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Morrowind:Unused Items

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Unused Items items that are unreleased, scrapped, or unavailable to the player through normal gameplay. This list also includes content such as items that can be obtained in-game, but the intended feature they are meant to fulfill was not implemented. This list includes content found in Tribunal and Bloodmoon. For information on unused content in general, please see the related page.


Unique Artifacts[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Speed Reach Damage Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-weapon-Wings of the Queen of Bats.png

Wings of the Queen of Bats

Wings of the Queen of Bats 30 3,000 12,000 1.25 1.0 C:1−44

Cast When Strikes
Drain Health Drain Health 1−10 pts for 30 secs on Target

500/50 = 10
An unused item that cannot be found in-game.
Name Found Opens
Rusty Key
  • On a barrel in ToddTest
  • A corpse in Hlaalu Canton - underwater at the southeastern end
  • Corpse in Vivec, Redoran Underworks
  • Corpse in Hanud
  • Corpse in Berandas, Keep, Top Level

According to The Morrowind Prophecies page 241, it would have been one of the many of The Skeleton Key.

  • Chest (65) next to the skeleton in Vivec, Hlaalu Underworks.
  • Barrel (the one on which the key rests) in ToddTest

Unused Artifact Copies[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Speed Reach Enchant
MW-icon-weapon-Mehrunes' Razor.png

Ebony Shortsword

Ebony Shortsword 16.0 1,200 5,000 C: 10-20
S: 10-20
T: 12-22
2.5 1.0 8
It's identical in appearance to Mehrunes' Razor, despite being labeled an Ebony Shortsword. It's possible this was an earlier option which was later replaced with a Rusty Dagger. Cannot be found in-game.
MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Warhammer.png


Dwarven Warhammer 32.0 5000 600 C:1-39
1.0 1.5 5.5
An unused 'false copy' of Sunder. A two-handed weapon, unlike the real thing. Cannot be found in-game.


Sunder 40.0 2000 300 C:3-40
1.5 1.0 16
An unused 'false copy' of Sunder. Cannot be found in-game.
Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 01.png

Belt of Heartfire

Belt of Heartfire 4.0 20,000

Cast When Used
Fortify Health Fortify Health 10−20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Resist Poison Resist Poison 10−20% for 30 secs on Self
Fire Shield Fire Shield 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 20 pts for 30 secs on Self

640/128 = 5
Unused variant of base item. Not seen in-game.
MW-icon-clothing-Belt of Heartfire.png

Belt of Heartfire

Belt of Heartfire 1.0 20,000

Cast When Used
Fortify Health Fortify Health 10−20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Resist Poison Resist Poison 10−20% for 30 secs on Self
Fire Shield Fire Shield 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 20 pts for 30 secs on Self

640/128 = 5
Unused variant of base item. Not seen in-game.
MW-icon-jewelry-Heart Ring.png

Heart Ring

Heart Ring 0.2 30,000

Cast When Used
Dispel Dispel 20−50% on Self
Lightning Shield Lightning Shield 10−20 pts for 0 secs on Self
Resist Frost Resist Frost 30−50% for 0 secs on Self
Resist Fire Resist Fire 30−50% for 0 secs on Self

2,840/568 = 5
Unused variant of base item. Not seen in-game.
MW-icon-jewelry-Soul Ring.png

Soul Ring

Soul Ring 0.2 30,000

Cast When Used
Dispel Dispel 10−20% on Self
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 10−20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Health Fortify Health 10−20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Resist Shock Resist Shock 10−20% for 30 secs on Self
Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 10−20% for 30 secs on Self

490/98 = 5
Identical variant of base item. Not seen in-game.



Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Colovian Fur Helm

Red Colovian Fur Helm

Colovian Fur Helm 2.0 70 25 7 7.5
Not found in the game, but presumably intended for Grandfather Frost.
Note that it is not actually red, but rather yellow, just like the standard Colovian Fur Helm.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
Ancient Steel Tower Shield

Ancient Steel Tower Shield

Steel Tower Shield 20.0 180 100 19 75
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.
Item Base Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-armor-Chitin Shield.png

Veloth's Shield

Velothian Shield 4.0 200 85 10

Cast When Used
Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts for 1 sec on Self

15/3 = 5
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.



Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Charge/
MW-icon-weapon-Iron Arrow.png

Dart of Judgment

Iron Arrow 0.1 10 500 1-3

Cast When Strikes
Poison Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
Poison Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
Poison Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
Poison Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
Paralyze Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
Paralyze Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
Paralyze Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
Paralyze Paralyze for 1 sec on Self

5/1 = 5
This version of the Dart of Judgment is an arrow, which explains why Aengoth refers to them as arrows when he asks you to retrieve them. However, the darts and not the arrows are what actually appear in-game. It's possible this was changed at the last minute and the dialogue was not updated to match.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Speed Reach Enchantment
BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Battleaxe.png

Nordic Silver Battleaxe

Nordic Silver Battleaxe 22 1400 800 C: 25–45
S: 20–30
T :1–5
2.0 1.4

Constant Effect
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 10 pts on Self
Fortify Axe Fortify Axe 10 pts on Self
Resist Common Disease Resist Common Disease 75 pts on Self

Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game. Only available with Bloodmoon expansion installed.

Blunt Weapons[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Speed Reach Enchant
MW-icon-weapon-Daedric Club.png

Anora's Club

Daedric Club 36.0 1,600 10,000 C: 10-12
S: 4-8
T: 6-8
1.5 1.0 12
Unused variant of base item that cannot be found in-game. Anora does exist in-game, however. The ID tgdc indicates it may have been related to a Thieves Guild quest that was removed at some point.
Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Speed Reach Enchantment Charge/
MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Mace.png


Dwarven Mace 50.0 4,000 50,000 C: 10-45
S: 10-35
T: 6-10
1.3 1.0

Cast When Strikes
Burden Burden 10 pts on Self
Absorb Luck Absorb Luck 10 pts on Touch
Demoralize Humanoid Demoralize Humanoid 10 pts on Touch
Rally Humanoid Rally Humanoid 10 pts on Touch
Absorb Speechcraft Absorb Speechcraft 10 pts on Touch
Damage Personality Damage Personality 10 pts on Touch

0/10 = 0
Carried by Lord Cluttermonkey, found in the Used Clutter Warehouse. Since this is a test cell, it can never be found in-game. This also explains the rather bizarre enchantments on the weapon, and the fact that it lacks a charge, so it can't really do anything anyway. Turning on god mode, however, will allow it to work as the game gives enchanted weapons unlimited charge, even when they would be unusable without god mode active.
MW-icon-weapon-Silver Staff.png

Herder's Crook

Silver Staff 6.4 270 860 C: 2-7
S: 3-7
T: 1-5
1.75 1.5

Cast When Strikes
Paralyze Paralyze for 5 secs on Touch
Damage Health Damage Health 3-7 pts for 5 secs on Touch

80/40 = 2
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.
MW-icon-weapon-Wooden Staff.png

Staff of Llevule

Wooden Staff 8.0 270 160 C: 2-6
S: 3-6
T: 1-5
1.75 1.8

Cast When Strikes
Damage Endurance Damage Endurance 5-8 pts on Touch
Damage Strength Damage Strength 5-8 pts on Touch

50/5 = 10
Shares the same enchantment with the Dagger of Judgement, which can be found next to the skull of Llevule Andrano. Cannot be found in-game.

Short Blades[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Speed Reach Enchant
Fork of Horripilation

Iron Fork
iron fork

Iron Fork 1.0 400 1 C: 3−5
S: 3−5
T: 3−5
2.5 1.0 10
Unused base item for Fork of Horripilation. Cannot be found in-game.

Throwing Weapons[edit]

Item Base Item Weight Value Damage Enchant
MW-icon-weapon-Azura's Star.png

Azura's Star

Azura's Star 4.0 1 1-5 10
This is a throwing star version of Azura's Star that cannot be found in-game.
MW-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger.png

Throwing Knife of Sureflight*
throwing knife of sureflight

Steel Throwing Knife 0.3 7 1-4 1
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.
Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Charge/
MW-icon-weapon-Silver Dart.png

Spite Dart

Silver Dart 0.2 60 1.0 2-5 Poison Poison 2-4 pts. for 10 sec.
Paralysis Paralysis for 10 sec.
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.



Item Base Item Weight Value Enchant
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Mandas Family Locket

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 240 120
May have originally have been intended to be given as a quest reward by Delyna Mandas. She instead gives another amulet. Cannot be found in-game.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 01.png

Champion Belt
champion belt

Expensive Belt 1.0 50

Cast When Used
Shield Shield 15 pts for 10 secs on Self

75/15 = 5
Unused variant of base item that cannot be found in-game.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchant
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 02.png

Tsiya's Ring

Common Ring 0.1 2 1
This ring was likely intended to be for the NPC of the same name, Tsiya. Cannot be found in-game.
Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 01.png

Fenrick's Doorjam Ring
fenrick's doorjam ring

Common Ring 0.1 5

Cast When Used
Lock Lock 10 pts on Touch

5/1 = 5
Name and effect are the same as the spell Fenrick's Doorjam. Cannot be found in-game.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 03.png

Recall Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 100

Cast When Used
Recall Recall

90/18 = 5
Name and effect are the same as the spell Recall. Cannot be found in-game.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
Slippers of Doom

Slippers of Doom

Common Shoes 3.0 2

Cast When Used
Damage Health Damage Health 30 pts for 1 sec on self

120/24 = 5
Unused variant of base item. Cannot be found in-game.

Alchemy Apparatus[edit]

Object ID Name Type Weight Value Quality Count
SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_sm_mortar_01 SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestl * Mortar/Pestle 1 6000 2 0

SecretMaster's Alembic apparatus_sm_alembic_01 SecretMaster's Alembic * Alembic 3 1600 2 0

SecretMaster's Calcinator apparatus_sm_calcinator_01 SecretMaster's Calcinator * Calcinator 6 3200 2 0

SecretMaster's Retort apparatus_sm_retort_01 SecretMaster's Retort * Retort 2 1000 2 0

Thieves Tools[edit]

Item Weight Value Uses Quality
MW-icon-tool-Secret Master's Lockpick.png

Secret Master's Lockpick

0.25 500 25 1.5
MW-icon-tool-Secret Master's Probe.png

Secret Master's Probe

0.25 500 25 1.50

Other Items[edit]

Readable Notes[edit]

Item Weight Value

Hospitality Papers

0.2 0
Available in-game where they can be purchased for 25 gold from Angaredhel, but their intended feature is not implemented.
Nobody in Sadrith Mora cares whether you've purchased these or not, so it's basically a waste of money


Item Weight Value
MW-icon-potion-Cheap Potion.png

Jar of grease

2.0 15
CS only, does not exist in the game.

BSA-only Items[edit]

Models, textures, and icons for these items are present in the game's BSA (Bethesda Softworks Archive), but the items themselves haven't been created in the game files. Names are assigned based on the filenames.


Item Notes
MW-icon-jewelry-Ring of Namira.png

Ring of Namira



  • The model's faces and normals are flipped, i.e. visible from the inside instead of the outside.
  • This book is likely a reference to H.P. Lovecraft's fictional grimore, the Necronomicon. The face present on the grimore is likely a reference to the original The Evil Dead's design on the grimore. The book's name may be a reference to Abholos (Devourer in the Mist), one of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos creatures.


Item Notes
BM-icon-armor-Riekling Shield 02.png

Riekling Shield


Item Notes
MW-icon-weapon-Daedric Longspear.png

Daedric Longspear

MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Longspear.png

Dwemer Longspear

BM-icon-weapon-Nordic Silver Spear.png

Nordic Silver Spear

BM-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Shortsword.png

Stalhrim Shortsword

BM-icon-weapon-Stalhrim Spear.png

Stalhrim Spear

MW-icon-weapon-Wooden Crossbow.png

Wooden Crossbow

  • Would have added to the lacking amount of available crossbows. For an image, please click the link here.


MW-icon-light-Blue Candle.png

Blue Candle

MW-icon-light-Green Candle.png

Green Candle

MW-icon-light-Ivory Candle.png

Ivory Candle

Miscellaneous Items[edit]




MW-icon-misc-Rope Coil.png

Rope Coil

MW-icon-misc-Scrapwood.pngMW-icon-misc-Scrapwood 02.png

MW-icon-misc-Scrapwood 03.pngMW-icon-misc-Scrapwood 04.png
MW-icon-misc-Scrapwood 05.png




Item Notes
MW-icon-ingredient-Wickwheat 02.png
