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Morrowind talk:Daedric Shrines

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Common Factors by Daedra?[edit]

I've just noticed that all of the Mehrunes Dagon shrines (and none of the others) have people in them who are holding Sanguine Items for the Threads of the Webspinner. I know that all the Malacath shrines are inhabited by Orcs. Are there any other similar factors in common for all of the shrines to Molag Bal or Sheogorath that anyone knows about? I used to think that the Daedric shrines were all pretty much interchangeable based on which Daedra was represented - that the only discernable difference was the statue. (Never mind the quest-specific ones, of course.) But now that I see that 2 out of 4 of them have other defining characteristics, I wonder if it's true of the rest? --TheRealLurlock Talk 20:33, 15 January 2009 (EST)

Ruins vs. Shrines[edit]

Currently, we seem to have two different standards for naming and categorizing Daedric locations in the game. Sometimes, as in this case, they're referred to as "Shrines", and other times, as in on all of the individual pages as well as the categories, they're listed as "Ruins". I'd like to propose that all "Ruins" pages be renamed to "Shrines", as well as changing the parameters in the templates for all the pages. The reason for this is simple: Not all of the shrines are ruins. Of course, there ends up being a small bit of ambiguity regarding such locations as Anudnabia, Magas Volar, and - well, that's about it really. And Magas Volar barely counts, since it's just one room with one enemy you can only easily visit once. Though it's also not "ruined". But I think in general, "Shrines" just fits better than "Ruins". This allows such places as the Shrine of Azura, Khartag Point, and Valenvaryon to be included, without innacurately describing them as ruins. Potentially, Mephala's shrine in Vivec could be counted as well, though it would end up with a category that contains only that and nothing else. (At least Azura and Boethiah manage to get two entries each - though Azura had only one until I added Ald Daedroth just now.) Since this would involve altering a widely used template, changing parameters on a few dozen pages, and creating and deleting several categories, I figured I'd check to see if anyone has a problem with this change before doing anything. --TheRealLurlock Talk 11:17, 17 January 2009 (EST)

Daedra spawning everytime you load a save in there[edit]

I googled it but it seems no-one point it, so here I go. Yesterday I was playing Morrowind and went to Assarnatamat. I killed there Thovasi Alen, Tonasi Belas, a random annoying Daedroth, and an expected "surprise" dremora, when looting the chest/jewels next to the statue.

Then I saved my game, no-ones around, and quit the game. Today, I played again, load my game, and then 'SURPRISE!' A dremora, popping from nowhere, right there, in a corner of the room, rushing me (and successfully killing me, as I was only 1/2 health when I saved yesterday, but I was suppose to be alone and ready to "rest" for full recover).

I was like "What the hell ??". I saved the game, I was alone, I load it and a Dremora popping from nowhere and killing me. Thinking it was a bug, I just reloaded... The dremora wasn't there, but a damn Daedroth took his place. I keep reload again, again and again, but it keep spawning a daedra in my face on load everytime.

I manage to kill the popping-from-nowhere dremora, looting its corpse, and then save. I then try to rest for full recover but got interrupted by a casual dark brotherhood ninja-assassin from Tribunal expansion (yeah yeah, my lucky day...). Since I wasn't healed, and my healing potion got ruined by my last encounters he killed me !

And I let you guess what happened when I reload the "automatic save" from just before I try to rest (and getting killed by the surprise assassin)

Answer : Another dremora popping in my face !

Right now, i'm frustrated. If I load my save, a dremora appear (wherever I stand in the room when I save) and kill me. If I kill it, then try to recover health by resting, the assassin pop and kill me. If I reload my game just before resting, to avoid the assassin, another dremora pop and kill me. (and if I step outside, 2 scamp, 1 frost atronach and 1 clannfear, who all magically respawn too, beat me to death,).

So... Is this COMPLETELY unfair free spawn on game-load/F9 normal ? Am I just cursed for being level 10+, like "lol, now you will be harassed by ennemy everywhere" ? Is it just daedric shrine ennemies spawn being completely insane ? Or is it just me and possibly and unlucky bug ?

Sorry for long explanation, but it just ruined my party, unless i'm using console command and cheats to get out of this mess. 17:08, 17 March 2013 (GMT)