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Morrowind:Tashpi Ashibael

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Tashpi Ashibael (tashpi ashibael)
Home Town Maar Gan
House Tashpi Ashibael's Hut
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Healer
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 88
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Tashpi Ashibael

Tashpi Ashibael is a Dark Elf healer who lives in her personal hut in Maar Gan. She provides no services to you, but she is always welcoming to any local Dunmer in need, providing healing. This has earned her an outstanding reputation among the citizens of Maar Gan.

However, this generous person has managed to form a powerful enemy: Ranis Athrys, the head of the Balmora Mages Guild. The nature of the conflict isn't revealed clearly, but according to Tashpi's own words, she provoked Ranis' ire both by refusing to join the Guild and by being Velothi, rather than a well born (i.e. born under Imperial influence) Dunmer like Ranis. Tashpi chose to stay away from the Guild's politics and to practice healing among other native Dunmer.

If you ask around in town about her during the related Mages Guild quest, the response will be "Tashpi is our healer, not some necromancer. Everyone here in Maar Gan knows her and all the good she's done here."

Tashpi is wearing a common shirt and common pants, with a common belt, but no shoes. She carries a few potions, namely Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Cure Common Disease, Potion of Cure Blight Disease and Standard Restore Health Potion, along with a small amount of leveled gold. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows a wide variety of spells: Dispel, Variable Resist Shock, Variable Resist Poison, Variable Resist Magicka, Variable Resist Frost, Variable Resist Fire, Variable Resist Common Disease, Spell Absorption, Vivec's Feast, Cure Common Disease, Rilm's Cure, Sotha's Mirror, Recall, Mark and Shield.

Tashpi's house contains nothing of value. She has a crate with some random low-level weapons (chitin or iron), a cloth sack with leveled gold, a few sacks, urns and baskets filled with random alchemy ingredients, and a chest of drawers with a nearby closet both containing a random amount of common clothes. Other than that, there are a few items of cheap clutter, some food, three jugs of mazte and a few books: The Pilgrim's Path, The Anticipations and Homilies of Blessed Almalexia.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • necromancy:
    • "Necromancy? I am NOT a necromancer. Who said I was a... a necromancer?"
      • Ranis Athrys. "Oh, I see. I refused to join the Mages Guild. I chose to practice healing among my people, away from the politics of the Guild. Since I was a Velothi and not well born like Ranis... Well, it's not important now. Maybe I know a way out of this situation."
      • Not your concern. "Ask anyone in the village. I'm no necromancer and anyone around here can tell you the truth of the matter."
If you name her accuser, the conversation will continue:
  • Tell me more. "If Ranis has held a grudge this long, it would be best for me to leave for the mainland. There are plenty of towns that could use a healer. Tell Ranis Athrys that I am dead. I will leave Vvardenfell and Ranis need never know."
  • Die necromancer! "Spirits of my ancestors protect me!" Goodbye
If you say the former, the conversation will continue:
  • I agree. I will let you go.
  • You cannot escape justice!" Goodbye
If you let her escape, Tashpi will respond:
  • "Very well. I'll leave for the mainland once I get a few things together. Report back to Ranis Athrys that I am dead."
If you talk to her about the necromancy topic again, she will have a similar response:
  • "I'll leave for the mainland as soon as I get a few things together. There are many other towns in need of a healer. Tell Ranis Athrys that I am dead."


  • While there is no direct answer as to her affiliation with necromancy in the game, the number of facts suggesting that Tashpi is innocent are numerous, while there is absolutely no evidence of her involvement with necromantic practices. Here are just a few hints which can be easily spotted using game-only sources:
    • The items found in Tashpi Ashibael's hut and inventory, including curative and healing potions and a few common books recommended by the Tribunal Temple, suggest that she is indeed a healer.
    • All quests given by Ranis Athrys reveal her as a cruel, unprincipled, and vengeful person. See her respective page for details.
    • Ranis' dialogue at the end of the quest, "She is truly dead? You have done me... the Guild, that is, a great service." suggests that the conflict was personal.
    • During the quest, if you ask any NPC in Maar Gan about necromancy, they will respond either "Tashpi? The healer? She's no necromancer." or "Tashpi is not a necromancer. Who have you been talking to?"
    • Finally, Tashpi's own explanation makes sense: her well-earned popularity in Maar Gan is a good reason for jaundice, since Ranis is so separate from the native culture living in an Imperial-influenced town and guild.
  • Tashpi will abandon her house if you spare her life during the quest.
  • If you kill Tashpi, asking people in Maar Gan about her will produce the response: "How dare you talk about that after what you did?"
  • Although an Ancestral Ghost will appear to defend Tashpi if you attack her, she technically does not know the Summon Ancestral Ghost spell. The ghost that appears is summoned through a dialogue script.
  • It is possible to get Ranis kicked out of the Mages Guild by letting both Itermerel and Tashpi live (during the Escort Itermerel and Kill Necromancer Tashpi Ashibael quests, respectively) and then reporting Ranis as the spy to Trebonius Artorius during the Catch a Spy quest.