Morrowind Rebirth:Brutus

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Brutus (MR_RM_Dave)
Added by Morrowind Rebirth
Home City Ebonheart
House Imperial Estate Agency
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 19 Class Acrobat
Other Information
Health 197 Magicka 118
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Brutus is an Imperial acrobat that is the person to talk to if you wish to purchase some of the Real Estate added by Morrowind Rebirth. He is wearing extravagant clothing and is carrying 7 septims.


  • Greetings:
    • "Hello there. I'm Brutus. Real estate agent for the region of Vvardenfell. May I assume you are here to inquire about a property?"
  • Greetings after purchasing the corresponding home:
    • "Hello again %PCName. I hope you're enjoying your time at the Ashland Refuge."
    • "How's Fungai Hill? Is it everything you hoped for?"
    • "The River's Edge". Has a lovely ring to it don't you think?"
    • "Hope you bought yourself a copy of the "Guide to Vivec". I always get lost there without it."
    • "How's that nice little mining town in the North my friend? I bet even you haven't managed to find enough junk to fill up that house yet right?"
  • Arwin:
    • "Situated in Ald'Ruhn, a delightful cosy shell cottage built to last. It's typical of it's era and comprises of a large spacious living area. No fuss. No mess. It would make a lovely home to store all those little keep sakes you pick up on your travels. There are plenty of facilities in the town including several places of entertainment and a large shopping area. 10,000 gold is a snip! What say you?"
      • "That doesn't really sound like the home for me.":
        • "I'm sad to say that is all I can offer one with the restricted funds such as yourself. Maybe you can come back another time and see if I have anything more suitable for your financial status in the future."
      • "Sounds fantastic. I'll take it!":
        • Superb choice %PCName. Just let me stamp these papers and it's all yours.
        • If not enough funds: "It appears you don't have the required funds for this property %PCName. What have you done with the assets you showed to me? Please. Come back another time when you have your finances in order."
  • Darkstone Manor:
    • If you purchase this property I promise you will be thrilled! This luxurious two story home is located right in the middle of town with plenty of room for storage and any other use you can think of. It's even large enough to raise a family if you find that special someone you want to share it with. At 50,000 gold I can not stress what a bargain this is!
      • "I think I'll pass. Much too expensive for me.":
        • "You don't know what you're missing %PCName. It truly is the cream on top of the sweet roll! Oh well. Maybe I can interested you in somewhere else?"
      • "Sounds amazing. I must have it!":
        • "This is the best decision of your life. You will not regret it. Let me stamp your paperwork make sure that everything is in order and it's yours!"
      • If not enough funds:
        • "Oh such a shame you're going to miss out on this fantastic property. If only you had brought enough cash along we could have closed the deal today!"
  • Fungai Hill:
    • "A very attractive property this one. It's a two-story building with excellent local facilities and entertainment. There is a vibrant market place to be found there and of course, the main feature is doubtless the great Imperial castle that looks out to sea.

Very picturesque indeed. In a short, the town boasts the best in the way of protection, entertainment and transport facilities. 15.000 is a bargain! What do you say?"

      • "Never really trusted the Telvanni to be honest. I think I will pass.":
        • "Very well. Maybe another property is of interest to you instead?"
      • "Sounds just the job for me! I'll take it.":
        • "This is good news indeed. I may shut up shop early today. Just let me stamp these papers and take your payment and we're all set."
          • If not enough funds:
            • "Oh dear. Sadly you don't appear to have the funds to cover this purchase."
  • property:
    • "There's nothing like being the owner of all you survey. Kicking off those heavy boots after a hard day adventuring and sitting in front of your roaring fire with a mug of your favourite mead. Right now I have five homes for sale. 'Arwin' in Ald'ruhn for 10,000, 'Fungai Hill' in Sadrith Mora for 15,000, 'River's Edge' in Balmora for 20,000, 'Strider's Rest' in Vivec for 20,000, and 'Darkstone Manor' in Caldera for 50,000."
    • "Maybe later.":
      • If your character is male: "Don't say I didn't offer. I should be around here if you ever change your mind. Good day to you sir."
      • If your character is female:"Don't say I didn't offer. I should be around here if you ever change your mind. Another time perhaps my lady."
    • "I want to know more":
      • If your character is the Master of the Fighters Guild:"Your reputation proceeds you %PCName. You must be eager to have a home that reflects your stature in life. Am I right? I suppose you should see my property listings."
      • If your character is wearing the ring Moon and Star:"From the moment I saw that ring in your possession I knew you were someone of importance. I will double my efforts to find you something perfect. I suppose you should see my property listings."
      • If your character is the Arch-Mage:"I knew you would be interested in somewhere comfortable. It must be terribly hard being the Arch-Mage here, all that stature and distinction and nowhere to call home. I will double my efforts to find you something perfect. I suppose you should see my property listings."
      • If your character is male:"I do like a man that knows what he wants and I knew you were a man of some stature from the moment I set eyes on you. Allow me to tell you what I have on offer and then you can decide how best to proceed. Becoming a land owner is a very big commitment and I wouldn't want you to make the mistake of making a purchase that wasn't right for you. I suppose you should see my property listings."
      • If your character is female:"I do like a woman that knows what she wants and I knew you were a woman of stature from the moment I set eyes on you. Allow me to tell you what I have on offer and then you can decide how best to proceed. Becoming a land owner is a very big commitment and I wouldn't want you to make the mistake of making a purchase that wasn't right for you. I suppose you should see my property listings."
  • property listings:
    • "Before I tell you all about the properties I have available to offer, we need to complete some formalities. My clients insist that I see your financial position before we can proceed. Would this be to your satisfaction right now?"
      • "Hang on. I don't have all my wealth with me right now.":
        • "Very well. I will let you amass your assets for my perusal at a later date. Don't take too long or I may sell your perfect home to another client."
      • "Go right ahead. I have nothing to hide.":
        • If your character has less than 10000 gold on him:"Unfortunately you don't appear to be able to cover the costs of a new home. I'm sure with a little hard work and some time you could aspire to be a home owner. Until them I am sorry to say I can not help you. Good luck with your future and I hope we can do business then.
        • If your character has between 10000 and 15000 gold on him:"Splendid. I'm afraid I only have one that's available within your price range. The previous owner called it Arwin for some unknown reason but it has since been renamed to the Ashland Refuge. A much nicer sounding name don't you think?"
        • If your character has between 150000 and 20000 gold on him:"Wonderful news. I have two properties within your price range right now. There is a shell cottage in the heart of Ald'ruhn called Arwin and a quaint little place in Sadrith Mora known as Fungai Hill."
        • If your character has between 20000 and 50000 gold on him:"Well with a person of your means this has opened up a lot more options. I have no less than four properties for you to chose from at this time. I have a nice little shell cottage in Ald'ruhn, named "Arwin". A larger townhouse in Sadrith Mora, "Fungai Hill". A truly lovely home in Balmora by the river called "River's Edge", and a Velothi styled home in Vivec with the interesting name of "Strider's Rest". Take your pick."
        • If your character has more than 50000 gold on him:"With your wealth and means I think I am able to offer you any of the lots I have been allocated. I have Arwin in Ald'ruhn, Fungai Hill in Sadrith Mora, River's Edge in Balmora, Strider's Rest in Vivec and the very impressive Darkstone Manor in Caldera. Just ask and I will tell you all about them."
  • River's Edge:
    • "Ah, Balmora. The town that has everything. You have surely visited Balmora on your travels and my description couldn't do it justice. This is a typical modern townhouse built by the river Odai. It's quite a recent build so it won't require any maintenance for many years to come. It is only one room and a cellar but I am guessing that you spend more time on the road than sitting around the fireplace?"
      • "I think I will hold on to my money until something better comes along.":
        • "Such a shame. It is quite delightful but if you have made your mind up then who am I to change it?"
      • "Sounds like just the place I need.":
        • "You have made an excellent choice %PCName. Just let me stamp this deed and take the fees and we're all done."
        • If not enogh funds:
          • "What have you done with your money %PCName? It appears you don't have enough to buy this fabulous property."
  • Strider's Rest:
    • "Located close to the Silt Strider port this spacious home boasts two living rooms and a cellar. It provides easy access to the city and transport via boat or strider. It's priced at 20,000 gold which is very reasonable in this current economic climate. Interested?"
      • "Not sure Vivec is the place for me.":
        • "I can understand your frustration. Really I can. Vivec has never been my glass of mead either."
      • "Sound like just what I need!":
        • "That is great news. You're going to love it. Let me get your paperwork in order and take the fees and we're all set."
        • If not enough funds:
          • "I'm sorry. It appears you don't have the funds to purchase this property. Please, come back to me when you have the appropriate fee."


  • Brutus does not carry the keys to the houses, as such it is impossible to cheat the system by killing him or pickpocketing the keys from him.
  • In a similar manner, killing Brutus means you will not be able to purchase any of the real estate.
  • Since the purchasing of property is done through dialogue, having higher disposition with Brutus will not lower the price of the houses.