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Morrowind:Generic Dialogue F
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- Factions
- "Observers of Vvardenfell's politics have identified eleven main factions, some aligned with Imperial interests, some aligned with native Dunmer interests. The primary Imperial factions are the Imperial cult, the Imperial legions, and the Fighters, Mages, and Thieves Guilds. The primary native Dunmer factions are the three Great Houses, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni, the Temple, and the Morag Tong. The Ashlander barbarians are native Dunmer, but are opposed to both the Empire and the settled Dunmer."
- "Observers of Vvardenfell's politics recognize eleven main factions, some aligned with Imperial interests, some aligned with native Dunmer interests."
- Faith
- "Faith conquers all. Have faith in the law."
- Falco Galenus
- "Did you hear? Someone killed him! This place is a lost cause now."
- "I can't believe he's dead. There's no justice in this world."
- "How come he's not the one in charge? I don't know how Carnius Magius got the Factor's position - probably bought it. I say Falco should have it."
- "He's a real stand-up guy. Spends all his time here at the site. Always working. And friendly, too."
- "He's not really the boss, but he's the one everyone listens to. Should be around here somewhere, hard at work."
- "You can find him at the colony site."
- "Falco who? No, never heard of him."
- Farvyn Oreyn
- "Oh, wondrous is Farvyn Oreyen, the powerful battlemage! He single-handedly slew a Daedroth Lord who wished to enslave us all. Even now, he has traveled with his servants to Gnaar Mok, to rid that poor town of some evil presence."
- "Thank the gods for Farvyn Oreyn. Long will we tell of his heroic conquests. He arrived here only a day ago with his servants to help rid of us some marauding netches. Even now, he has gone to the south of town, making the area safe once again for our fishermen."
- Fedris Tharen
- "Fedris Tharen the Pilgrim? I saw him leave Gnisis a few days ago. I haven't seen him since. He left south to the Koal Cave."
- "He may have gotten lost. I'd head south towards the Koal Cave and keep an eye out for him."
- Fenas Madach
- "Fenas Madach is a local-born Breton and the owner and proprietor of the Madach Tradehouse in Gnisis."
- Fighter Disciplines
- "The nine disciplines traditionally associated with the Fighters Guild are: block, armorer, medium armor, heavy armor, blunt weapon, long blade, axe, spear, and athletics."
- Fighters Guild
- "The Fighters Guild in Balmora is on Trade Street, west of the river, on the right as you head north of the plaza near the south gate and the silt strider port. Eydis Fire-Eye is the steward. Look for her if you're thinking of joining the Fighters Guild."
- "The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. Look for chapters in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
- "You'll find Fighters Guild chapters in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
- "Training, goods, and services are cheaper for Fighters Guild members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work."
- "The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries."
- Fines
- "Fines may sound like a sweet deal -- kill an enemy, then pay the fine -- but folks who have enough money to pay such fines are almost always House lords, and House Wars customs means the Great House of the victim usually buys a writ with the Morag Tong to assassinate the murderer. So murderers pay, and THEN they get killed, too."
- "The punishment for criminals in Morrowind is typically fines. Fines are collected by the state, and compensation is paid to the injured party or his kin."
- Fines and Compensation
- "That's how we punish crimes in Morrowind. We collect fines, and compensation is paid to the injured party or his kin. Don't pay the fine? Then do hard labor."
- "The punishment for criminals in Morrowind is typically fines and compensation. The fines are collected by the state; the compensation goes to the injured party or his kin. That may sound like a sweet deal -- kill an enemy, then pay the fine -- but folks who have enough money to pay such fines are almost always House lords, and House Wars customs means the Great House of the victim usually buys a writ with the Morag Tong to assassinate the murderer. So murderers pay, and THEN they get killed, too."
- Fire and Faith
- "%Name thinks Dorisa's shop in Balmora is the place to look."
- "I think Dorisa Darvel in Balmora has a copy of this book."
- "The Hall of Wisdom here in Vivec holds many rare books such as this."
- Fire Petals
- "Fire petals have modest magical properties, and are collected from the fire fern plant that grows on Red Mountain, in Molag Mar, and on Azura's Coast."
- Fire Salts
- "Fire salts are the crystalline compound that precipitates from elemental fire in solution. Such residues may be collected from the remains of fire atronachs that have been banished from the mortal plane."
- Flame Atronach
- "The flame atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental fire. Crystalline elemental fire compounds called fire salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished fire atronachs."
- Flin
- "Imported Cyrodiilic whiskey is called flin. This stimulating beverage is imported and expensive, but has none of the unpleasant side effects of other intoxicating beverages. A sharp boost in strength and willpower is what most people experience."
- Flying Creatures
- "Two kinds of flying creatures are common on Vvardenfell: netch and cliff racers. Bull netch are giant, peaceful floating creatures with long tentacles that dangle to the ground. Betty netch are smaller than the bull netch, but more aggressive and dangerous. Cliff racers are winged, leathery flying creatures larger than a man, with long wicked beaks and flailing tails. They're a serious threat, especially in packs."
- Food
- "We've got local fare. It's filling, and priced to move. We've got the local brews, greef, shein, mazte and sujamma. They're cheap, and full of kick. I've got the good stuff, too, behind the counter -- Cyrodiilic brandy and flin -- but it ain't cheap. We don't carry skooma, and we don't like it used here. And we don't like Telvanni bug musk, either -- it clouds the mind and makes fools more foolish."
- Food in Morrowind
- "The most popular beverages are mazte (a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice) and sujamma (a potent, bitter liquor)."
- "The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and the meat of the domesticated guar."
- "Bittergreen (a fast-growing slime triggered by rain) is safe and nourishing when boiled, though highly toxic if eaten raw."
- "Hackle-lo (a hardy succulent edible leafy green) is a reliable year-round vegetable, eaten cooked or raw."
- "The staple is the saltrice grain, usually eaten as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food from giant domesticated beetles)."
- Foreign Quarter
- "The Foreign Quarter is the large three-tiered canton to the north. Originally, foreigners were not allowed to enter Vivec any further than the Foreign Quarter, but now outlanders can travel throughout Vivec at will. The Imperial Guilds each have guildhalls and complete services here, and an Imperial cult shrine serves the spiritual needs of the Imperial faithful. Various independent tradesmen, craftsmen, and trainers also rent space here. The Black Shalk Cornerclub rents beds to non-guild visitors."
- Foreigners
- "We don't like foreigners much in Morrowind. We Dunmer are a proud people, and we have good reasons to dislike other races. And, for that matter, we don't much like outland Dunmer -- Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways, who don't know what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred. Some of us get used to foreigners. We even like some, and adopt some into our Great Houses. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win a native's trust."
- "We don't like foreigners much in Morrowind. This is our country, and we don't like foreigners who come in and steal our land and our treasures and tell us what to do and how to live."
- "Most native Dunmer don't like foreigners. The Dunmer are a proud people, and they look down on other races and cultures. They particularly dislike outland Dunmer -- Dark Elves born and raised to Imperial ways, who don't know what it is to be a Dunmer born-and-bred. Foreigners can be accepted in Morrowind, even adopted into the Great Houses. There's even a Nord on the House Hlaalu Council. But it isn't easy. It takes time and effort to win a native's trust."
- Fort Darius
- "This is Fort Darius."
- "The Empire built a fort near Gnisis village with the help of House Redoran. They named this fort after the garrison's commandant, General Darius."
- Fort Frostmoth
- "You're in Fort Frostmoth, jewel of the Empire. Get out while you can."
- "It's that big Imperial Fort on the southern shore. Pretty much the only sign of civilization on this island, apart from the colony."
- "I know of the place. Filled with Imperials who have no respect for this place."
- "It's the Imperial fort on the southern shore. Pretty hard to miss."
- Fort Moonmoth
- "Fort Moonmoth is the Imperial Legions garrison southeast of Balmora, just outside of town. General Larrius Varro is the commandant, and Radd Hard-Heart is the Chapter Steward. The Chapter Steward is the fellow to talk to if you were thinking of enlisting. Crulius Pontanian, an enchanter, is the Imperial agent. Between the Imperial Legions and Imperial cult staff, they have about a dozen service providers out there."
- Fortify Potions
- "Fortify potions temporarily increase attributes and abilities. Fortify potions include: fortify strength, fortify intelligence, fortify willpower, fortify agility, fortify speed, fortify personality, fortify luck, fortify health, fortify spell points, fortify fatigue, and fortify endurance."
- Fortify Spells
- "Fortify spells temporarily increase fundamental attributes for the duration of the spell effects. The most common restoration spells of this kind are: nimbleness, fortitude, vigor, vitality, wisdom, jack of trades, charisma, feet of notorgo, powerwell, orc strength, and iron will."
- Forts
- "There are garrisons all over Vvardenfell, but Fort Frostmoth is the only one around here."
- "We have garrisons at Fort Pelagiad in Pelagiad, Fort Hawkmoth in Ebonheart, Fort Moonmoth outside Balmora, Fort Buckmoth outside Ald'ruhn, and Fort Darius in Gnisis."
- Fortune
- "Extracting profit from trade and interest steals wealth from the deserving and puts it in the hands of thieves and extortionists."
- "Worshippers of Fortune scorn the Temple Law of Fair Price and Fair Labor, and assert that Might makes Right in measuring price and labor."
- "In many lands the spirit of Fortune is worshipped under no name at all, save in its mortal incarnation, the Almighty Coin."
- "Fortune is the corrupt spirit of commerce, profit, and usury. It is worshipped under the name of Zenithar in the Empire."
- Forven Berano
- This topic is related to the Tribunal quest, Evidence of Conspiracy. Tienius Delitian has unique dialogue pertaining to the subject. During the quest, you can ask the city's people about him:
- "I'd look up by the Temple."
- Mournhold's citizens will say one of the following if you inquire about him after the quest. What is said depends on whether you allowed Forven Berano to escape the city, or if you killed him:
- "Someone said he left Mournhold in a hurry. For good."
- "Yes, I heard he's dead."
- Foyada
- "'Foyada' means 'fire-river' in the native Ashlander language. The deep, ash-dark ravines which run down from the Red Mountain volcano are called foyada. The lava from Red Mountain is very fluid, and it runs almost like water, and during an eruption, fire-rivers run down the mountain, clearing the ravines of vegetation. Because they have good footing, are clear of brush, and run long distances, the natives use them like roads."
- Foyada Mamaea
- "Foyada Mamaea is a volcanic ravine that runs from the top of Red Mountain southwest to its end just below Balmora. An old Dwemer bridge crosses the foyada near Fort Moonmoth. The best route to Ghostgate is to follow Foyada Mamaea up from where the Pelagiad-Balmora road crosses the foyada southeast of Fort Moonmoth."
- Frald the White
- "He's in charge of the garrison here in Ebonheart. You can find him in the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison."
- Fryse Hags
- "The fryse hags are powerful and savage mages dedicated to the teachings of Kyne, the Mother of Men. They despise anyone not of their order, and will attack on sight."