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Lore:Alchemy T

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A Spriggan in Oblivion
A Spriggan in Oblivion
In Skyrim
In Skyrim
OB-icon-ingredient-Arrowroot.png Oblivion
Restore Luck
Damage Endurance
Resist Poison
Shock Shield
SR-icon-ingredient-Taproot.png Skyrim
Weakness to Magic
Fortify Illusion
Regenerate Magicka
Restore Magicka
ON-icon-misc-Taproot.png Elder Scrolls Online
Taproot/Supple Root in Elder Scrolls Online is not an alchemical ingredient, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.

Thistle Branch

Thistle in Skyrim
SR-icon-ingredient-Thistle Branch.png Skyrim
Resist Frost
Ravage Stamina
Resist Poison
Fortify Heavy Armor
Restore Health
^ This is food rather than alchemical ingredient.

Thorn Hook

Thorn Hook
SI-icon-ingredient-Thorn Hook.png Shivering Isles
Damage Health
Damage Luck
Restore Magicka
Fortify Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Thorn Hook.png Skyrim(SSE 1.5.97)
Lingering Damage Health
Regenerate Magicka
Regenerate Health

Thunder Herb

SK-icon-consumable-Herb.png Shadowkey
Increase Damage


These items are considered poisons, not alchemy ingredients.

Thyrwort is a substance that has the poisonous properties of draining willpower and personality.[1] It can be created by combining brass, basilisk's eye, small teeth, and mercury together.[2]:177

Tiger Lily Nectar

Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley
Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Oblivion
Restore Endurance
Damage Strength
Water Walking
Damage Willpower

Timsa-Come-By flowers

Timsa-Come-By flowers
TR-icon-ingredient-Timsa-Come-By Flowers.png Tribunal
Resist Paralysis
Drain Magicka
Restore Endurance


DF-icon-ingredient-Tin.png Daggerfall
Free Action

Tinder Polypore Cap

Tinder Polypore
OB-icon-ingredient-Tinder Polypore Cap.png Oblivion
Restore Willpower
Resist Disease
Damage Magicka

Toad Muffin

SK-icon-consumable-Food.png Shadowkey
Restore Fatigue
Restore Magicka


OB-icon-ingredient-Tobacco.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Resist Paralysis
Damage Magicka


Tomato Plant
OB-icon-ingredient-Tomato.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Detect Life
SR-icon-food-Tomato.png Skyrim
Restore Health
ON-icon-food-Tomato.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Maximum Magicka
Restore Health

This is considered food, not an ingredient.

This is used for crafting food, not in alchemy.


DF-icon-ingredient-Big tooth.png Daggerfall
(Big tooth)
Spell Resistance
(Medium tooth)
DF-icon-ingredient-Small tooth.png Daggerfall
(Small tooth)
Spell Resistance
This item doesn't exist in the game; it's only listed in the DF-Chronicles.

Topaz Dust

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Increase Personality
Damage Agility
Damage Luck
OB-icon-misc-FlawedTopaz.pngOB-icon-misc-Topaz.png Oblivion
BL-icon-material-Topaz.png Blades^
Topazes in Oblivion are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
^ In Blades, Topaz is used for tempering gear or crafting jewelry, not in alchemy.

Torchbug Thorax

Torchbugs in Skyrim
Torchbugs in Skyrim
In Elder Scrolls Online
In Elder Scrolls Online
SR-icon-ingredient-Torchbug Thorax.png Skyrim
Restore Stamina
Lingering Damage Magicka
Weakness to Magic
Fortify Stamina
ON-icon-reagent-Torchbug Thorax.png Elder Scrolls Online

Trama Root

Trama Shrub in Morrowind
Trama Shrub in Morrowind
Trama Root in Dragonborn
Trama Root in Dragonborn
MW-icon-ingredient-Trama Root.png Morrowind
Restore Willpower
Drain Magicka
Drain Speed
SR-icon-ingredient-Trama Root.png Skyrim(DB)
Weakness to Shock
Fortify Carry Weight
Damage Magicka

Treated Bittergreen Petals[edit]

Tremble Weed

SK-icon-consumable-Herb.png Shadowkey
Increase Speed
Drain Fatigue

Troll Blood

DF-icon-ingredient-Blood2.png Daggerfall
(Troll's blood)
Regenerate Health
Oblivion Mobile
Fortify Attack
Fortify Armor

Troll Fat

A Troll in Oblivion
A Troll in Oblivion
In Skyrim
In Skyrim
OB-icon-ingredient-Troll Fat.png Oblivion
Damage Agility
Fortify Personality
Damage Willpower
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Troll Fat.png Skyrim
Resist Poison
Fortify Two-handed
Damage Health

Tundra Cotton

Tundra Cotton
SR-icon-ingredient-Tundra Cotton.png Skyrim
Resist Magic
Fortify Magicka
Fortify Block
Fortify Barter


DF-icon-ingredient-Turquoise.png Daggerfall
Water Walking
ON-icon-trait material-Turquoise.png Elder Scrolls Online
This is used as a trait material for enhancing weapons, rather than in alchemy.


DF-icon-ingredient-Twigs.png Daggerfall