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Morrowind:Relas Arothan

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Relas Arothan (relas arothan)
Home City Vivec, St. Olms Canton
Location Assernerairan
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 23 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 232 Magicka 116
Alarm 90 Fight 90
Relas Arothan

Relas Arothan is a high-leveled Dark Elf warrior. Surrounded by fellow worshippers of Mehrunes Dagon, he is located inside the shrine of Assernerairan in the Underworks of Vivec's St. Olms Canton.

He carries the Belt of Sanguine Balanced Armor and the Belt of Sanguine Deep Biting, and wields a Daedric Longsword.

Related Quests[edit]

Morag Tong[edit]