Lore talk:Julianos
Merging together, various Aedric aspects into the main deity page like we do the Daedric Princes[edit]
Its been an issue, that has bothered me and I really feel its unneeded to do it this way. Various lore sources have made it very clear, that several of these deities, Kyienath, Mara, Akatosh, Arkay, Julianos, and others are basically the same deity no matter if they are different aspects some even say its this races version of Akatosh or whatever diety One book even goes into this for Arkay and several aspects of him. The thing about the Aedra is we have like 2/3/4/5 different aspects with their separate pages for the same exact being. The problem is Aedra in general don't have nearly as much lore as say the Daedric Princes do and we are just scattering Aedric lore so readers have to go to those pages just to read more on it, rather then having it right there where they can read it.
Even though he is not an Aedra technically speaking((In my headcanon he still is of course)) Malacath, has like three or four, different aspects and one of them is considered to be an Aedric aspect of Malacath and we are not doing separate pages for that one. In my mind that is a double standard. What I would like to see done is merging these pages into the most commonly acceptable and mostly seen worshiped religion. Which so happens to be the Alessian Eight, which became mainstream even in Skyrim. Jhunal has his own page but its only like less then a paragraph which basically talks about him becoming the Deity Julianos anyways and I don't see the point in having separate pages for the two. How I would like to see this down is basically like the Hircine page, where we list sections of worship for the races for each of these deities and then list the aspect's name they worship and their distinctions if they have any.TheVampKnight (talk) 00:13, 26 April 2021 (UTC)
- This is an awful idea. Aedra have these various aspects on purpose, because they are described by so many different cultures in different ways, the Middle Dawn literally occurred because the Marukhtis tried to separate Auri-el from Akatosh. Daedra only have merged pages because their aspects in different cultures are different, but the Prince is much the same: see Skooma Cat turining into Sheogorath right before your eyes, negating the need to keep them all that separate. Malacath is an exception, and does have other articles, see Lore:Trinimac and Lore:Orkey. The Rim of the Sky (talk) 00:25, 26 April 2021 (UTC)