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Azura at the end of the main quest
Azura (azura spirit)
(lore page)
Location Dagoth Ur (only at endgame)
Species N/A Soul none
Level none Type Special Creatures
Other Information
Health none Magicka none
Azura (azura spirit_trib)
(lore page)
Location Mournhold (only at endgame)
Species N/A Soul none
Level none Type Special Creatures
Other Information
Health none Magicka none

Azura is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is dawn and dusk. She was known to the Tribunal Temple as the Anticipation of Sotha Sil. For more information, see the main lore article.

Azura will speak to you three times during the course of the main quest: once during the opening cinematic, once again in the Cavern of the Incarnate, and one final time at the end of the main quest, when she appears before you in spirit form as a Dunmer to deliver her final speech. She will also reappear in spirit form to speak to you at the end of Tribunal's main quest.

The Shrine of Azura (visible from a distance due to the huge statue atop it) is located in far southeastern Vvardenfell, in the Azura's Coast region (though it is on the mainland). The smaller statue of Azura inside the shrine can be activated for a quest.

Related Quests[edit]


Introduction Cinematic[edit]

When you first start your journey, she will say:

"They have taken you from the Imperial City's prison, first by carriage and now by boat, to the east, to Morrowind. Fear not, for I am watchful. You, have been chosen."

The Path of the Incarnate[edit]

During The Path of the Incarnate quest, she will say the following:

If you try to enter the Cavern of the Incarnate and are not allowed:

"The door is locked and will not open. The star is the key."

If you are allowed to enter:

"In the dawn hour under Azura's Star, the door is opened."

After you pick up Moon-and-Star, you will be presented with a cinematic:

"Nerevar Reborn, Incarnate. Your first three trials are finished. Now two new trials lie before you. Seek the Ashlander Ashkhans and the Great House Councilors. Four Tribes must name you Nerevarine. Three Houses must name you Hortator. My servant Nibani Maesa shall be your guide. And when you are Hortator and Nerevarine, when you have stood before the false gods and freed the heart from its prison, heal my people and restore Morrowind. Do this for me, and with my blessing."

The Citadels of the Sixth House[edit]

After defeating Dagoth Ur during the quest The Citadels of the Sixth House, you are presented with a cinematic:

"You no longer bear the burden of prophecy. You have achieved your destiny. You are freed. The doomed Dwemer's folly. Lord Dagoth's temptation. The Tribunal's seduction. The god's heart freed. The prophecy fulfilled. All fates sealed and sins redeemed. If you have pity, mourn the lost but let the weeping cease. The blight is gone, and the sun's golden honey gilds the land. Hail savior, Hortator and Nerevarine. Your people look to you for protection. Monsters and villains great and small still threaten the people of Vvardenfell. Enemies and evils abound, yet indomitable will might rid Morrowind of all its ills. For you, our thanks and blessing, our gift and token given. Come, take this thing from the hand of god."

Azura's Quest[edit]

When you activate her shrine to start Azura's Quest

"You have come here for a reason, though you may not know what it is. Sheogorath and I have made a wager. He contends that solitude causes madness, while I maintain it allows for solace and meditation. To test this, I sent one of my priestesses to live alone on an island north of Dagon Fel. If she can live there for 100 years, continuing her life of prayer, my theory will be proven. If not, Sheogorath wins our wager."
"The time has almost passed, and she remains steadfast. But, Sheogorath has tried to sway the decision in his favor. Travel there, rid the island of his minions, and bring back proof of his meddling. Do not disturb the wise woman, though, as that would void our wager. Serve me, and I will reward you well."

If you fulfilled the task:

"Well done, mortal. You have preserved the integrity of my wager with Sheogorath. Now it will end as fated, and not due to the meddling of the Daedra Prince. Take this, and use it wisely"

If you failed the task:

"You have caused me to lose my wager, mortal. Now, it matters not that Sheogorath meddled in the outcome of our wager. You have failed, but it seems that is your fate."

The Mad God[edit]

Azura at the end of Tribunal

After killing Almalexia during the quest The Mad God, Azura will appear in Mournhold outside the temple:

"You have done well, mortal. The death of Almalexia is a boon for all of Morrowind, though it may take time for this to be understood. She would have betrayed the Dunmer as surely as she betrayed all those she loved. This was her curse, and this was her undoing. Weep not for Sotha Sil. He shed his mortality long ago, and I am certain his death was no small relief to him. These gods lived with the burden of a power no mortal was meant to possess."

If Vivec is alive, she will then say:

"Your work in Morrowind is not finished, Nerevarine. Vivec still lives, but I believe his time grows short. Protect my people. Defend these lands. The skies of Mournhold are clear once again. Let these people suffer no longer. Now go, mortal. Embrace your destiny, and go with my blessing."

If Vivec is dead:

"Your work in Morrowind is not finished, Nerevarine. The Tribunal are dead, and the faith of my people is shaken. Protect them. Defend these lands. The skies of Mournhold are clear once again. Let these people suffer no longer. Now go, mortal. Embrace your destiny, and go with my blessing."

If Vivec is alive and you have not finished the base game main quest:

"There is much for you still to do. Vivec lives, and he may yet have a part to play in your future. Continue on your chosen path. The skies of Mournhold are clear once again. Let these people suffer no longer. Now go, mortal. Embrace your destiny, and go with my blessing."

If Vivec is dead and you have not finished the base game main quest:

"There is much for you still to do. Vivec is dead, though I thought he might play a part in your future. Continue on your chosen path. The skies of Mournhold are clear once again. Let these people suffer no longer. Now go, mortal. Embrace your destiny, and go with my blessing."


  • The items that are associated with her and can be obtained are Azura's Star, Moon-and-Star, and the Ring of Azura.
  • Azura's spirit form is implemented as an activator in both Morrowind (editor ID azura spirit) and Tribunal (editor ID azura spirit_trib) and thus cannot be interacted with. Her behavior in the endgame is controlled by scripts attached to the activators.