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Quests: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos

Services: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by UnknownG

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Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by UnknownG
Skink-in-Tree's-Shade (skinkintreesshade)
Home City Wolverine Hall
Location Mage's Guild
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 23 Class Sorcerer
Training Speechcraft (100)
Mysticism (68)
Enchant (63)
Gold 700 Mercantile Journeyman (40)
Other Information
Health 209 Magicka 200
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild Master Wizard(Master Wizard)

Skink-in-Tree's-Shade is an Argonian sorcerer who resides in the Mage's Guild at Wolverine Hall near Sadrith Mora. He is the primary quest giver there and can allow you to join the guild.

He wears a common shirt with matching pants, and he wields a glass dagger. He also carries a guide to Sadrith Mora and up to 4 random wizardry-related books. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater. Aside from that, he knows: Burden of Sin, Crushing Burden, Crushing Burden of Sin, Cruel Weary, Great Feather, Summon Greater Bonewalker, Summon Scamp, Wizard Rend, Commanding Touch, Reflect, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, Slowfall, and Summon Skeletal Minion.

This humble Argonian holds his difficult Mages Guild branch with grace and diplomacy. Of all Guild leaders, he also seems the most concerned about Vvardenfell's contemporary events. Dark afflictions such as vampirism and ash creatures seem to be his chosen field of academic study. Despite being a Mages Guild member, he is somewhat respected by House Telvanni, having been noted by them as being "almost as sage and learned as Telvanni aspirants five times his age". He is also rumored to carry his anti-slavery politics a little too far, much farther than Imperial law would normally allow.

Skink-in-Tree's-Shade is the Master Trainer for Speechcraft and also provides medium training in Mysticism and Enchant, and is the second-highest enchant after the hostile master trainer, Qorwynn. However, you must be at least a Magician in the Mages Guild to receive Skink's services.

Quests Given[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Escort Tenyeminwe[edit]

If you ask Skink-in-Tree's-Shade about duties before you have finished Edwinna Elbert's second duty, he says that he does not have any for you yet:

  • "I'm at your service. Are you here for duties or advancement?"
  • duties

Return to Skink after you have finished that quest to hear what he needs your help with by then:

  • duties
    • "I need someone to escort the scholar Tenyeminwe."
    • Tenyeminwe
      • "Tenyeminwe is staying at Muriel's Cornerclub. She is concerned about some trouble she had with a Telvanni last night. She wants to leave Sadrith Mora on the Elf-Skerring but is afraid to go to the docks. If you escort her to Gals Arethi's ship, I would be grateful."

If you ask him about Tenyeminwe again before you actually escort her to the Telvanni docks, he says:

  • "Did Tenyeminwe make it safely to the ship?"
  • Tenyeminwe
    • "Escort her to Gals Arethi's ship, the Elf-Skerring. It's at the Telvanni docks."

If Tenyeminwe dies before she can make it to the Telvanni docks, Skink-in-Tree's-Shade will be upset with you:

  • Tenyeminwe
    • "No, I already heard what happened. You are responsible for her death. You are not a trustworthy %PCRace."

He will also refuse to give you any more quests if that happens. However, if Tenyeminwe does make it to the docks, he will be pleased with your efforts and say:

  • Tenyeminwe
    • "I am glad to hear that Tenyeminwe made it to the Elf-Skerring safely. You have my thanks."

If you ask him about the Altmeri scholar again after the completion of this quest, he will say:

  • "I believe she was planning to return to Summerset Isle."

Vampires of Vvardenfell, Vol II[edit]

As soon as you finish Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's first task, you can receive the second one that he has to offer to you:

  • duties
    • "I am looking for a rare book, Vampires of Vvardenfell."
    • Vampires of Vvardenfell
      • "There are two books in this series. The first is common in Morrowind. Most rare booksellers have a copy. The second volume is rare. If you can find a copy of volume two, I would be grateful. You might try a rare bookseller."

Return to Skink with the book in your inventory to finish the quest:

  • "Have you found a copy of Vampires of Vvardenfell?"
  • Vampires of Vvardenfell
    • "Have you found the second volume yet?"
    • Yes, here it is.
      • [If you have the book in your inventory, he reacts as follows. His disposition is also raised by 15, the book is removed from your inventory, and he gives you 1000 Gold in return.] "Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for... And it is in good condition, too. I hope 1000 septims will cover your expenses."
      • [If you do not have the book in your inventory, he reacts as follows.] "Oh? You have a copy? Bring it to me."
    • No, not yet.
      • "Do not be discouraged. I fear it may take weeks or even months to find a copy."

If you mention the book again after you have given a copy of it to him, he says:

  • "I thank you for the book, %PCName."

Meeting with a Wise Woman[edit]

For his third duty, Skink-in-Tree's-Shade wants you to arrange a meeting with a Wise Woman for him:

  • duties
    • "You may be able to assist me, %PCName. I would like to speak with one of the Wise Women of the Ashlanders. Perhaps you could arrange a meeting."
    • arrange a meeting
      • "Speak with the Wise Women of the Ashlander tribes. From what I've heard, I doubt the Erabenimsun or the Urshilaku would agree. The Zainab might agree, but I would speak with the Ahemmusa first."
      • Ahemmusa
        • " The Ahemmusa camp is on the northeast corner of Vvardenfell. Take a ship to Tel Vos and go north up the coast. If you reach the sea, you have gone too far."

Return to Skink-in-Tree's-Shade after you have arranged a meeting for him to complete the quest:

  • "Were you able to arrange a meeting?"
  • arrange a meeting
    • [Disposition +10.] "Ah, thank you %PCName. Minabibi has already answered many of my questions."

Kill Necromancer Telura Ulver[edit]

After you have arranged a meeting with Minabibi for Skink-in-Tree's-Shade, you can immediately receive your next duty from him:

  • duties
    • "When any mage turns to Necromancy, it casts a pale shadow over the whole guild."
    • necromancy
      • "The Necromancer is Telura Ulver, a former Mages Guild member. She may be found in Shal."
      • Shal
        • "It may be hard to find. Go to Hla Oad and head north along the road. When you cross the wooden bridge, stay left along the coast until you come to another bridge to an island. Shal is on that island. The door faces the swamp, just north of a Daedric ruin."

If you speak with Skink again before you deal with Telura Ulver, he reacts as follows:

  • "Did you put a stop to Telura Ulver's necromancy?"
  • necromancy
    • "Kill the necromancer Telura Ulver and report back to me."

Return to Skink once Telura Ulver is dead to finish the quest and receive his thanks:

  • necromancy
    • [Disposition +10.] "While killing is never pleasant, it is sometimes necessary. Telura Ulver is dead. You have proven yourself to the Guild, %PCName."

If you mention the topic of necromancy again after you have finished this quest, Skink says:

  • "It is always a shame when any wizard turns to necromancy."

Soul of an Ash Ghoul[edit]

If you speak with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade again after you have both killed Telura Ulver and have at least become a Wizard in the Mages Guild, he will be willing to give you yet another duty:

  • duties
    • "I am concerned about the continuing problems with these strange Ash creatures. Perhaps if I had a soul of one of these creatures to study... Would you bring me the soul of an Ash Ghoul?"
    • ash goul
      • [2 Grand Soul Gems and 2 Scrolls of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder have been added to your inventory.] "The soul of any ash ghoul should be suitable. I believe the nearest ash ghoul is in Yakin. Scrolls are more reliable than spells, so take these scrolls, and these two soul gems."
      • Yakin
        • "It is a cavern on the mainland just northwest of Tel Aruhn. Swim or fly northwest, cross one island, and you should see the cave entrance ahead on the mainland. It has been taken over by the Sixth House, so be careful."

After he has given you this task, Skink-in-Tree's-Shade has the following things to say:

  • "Have you found the soul of an Ash Ghoul?"
  • ash ghoul
    • "Well, have you found one?"
    • Yes, here it is.
      • [If you have a soul gem with the soul of an ash ghoul in your inventory, he will respond as follows and take it from you. His disposition is increased by 10.] "Yes, this will do nicely. I hope it wasn't too difficult."
      • [Else, he reacts as follows.] "No, you cannot fool me. You are not carrying any suitable soul gems."
    • No, not yet.
      • "I hope you didn't use the scrolls and gems I gave you. I do not have any more."

Mentioning the topic "ash ghoul" again after this quest has been completed elicits the following response:

  • "Yes, thank you for bringing me the soul of an ash ghoul, %PCRank."

Galur Rithari's Papers[edit]

Immediately after you have brought him the soul of an Ash Ghoul, you can receive the next duty that Skink-in-Tree's-Shade has to offer to you:

  • duties
    • "I have another task for you, %PCRank, but it is a difficult one. I believe there is another book on Vampires [sic], Galur Rithari's papers."
    • Galur Rithari's papers
      • "Yes, these papers allegedly describe how an Ordinator from Bal Ur became a vampire and was cured. I would be most interested in a copy of this book. Ask booksellers and scholars. Someone surely knows where a copy is."

Return to Skink-in-Tree's-Shade after you have found the papers to turn them in and finish the quest:

  • "Have you found a copy of Galur Rithari's Papers [sic]?"
  • Galur Rithari's papers
    • "Have you found Galur Rithari's papers?"
    • Yes, here they are.
      • [If you have the papers in your inventory, Skink will say the following. His disposition is also raised by 10, and he will take the papers from you while giving you his amulet in return.] "Yes, this is excellent, %PCName. A most interesting account. Please take this amulet with my gratitude."
      • [If you do not have the papers in your inventory, he reacts as follows.] "I am impressed, %PCName. But did you not bring the papers with you?"
    • No, not yet.
      • "Please keep looking, %PCName."

Interestingly, Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's reaction to you giving the papers to him is somewhat different if you are a vampire:

  • "Yes, this is excellent, %PCName. A most interesting account. Please take this amulet with my gratitude. Perhaps you should travel to the Shrine of Bal Ur yourself."

Finally, if you mention the papers again after you have completed this quest, Skink-in-Tree's-Shade will say:

  • "Thank you for bringing me Galur Rithari's papers, %PCName."

A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade[edit]

For one of Edwinna Elbert's duties, you need to travel to Sadrith Mora to retrieve a potion that Skink promised to make for her some time ago:

  • Detect Creatures Potion
    • "Yes, of course, soft-skin. Take this potion back to Edwinna, along with my apologies. Speak with me again next time you are here. I may have some duties for you, %PCRank."

If you speak with him again before bringing the potion to Edwinna, he says:

  • Detect Creatures Potion
    • "I have given you the potion, %PCName. Return it to Edwinna in Ald'ruhn."
  • duties
    • "For now, just deliver the potion back to Edwinna in Ald'ruhn."

After the quest, he has the following to say about the potion:

  • "I heard Edwinna finally got her potion."

Catch a Spy[edit]

During this quest, you can ask Skink about Telvanni spies, in which case he helpfully points you in the right direction:

  • Telvanni spy
    • "Telvanni spies? Yes, I suspect there is at least one. I do not know who or where. While Sadrith Mora may be the obvious target, I would try looking in Vivec. That's where Guild decisions are actually made."


If you ask Skink-in-Tree's-Shade for more duties after you have finished the quest Galur Rithari's Papers but before you have become a Master Wizard in the Mages Guild, he will react as follows:

  • "You have done well. When you are ready for advancement, speak with me about duties again."
  • duties
    • "Find out what you need for advancement and speak with me again."

Once you have risen to the rank of Master Wizard, Skink will have one final request for you:

  • "You have performed all my duties honorably. I have one more thing to ask of you..."
  • duties
    • "I am honored to have worked with you, %PCName, and I have one more task. Take this letter to Arch-Mage Trebonius in Vivec."
    • duties
      • "Take the letter to Trebonius in Vivec."
      • Trebonius
        • [If you are an Argonian.] "Ah, the current Guildmaster. It is rumored that he was promoted to his current position to get him out of Cyrodiil. It is one of the weaknesses of the soft-skins. They can have power without wisdom."
        • [Else.] "Ah, the current Guildmaster. It is rumored that he was promoted to his current position to get him out of Cyrodiil. It is a shame that men can have power without wisdom. It is different for us lizards."

If you speak with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade again after you have completed this quest (and have thus become the Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild in Vvardenfell), he will say:

  • "Yes, you are the Arch-Mage now. I will help you in any way I can."
  • duties
    • "What do you wish of me, %PCRank?"


  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.