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Morrowind:Piernette Beluelle

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Piernette Beluelle (piernette beluelle)
House Piernette's Farmhouse
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 5 Class Farmer
Other Information
Health 65 Magicka 106
Alarm 30 Fight 30
Piernette Beluelle

Piernette Beluelle is a Breton farmer who can be found inside her farmhouse. Someone has made off with her silver bowl.

She wears a common shirt with matching pairs of pants and shoes. Aside from her natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and her ability to shield herself for short periods, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Silver Bowl: Return this silver bowl found in a smugglers' cave to its rightful owner.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Silver Bowl[edit]

After you have found Beluelle's Silver bowl and have made your way to her and her husband's farmhouse, you may speak with her about the missing item and (if you still have it in your possession) either return it to her or selfishly decide to keep it for yourself:

  • Beluelle's silver bowl
    • "Is this about my missing silver bowl?"
  • missing silver bowl
    • "A silver bowl given to my husband disappeared from my house recently. Do you know what happened to it?"
    • I found your silver bowl.
      • "That bowl disappeared from my house while I was visiting friends at Fort Pelagiad. My husband -- he's an officer in the Legions serving in Argonia -- received the bowl as a gift from grateful East Empire Company merchants. His file was escorting a Company courier when they were overwhelmed by bandits, but my husband slew the bandit chief and drove the bandits away. Were you... planning to return the bowl to me?"
      • Yes, of course. Here's the bowl. (If you have the bowl in your inventory)
        • [Beluelle's Silver bowl has been removed from your inventory.] "Thank you very much. It means a lot to me and my husband. I'm sorry. I'm just a poor farmer, and have little to offer as a reward. But I've lived here for years, and my husband and I have many friends. Perhaps I can offer you some valuable advice on how to get best value for your goods. And can I introduce you to a good friend at Fort Pelagiad? Ygfa is a Healer and Imperial cult Adept. She might try to get you to join the Imperial cult. But that's not a bad thing."
      • I was expecting a reward.
        • "I'm sorry. I'm a poor farmer. I have nothing to offer as a reward. And, as I am a defenseless woman, and my husband is away, I am at your mercy."
        • Yes, of course. Here's the bowl. (If you have the bowl in your inventory)
          • [Beluelle's Silver bowl has been removed from your inventory.] "Thank you very much. It means a lot to me and my husband. I'm sorry. I'm just a poor farmer, and have little to offer as a reward. But I've lived here for years, and my husband and I have many friends. Perhaps I can offer you some valuable advice on how to get best value for your goods. And can I introduce you to a good friend at Fort Pelagiad? Ygfa is a Healer and Imperial cult Adept. She might try to get you to join the Imperial cult. But that's not a bad thing."
        • No. I found it. I'm keeping it. (If you have the bowl in your inventory)
          • "You are bold. And cruel. You may do as you wish. But I promise you. Others shall know of your disgraceful behavior."
      • No. I found it. I'm keeping it.
        • "You are bold. And cruel. You may do as you wish. But I promise you. Others shall know of your disgraceful behavior."
      • I don't have the bowl.' (If you don't have the bowl in your inventory)
        • "I'm not sure I understand. But if you do get the bowl, please bring it to me."
    • No, I don't. Sorry to trouble you.
      • "Well, then, good day to you."

If you decide to give her the bowl (in which case she will give you a free training session in Mercantile and Ygfa's disposition towards you will increase with twenty points), then you can mention the topic of the bowl again after you have finished the quest:

  • missing silver bowl
    • "Thank you again. That bowl means a lot to my husband and me."