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Morrowind:Delte Fyr

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Quests: written by Forfeit (already written in notes)

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none)

Personal Inventory: written by Dragon Guard, checked by Forfeit

House Contents: written by Forfeit (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Forfeit

Spells: written by Forfeit
Delte Fyr (delte fyr)
Home Town Tel Fyr
Location Onyx Hall
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 18 Class Spellsword
Other Information
Health 161 Magicka 128
Alarm 70 Fight 30
Essential Unofficially
Delte Fyr

Delte Fyr, a Dark Elf spellsword, is one of the four "daughters" of Divayth Fyr. She is actually a female clone of Divayth, and according to Divayth Fyr is a "side benefit of (his) researches into corprus disease." She is in charge of settling accounts, buying supplies, and other duties at the Tower and Corprusarium. Delte can be found in Onyx Hall. She has three "sisters"—Alfe, Beyte, and Uupse.

Delte wears a bonemold cuirass along with matching pauldrons, bracers, boots, and greaves. She carries a steel warhammer. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the spells Masterful Red Wisdom, Slowfall, Variable Resist Corprus Disease, Poet's Whim, Orc Strength, Powerwell, Masterful Red Wisdom, Blood Despair, Absorb Willpower, Sleep, Wild Levitate, Cruel Weary, Crushing Burden of Sin, and Crushing Burden.


  • Greetings:
"My name is Delte Fyr. Did you want to see Divayth Fyr? Have you got corprus disease? Or are you another questing hero looking to plunder the dungeon?"
"If you have corprus disease, you need the Corprusarium. Or do you want Divayth Fyr?"
  • corprus disease: "Those with corprus disease go to the Corprusarium. To get there, just keep heading down."
  • Corprusarium: "This is not the Corprusarium. The Corprusarium is in the caverns down below the tower. Just keep going down. You'll want to speak with Uupse Fyr or Vistha-Kai. They attend to the needs of the Corprusarium inmates -- victims of the corprus disease. If you go down there, be careful. Many corprus victims are completely mad. And quite violent."
  • Divayth Fyr: "Lord Fyr is in his study. I'm sure he won't mind being disturbed. We get few visitors here. You CAN levitate, can't you? The study is on an upper level, accessible only by the central flywell. I'm afraid we aren't set up to accommodate barbarians or peasants. Understand? Go up the ramps to the Hall of Fyr, then walk around, looking up, until you see a shaft above you. Then levitate. Up the shaft. Then look for Lord Fyr in his study."
  • plunder the dungeon: "Really? Is that what you had in mind? Don't let me discourage you. But you do know that you are almost certain to get corprus disease if you enter the Corprusarium? And I hope you understand how frightfully dangerous our inmates can be? And we do have guards, you know. Quite good ones. You're free to try, of course. But I don't advise it."


  • It is likely that she was the third of the four to be created, since her name is "Delte", which corresponds with the fourth letter of the Greek Alphabet, Delta. (There is no sister to correspond to the letter Gamma.)
  • While Delte Fyr isn't technically listed as Essential (you won't receive any warning for killing her), if you kill her before or while doing the Corprus Cure quest, her death will cause the quest to be unsolveable.
  • Delte also appears as a card in Legends.