. However, I'm playing on 1.6.1820, officially downloaded from GoG, with Tribunal and Bloodmoon applied, and without any mods whatsoever (certainly not UMP or MPP or anything), and that quest stage completed the quest just fine, i.e. Rabinna's Inner Beauty shows up in my "inactive quests" section just fine.