Morrowind Mod:RemoveEffects

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                RemoveEffects, EffectID

       Where:   EffectID = Magic effect to remove, use the following number values:
                        85  = sEffectAbsorbAttribute      20  = sEffectDrainFatigue             77  = sEffectRestoreFatigue
                        88  = sEffectAbsorbFatigue        18  = sEffectDrainHealth              75  = sEffectRestoreHealth
                        86  = sEffectAbsorbHealth         21  = sEffectDrainSkill               78  = sEffectRestoreSkill
                        89  = sEffectAbsorbSkill          19  = sEffectDrainSpellpoints         76  = sEffectRestoreSpellPoints
                        87  = sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints    126 = sEffectExtraSpell               42  = sEffectSanctuary
                        63  = sEffectAlmsiviIntervention  8   = sEffectFeather                  3   = sEffectShield
                        47  = sEffectBlind                14  = sEffectFireDamage               15  = sEffectShockDamage
                        123 = sEffectBoundBattleAxe       4   = sEffectFireShield               46  = sEffectSilence
                        129 = sEffectBoundBoots           117 = sEffectFortifyAttackBonus       11  = sEffectSlowFall
                        127 = sEffectBoundCuirass         79  = sEffectFortifyAttribute         58  = sEffectSoultrap
                        120 = sEffectBoundDagger          82  = sEffectFortifyFatigue           48  = sEffectSound
                        131 = sEffectBoundGloves          80  = sEffectFortifyHealth            67  = sEffectSpellAbsorption
                        128 = sEffectBoundHelm            84  = sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier 136 = sEffectStuntedMagicka
                        125 = sEffectBoundLongbow         83  = sEffectFortifySkill             106 = sEffectSummonAncestralGhost
                        121 = sEffectBoundLongsword       81  = sEffectFortifySpellpoints       110 = sEffectSummonBonelord
                        122 = sEffectBoundMace            52  = sEffectFrenzyCreature           134 = sEffectSummonCenturionSphere
                        130 = sEffectBoundShield          51  = sEffectFrenzyHumanoid           103 = sEffectSummonClannfear
                        124 = sEffectBoundSpear           16  = sEffectFrostDamage              104 = sEffectSummonDaedroth
                        7   = sEffectBurden               6   = sEffectFrostShield              105 = sEffectSummonDremora
                        50  = sEffectCalmCreature         39  = sEffectInvisibility             114 = sEffectSummonFlameAtronach
                        49  = sEffectCalmHumanoid         9   = sEffectJump                     115 = sEffectSummonFrostAtronach
                        40  = sEffectChameleon            10  = sEffectLevitate                 113 = sEffectSummonGoldensaint
                        44  = sEffectCharm                41  = sEffectLight                    109 = sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker
                        118 = sEffectCommandCreatures     5   = sEffectLightningShield          112 = sEffectSummonHunger
                        119 = sEffectCommandHumanoids     12  = sEffectLock                     108 = sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker
                        132 = sEffectCorpus               60  = sEffectMark                     102 = sEffectSummonScamp
                        70  = sEffectCureBlightDisease    43  = sEffectNightEye                 107 = sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion
                        69  = sEffectCureCommonDisease    13  = sEffectOpen                     116 = sEffectSummonStormAtronach
                        71  = sEffectCureCorprusDisease   45  = sEffectParalyze                 111 = sEffectSummonWingedTwilight
                        73  = sEffectCureParalyzation     27  = sEffectPoison                   135 = sEffectSunDamage
                        72  = sEffectCurePoison           56  = sEffectRallyCreature            1   = sEffectSwiftSwim
                        22  = sEffectDamageAttribute      55  = sEffectRallyHumanoid            59  = sEffectTelekinesis
                        25  = sEffectDamageFatigue        61  = sEffectRecall                   101 = sEffectTurnUndead
                        23  = sEffectDamageHealth         68  = sEffectReflect                  133 = sEffectVampirism
                        24  = sEffectDamageMagicka        100 = sEffectRemoveCurse              0   = sEffectWaterBreathing
                        26  = sEffectDamageSkill          95  = sEffectResistBlightDisease      2   = sEffectWaterWalking
                        54  = sEffectDemoralizeCreature   94  = sEffectResistCommonDisease      33  = sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease
                        53  = sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid   96  = sEffectResistCorprusDisease     32  = sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease
                        64  = sEffectDetectAnimal         90  = sEffectResistFire               34  = sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease
                        65  = sEffectDetectEnchantment    91  = sEffectResistFrost              28  = sEffectWeaknessToFire
                        66  = sEffectDetectKey            93  = sEffectResistMagicka            29  = sEffectWeaknessToFrost
                        38  = sEffectDisintegrateArmor    98  = sEffectResistNormalWeapons      31  = sEffectWeaknessToMagicka
                        37  = sEffectDisintegrateWeapon   99  = sEffectResistParalysis          36  = sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons
                        57  = sEffectDispel               97  = sEffectResistPoison             35  = sEffectWeaknessToPoison
                        62  = sEffectDivineIntervention   92  = sEffectResistShock              30  = sEffectWeaknessToShock
                        17  = sEffectDrainAttribute       74  = sEffectRestoreAttribute         
        Type:   Magic

     Returns:   none

     Example:   RemoveEffects, 56
                player->RemoveEffects, 1

     Scripts:   Not Used

Removes all spells currently affecting the calling actor that include the given effect. Note that this is slightly different from the GetEffect function which accepts the sEffect___ ID rather than the numeric value.

See Also: GetEffect, RemoveSpell, RemoveSpellEffects