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Morrowind:Unique Clothing

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This is a complete list of all the unique clothing in Morrowind. Note that the Enchant values shown here are as used in-game. A fraction value shown here will be displayed truncated in-game. The construction set uses these values times ten for increased precision. As a rule of thumb, clothing is worth half of its amount of gold in enchantment points.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 01.png

6th House Amulet
amulet of 6th house

Extravagant Sapphire Amulet 1.0 2,000

Cast When Used
Drain Personality Drain Personality 20 pts for 5 secs on Self

25/5 = 5
This amulet is carried by most named ash creatures. However, given its enchantment's negative effect, it's probably best if you don't use the amulet yourself. While it is not truly unique, it still has limited availability.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Amulet 03.png

Amulet of Admonition
amulet of admonition

Common Amulet 1.0 1,000

Cast When Used
Paralyze Paralyze for 30 secs on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 1-2 pts for 30 secs on Target

535/107 = 5
This amulet can only be obtained on a House Telvanni quest for Baladas Demnevanni, in Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis, which involves finding three books for him. See the Dwemer Books quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Amulet 03.png

Amulet of Domination
amulet of domination

Common Amulet 1.0 1,000

Cast When Used
Command Creature Command Creature 10 pts for 30 secs on Target
Command Humanoid Command Humanoid 10 pts for 30 secs on Target

3,375/675 = 5
Crassius Curio will reward you with this amulet if you report to him during the Erroneous Documents quest for House Hlaalu.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Amulet of Gem Feeding

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 275

Cast When Used
Soultrap Soultrap in 1ft for 60 secs on Target

45/9 = 5
You'll receive this amulet from Sirilonwe at the Mages Guild in Vivec, Foreign Quarter Plaza, after you retrieve three portions of vampire dust to aid her in her research. See the Dust of the Vampire quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 01.png

Amulet of Igniis
amulet of igniis

Extravagant Sapphire Amulet 1.0 1,000

Cast When Used
Summon Flame Atronach Summon Flame Atronach for 60 secs on Self

600/120 = 5
Worn by Brallion, the owner of the slave market in Sadrith Mora.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 02.png

Amulet of Levitating
amulet of levitating

Expensive Amulet 1.0 50

Cast When Used
Levitate Levitate 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

225/45 = 5
You'll receive this useful amulet from Turedus Talanian, in the Tower of Tel Vos after you find out what trade goods the Zainab Ashlander tribe want.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 01.png

Amulet of Shadows
amulet of shadows

Extravagant Sapphire Amulet 1.0 750

Cast When Used
Chameleon Chameleon 80 pts for 60 secs on Self

1,200/240 = 5
Worn by Tavynu Tedran, along the road southwest of Ald Velothi, who may attack you. See The Lady's Ring quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png

Amulet of Unity

Expensive Amulet 1.0 1,000

Cast When Used
Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 10 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Alteration Fortify Alteration 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Destruction Fortify Destruction 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Illusion Fortify Illusion 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Mysticism Fortify Mysticism 5 pts for 2 mins on Self
Fortify Restoration Fortify Restoration 5 pts for 2 mins on Self

1,500/300 = 5
Given to you by Fast Eddie at the Telvanni Council Chamber in Sadrith Mora after you give him five Standard Invisibility potions. See the Amulet of Unity quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Arobar's Amulet

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 240

Cast When Used
Fire Damage Fire Damage 5-15 in 3 ft pts for 5 secs on Target
Fire Shield Fire Shield 50-100 pts for 5 secs on Self

380/76 = 5
Given to you by Miner Arobar in his manor in Ald'ruhn as a reward for rescuing his daughter from Tel Naga in Sadrith Mora.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 02.png

Aundae Amulet

Extravagant Ruby Amulet 1.0 120

Equip for quick transport to Ashmelech (only works if you are an Aundae vampire)

Dhaunayne Aundae will give you this amulet as a reward for killing Ano Vando during The Vampire Hunter quest for the Aundae Clan.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 02.png

Berne Amulet

Extravagant Ruby Amulet 1.0 120

Equip for quick transport to Galom Daeus (only works if you are a Berne vampire)

Raxle Berne will give you this amulet as a reward for killing Merta during The Vampire Merta quest for the Berne Clan.
MW-icon-jewelry-Madstone of the Ahemmusa.png

Daedric Sanctuary Amulet

Madstone of the Ahemmusa 3.0 3,100

Equip for quick transport to Magas Volar.

This amulet can be found in Tel Fyr on the upper level on the Hall of Fyr, right next to Divayth Fyr in a Small Ornate Lockbox. It has the unique property to transport anyone who wears it to the Daedric ruin of Magas Volar.

After you have killed the dremora Lord Dregas Volar and you are transported back to Tel Fyr, the Daedric Sanctuary Amulet vanishes from your inventory and is replaced by the Daedric Crescent.

MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png

Maran Amulet
Maran Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 300

Cast When Used
Fortify Speechcraft Fortify Speechcraft 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Restoration Fortify Restoration 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Mysticism Fortify Mysticism 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
You'll receive this amulet from the Imperial Cult as a token of appreciation when you reach the rank of Initiate.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 03.png

Methas Hlaalu's Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 150


Worn by Methas Hlaalu, a Thinker for the Morag Tong in Balmora. Its significance is unknown. Most likely it is related to a quest that was removed from the game before release.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Necromancer's Amulet

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 240

Constant Effect
Resist Normal Weapons Resist Normal Weapons 25 pts on Self
Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 25 pts on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 1 pt on Self
Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 25 pts on Self

Held by Arch-Mage Trebonius Artorius at the Mages Guild in Vivec, Foreign Quarter. It can be obtained as part of the Kill the Telvanni Councilors quest from the Mages Guild, or when you kill Trebonius to become the Arch-Mage. Or you can simply taunt & kill him, and take this very useful item.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 01.png

Pop's Amulet

Expensive Amulet 1.0 240


Found on the Corpse of Pop Je, in Senim Ancestral Tomb.
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 02.png

Quarra Amulet

Extravagant Ruby Amulet 1.0 120

Equip for quick transport to Druscashti (only works if you are a Quarra vampire)

Volrina Quarra will give you this amulet as a reward for collecting all the ingredients for The Quarra Amulet quest for the Quarra Clan.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Amulet 01.png

Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire

Expensive Amulet 1.0 600

Cast When Used
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 20-30 pts for 15 secs on Self

95/19 = 5
Worn by Ahaz in the Erabenimsun Camp, whom you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine. You may have to give it to Han-Ammu to persuade him to become the new Ashkhan and name you Nerevarine.
MW-icon-jewelry-Madstone of the Ahemmusa.png

Tel Fyr Amulet

Madstone of the Ahemmusa 3.0 3,100

Equip for quick transport to Tel Fyr (in theory)

Found on the corpse of Lord Dregas Volar in Magas Volar. Since you are immediately teleported away from Magas Volar after killing Dregas Volar, it is generally not possible to obtain this amulet. See the notes on Magas Volar for tips on how to get it.

The Tel Fyr Amulet is supposed to transport you back to Tel Fyr when you equip it. Unfortunately, a bug in the script will cause it to crash your game instead. This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project, although the patch also makes it a reusable method of teleportation to Tel Fyr.

MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Amulet 01.png

Zenithar Whispers

Exquisite Amulet 1.0 2,400

Cast When Used
Charm Charm 30 pts for 5 secs on Touch

190/38 = 5
You'll receive this amulet from Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapel (Ebonheart) as a reward for collecting a promised pledge from Canctunian Ponius of the East Empire Company in Ebonheart.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Belt 02.png

Belt of Northern Knuck Knuck
Belt of Northern Knuck Knuck

Extravagant Belt 1.0 65

Cast When Used
Damage Fatigue Damage Fatigue 3-120 pts on Touch

60/12 = 5
This belt can be found on Godrod Hairy-Breeks in Ulummusa.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 02.png

Belt of the Armor of God
belt of the armor of god

Expensive Belt 1.0 33

Cast When Used
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Sanctuary Sanctuary 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Shield Shield 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

375/75 = 5
You'll receive this belt from Elam Andas in the Office of the Watch in Vivec's Hall of Justice, Temple Canton, as a reward for taking care of the mysterious killings in Vivec.
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Belt 01.png

Belt of the Hortator

Exquisite Belt 1.0 1,460

Constant Effect
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 20 pts on Self

You'll receive this belt from Crassius Curio in Vivec, Hlaalu Plaza, to identify yourself as the Hlaalu Hortator.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Belt 04.png

Embroidered belt

Common Belt 1.0 20

Cast When Used
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

75/15 = 5
Given to you by the ghost of Peakstar in the Cavern of the Incarnate during The Path of the Incarnate quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 01.png

Malipu-Ataman's Belt

Expensive Belt 1.0 95

Cast When Used
Restore Health Restore Health 2 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Given to you by Sul-Matuul during The Path of the Incarnate quest, when you learn about the Third Trial.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Belt 03.png

Stendarran Belt
Stendarran Belt

Expensive Belt 1.0 300

Cast When Used
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Unarmored Fortify Unarmored 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Enchant Fortify Enchant 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
You'll receive this belt from the Imperial Cult as a token of appreciation when you reach the rank of Acolyte.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Glove.png

Aryon's Dominator

Expensive Left Glove 1.0 233

Cast When Used
Command Creature Command Creature 15 pts for 2 mins on Target
Command Humanoid Command Humanoid 15 pts for 2 mins on Touch

6,570/3,375 = 2
Received from Telvanni Councilor Aryon in Tel Vos as a reward for the Mages Guild Monopoly quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Glove.png

Aryon's Helper

Expensive Right Glove 1.0 94

Cast When Used
Summon Flame Atronach Summon Flame Atronach for 2 mins on Self
Summon Frost Atronach Summon Frost Atronach for 1.5 mins on Self
Summon Storm Atronach Summon Storm Atronach for 60 secs on Self

1,870/374 = 5
Received from Telvanni Councilor Aryon in Tel Vos as a reward for the Recruit a Mouth quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Glove.png

Bitter Hand

Common Left Glove 1.0 2

Cast When Used
Weakness to Poison Weakness to Poison 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Target

115/23 = 5
Worn by Ranabi in the Erabenimsun Camp, whom you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine.
MW-icon-clothing-Black Glove.png

Black Left Glove
Black Right Glove

1.0 2


Worn by Eno Hlaalu, Grandmaster of the Morag Tong and only obtainable through killing him.
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Glove.png

Elvul's Black Blindfold

Extravagant Left Glove 1.0 1,690

Cast When Used
Blind Blind 20 pts for 60 secs on Target
Damage Marksman Damage Marksman 20 pts for 60 secs on Target

4,050/810 = 5
This left glove can be found in the Imperial Commission inside Castle Ebonheart. Related quest: Ahnassi, a Special Friend.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Glove.png

Ember Hand
ember hand

Common Right Glove 1.0 2

Cast When Used
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 1-30 pts for 10 secs on Target

115/23 = 5
Worn by Ranabi in the Erabenimsun Camp, whom you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Glove.png

Left Hand of Zenithar

Expensive Left Glove 1.0 100

Constant Effect
Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 5 pts on Self

Given to you by Iulus Truptor (in the Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart) as a reward for collecting five bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Glove.png

Right Hand of Zenithar

Expensive Right Glove 1.0 100

Constant Effect
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 5 pts on Self

Given to you by Iulus Truptor (in the Imperial Chapels, Ebonheart) as a reward for collecting five bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Glove.png

Zenithar's Warning

Common Left Glove 1.0 2,000

Cast When Used
Demoralize Humanoid Demoralize Humanoid 20-80 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Demoralize Creature Demoralize Creature 20-80 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Silence Silence for 10 secs on Touch
Blind Blind 5-25 pts for 10 secs on Touch

390/78 = 5
You'll receive this glove from Jon Hawker in Nammu in exchange of a Scroll of Divine Intervention for his escape.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Glove.png

Zeinthar's Wiles

Common Right Glove 1.0 2,000

Cast When Used
Charm Charm 1-50 pts for 5 secs on Touch

160/32 = 5
You'll receive this glove from Jon Hawker in Nammu in exchange of a Scroll of Divine Intervention for his escape.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Common Pants 03 c.png

Caius' Black Pants

Common Pants 2.0 4

Cast When Used
Chameleon Chameleon 20 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Given to you by Caius Cosades at the conclusion of the Corprus Cure quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Pants 04 b.png

Tailored Trousers

Common Pants 2.0 40

Constant Effect
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 3 pts on Self

Given to you by Falanaamo in Caldera if his disposition is high enough (80 or higher) when you ask him to donate a shirt and vest for Harvest's End.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Pants 01 u.png

Travel-stained Pants

Common Pants 2.0 40

Cast When Used
Levitate Levitate 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

225/45 = 5
Given to you by the ghost of Peakstar in the Cavern of the Incarnate during The Path of the Incarnate quest.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Akatosh's Ring
Akatosh Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 2,400

Cast When Used
Fortify Conjuration Fortify Conjuration 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Mysticism Fortify Mysticism 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Restoration Fortify Restoration 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Enchant Fortify Enchant 10 pts for 60 secs on Self

600/120 = 5
You'll receive this ring from the Imperial Cult as a token of appreciation when you reach the rank of Oracle.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 01.png

Caius' Ring

Common Ring 0.1 2

Cast When Used
Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Security Fortify Security 20 pts for 30 secs on Self

300/60 = 5
Given to you by Caius Cosades at the conclusion of the Corprus Cure quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 03.png

Detect Enchantment Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 30

Cast When Used
Detect Enchantment Detect Enchantment 100 pts for 10 secs on Self

250/50 = 5
Kaye, at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart, will give you this ring to aid you in finding Linus Iulus' Silver Staff of Shaming during a quest for the Imperial Cult.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Fathasa's Ring

Exquisite Ring 1.0 5,000

Constant Effect
Fire Shield Fire Shield 15 pts on Self

You'll receive this ring from Fathasa Llethri, in the Llethri Manor in Ald'ruhn as a reward for convincing her son not to become a vampire.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 05.png


Common Ring 0.1 500

Cast When Used
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 20 pts for 2 mins on Self

600/120 = 5
You'll receive this ring from Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapels (Ebonheart) as a reward for recovering Skull-Crusher, if your Blunt Weapon skill is less than 40.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 05.png


Common Ring 0.1 500

Cast When Used
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 5 pts for 2 mins on Self

150/30 = 5
You'll receive this ring from Lalatia Varian in the Imperial Chapels (Ebonheart) as a reward for recovering Skull-Crusher, if your Blunt Weapon skill is 40 or higher.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Marara's Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 22,000

Constant Effect
Reflect Reflect 20 pts on Self
Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 10 pts on Self
Resist Normal Weapons Resist Normal Weapons 40 pts on Self

Found on Marara in the Drethan Ancestral Tomb (on a small island some way south from Dagon Fel).
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Ring 01.png

Nuccius's Cursed Ring

Extravagant Ring 0.1 100

Cast When Used
Damage Health Damage Health 10 pts on Self
Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 5 pts for 60 secs on Self

95/19 = 5
Vodunius Nuccius will give you this ring when you give him enough money to leave Morrowind.
MW-icon-jewelry-Common Ring 02.png

Ondusi's Key
ondusi's key

Common Ring 0.1 20

Cast When Used
Open Open 50 pts on Touch

75/15 = 5
This useful ring can only be obtained on a House Telvanni quest for Baladas Demnevanni, in Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis, which involves finding three books for him. See the Dwemer Books quest for more information.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Othril Ring

Expensive Ring 0.1 30


Found on the corpse of Farare Othril in Odirniran.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Ring of Azura
ring of azura

Exquisite Ring 0.1 8,000

Constant Effect
Night Eye Night Eye 20 pts on Self
Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 3 pts on Self

This ring is given to you by none other than Azura at the end of the Main Quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 02.png

Ring of Equity

Expensive Ring 0.1 3,150

Cast When Used
Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 100 pts for 30 secs on Self
Reflect Reflect 70 pts for 30 secs on Self

3,060/1,530 = 2
The Reflect part of the enchantment is ignored, as it is always overridden by the 100% Spell Absorption. This ring is the prize of the high ranking Telvanni quest, Ring of Equity.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 03.png

Ring of Far Reaching
ring of telekinesis_UNIQUE

Expensive Ring 0.1 51

Cast When Used
Telekinesis Telekinesis 25 pts for 5 secs on Self

30/6 = 5
This useful ring is given to you by Big Helende in the Sadrith Mora Thieves Guild as a reward for stealing Felen Maryon's ebony staff.
MW-icon-jewelry-Expensive Ring 01.png

Ring of Regeneration

Expensive Ring 0.1 8,500

Cast When Used
Restore Health Restore Health 1 pt for 2 mins on Self

150/30 = 5
Worn by Delvam Andarys in Mawia.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Ring of the Hortator

Exquisite Ring 0.1 658

Cast When Used
Fortify Health Fortify Health 8-15 pts for 30 secs on Self

85/17 = 5
You'll receive this ring from Athyn Sarethi in Ald'ruhn to identify yourself as the Redoran Hortator.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Septim Ring
Septim Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 2,400

Cast When Used
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Unarmored Fortify Unarmored 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 10 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Speechcraft Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts for 60 secs on Self

600/120 = 5
You'll receive this ring from the Imperial Cult as a token of appreciation when you reach the rank of Disciple.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Shashev's Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 22,000

Cast When Used
Paralyze Paralyze for 15 secs on Target
Poison Poison 5-10 pts for 15 secs on Target

605/121 = 5
Carried by Shashev, whom you'll be asked to kill by Sirilonwe during the Shashev's Key quest.
MW-icon-jewelry-Exquisite Ring 01.png

Sheogorath's Signet Ring
Sheogorath's Signet Ring

Exquisite Ring 0.1 30,000

Constant Effect
Drain Willpower Drain Willpower 10 pts on Self
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 10 pts on Self

Worn by the Golden Saint named Staada, who is on an island northwest of Dagon Fel.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Robe 03.png

Adusamsi's Robe

Expensive Robe 3.0 10

Cast When Used
Paralyze Paralyze for 5 secs on Target

75/15 = 5
Worn by Llaren Terano in Rotheran.
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Robe 01 b.png

Hort-Ledd's Robe

Extravagant Robe 3.0 400

Cast When Used
Turn Undead Turn Undead 6-60 pts for 30 secs on Target
Shield Shield 5 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Given to you by the ghost of Hort Ledd in the Cavern of the Incarnate during The Path of the Incarnate quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Robe 04.png

Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise

Common Robe 3.0 1,080

Cast When Used
Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 3-30 pts for 20 secs on Self

85/17 = 5
Worn by Ranabi in the Erabenimsun Camp, whom you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine. You may have to give it to Han-Ammu to persuade him to become the new Ashkhan and name you Nerevarine.
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Robe 01.png

Robe of the Hortator

Exquisite Robe 3.0 300

Cast When Used
Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 20 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
You'll receive this robe from Master Aryon in Tel Vos to identify yourself as the Telvanni Hortator.

You can also kill Master Aryon to make it appear in a crate near the entrance.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Exquisite Shirt 01.png

Ashkhan's Wedding Gift

Exquisite Shirt 2.0 120


Given to you by Ashkhan Kaushad of the Zainab Tribe, if you speak to him again about his "Telvanni Wife" after becoming the Zainab Nerevarine.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Shirt 03 c.png

Caius' Black Shirt

Common Shirt 2.0 4

Cast When Used
Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 20 pts for 20 secs on Self

100/20 = 5
Given to you by Caius Cosades at the conclusion of the Corprus Cure quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Shirt 04 c.png

Mara's Blouse

Common Shirt 2.0 400

Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 10 pts on Self

Given by Ama Nin in the Underground section of Berandas in return for a Scroll of Divine Intervention, during the Boots of the Apostle quest.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Shirt 04 c.png

Restoration Shirt

Common Shirt 2.0 4

Cast When Used
Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 1-10 pts for 5 secs on Self

5/1 = 5
Kaye, at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart, will give you this shirt as a reward for finding Linus Iulus' Silver Staff of Shaming during a quest for the Imperial Cult.
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Shirt 03.png

Zenithar's Frock

Expensive Shirt 2.0 150

Cast When Used
Fortify Mercantile Fortify Mercantile 5 pts for 50 secs on Self

65/13 = 5
You'll receive this shirt from Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapels (Ebonheart) as a reward for doubling the alms from the Argonian Mission.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment Charge
MW-icon-clothing-Expensive Shoes 03.png

Shoes of Conviction

Expensive Shoes 3.0 100

Cast When Used
Fortify Personality Fortify Personality 10 pts for 20 secs on Self

50/10 = 5
These shoes are given to you by Iulus Truptor in the Imperial Chapels (Ebonheart) as a reward for doubling the alms from the Skyrim Mission.
MW-icon-clothing-Common Shoes 02.png


Common Shoes 3.0 2

Constant Effect
Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 3 pts on Self
Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 3 pts on Self

These shoes can only be obtained on a House Telvanni quest for Baladas Demnevanni, at Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis, which involves finding three books for him. See the Dwemer Books quest for more information. The odd enchantment is what is shown in-game and is due to the same effect accidentally being set twice in the Construction Set. The in-game effect is fortification of Acrobatics by a total of 6 points.


Item Base Item Weight Value Enchantment
MW-icon-clothing-Common Skirt 04 c.png

Mara's Skirt

Common Skirt 2.0 400

Constant Effect
Fortify Health Fortify Health 5 pts on Self

Given by Ama Nin in the Underground section of Berandas in return for a Scroll of Divine Intervention, during the Boots of the Apostle quest.