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Morrowind talk:Potion Recipe

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Did anyone else have encounter this problem?[edit]

I looted the chest before being given the quest, and the recipe wouldn't appear later. The only way to get past the quest at that point was to kill Tusamircil. Michael 04:24, 8 July 2008 (EDT)

Shouldn't happen. When your journal is updated to stage 10 for this quest, the script "crate_01_anis seloth"->AddItem "bk_dispelrecipe_tgca" 1 is run, which should add the recipe regardless of whether or not you've already looted the chest. Patronizing question - are you sure you've got the right chest? –RpehTCE 05:27, 8 July 2008 (EDT)
For some reason, it happened twice. And yes, I went so far as to check every chest in the shop after not initially finding it. Michael 01:41, 23 July 2008 (EDT)
This problem occurs with quite a few quests. Very annoying, considering that the script runs when the quest is activated, as Rpeh pointed out. There must be conflicting code when the script encounters a container which is already looted, causing the item not to spawn.
It was proposed somewhere on other quest to put item in conteiner (chest) prior to quest and quest item will be added to container as it suposed . Quest item wont be added to container/chest if it has been looted and left empty but it will be added if you will put item (any) to it before quest. --Ciberzombie (talk) 00:59, 8 February 2015 (GMT)

Potion making[edit]

Does any one know of a way to make a invisibility potion. I have all master equipment eg. masters retort... I need the ingredients that I am meant to use whhich I have no clue of. 12:45, 20 December 2009 (UTC)

See Morrowind:Invisibility#Alchemy_Ingredients.--Ratwar 17:25, 20 December 2009 (UTC)