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Lore:Taleon Mythmaker

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Taleon Mythmaker
Race Nord Gender Male
Born 2nd Era
Resided in Skyrim
"Crowns proclaim status."
—Taleon Mythmaker[1]

Taleon Mythmaker was a famous Nord scholar, author and historian of the Second Era.[2] He was known for his various tales related to Nord history, particularly those concerning Windhelm,[3] Winterhold,[1] and the Crown of Freydis,[4] as well as his insights into Orcish culture.[5]


Shrouded Crown
Anthor's Shadow Crown

Little is known about Taleon's life, but he lived after the events he described in his historical research, such as those of 2E 431. He was a contemporary of Queen Mabjaarn Flame-Hair, whom he referred to as his queen in his works.[4] She died in battle in 2E 572,[6] while Helgreir Lute-Voice, another contemporary, remained active as late as 2E 580.[7]

He wrote several works, including The Bastard's Tomb,[3] The Crown of Freydis,[4] and Orcs: Monsters or Misunderstood?. In his tome about Orcs, he sought to dispel common misconceptions about them, portraying them as fiercely loyal and debunking the idea that they lacked intelligence or culture. At the same time, he acknowledged that their size and strength were undeniably powerful assets.[5] His The Crown of Freydis explored the history of Skyrim's second royal crown.[4] The Bastard's Tomb focused on the history of Yoregg the Bastard one of the wealthiest and longest lived Nords of Windhelm.[3]

He also provided commentary on the designs of various Nordic crowns made from bronze, silver, and gold associated with enigmatic Shroud, Dawn, and Shadow. When describing the Anthor's Shadow Crown, he explained that it was crafted in the shadow of Mount Anthor and worn by the master of hidden arcane knowledge in Winterhold, known as Shadow. While some believed it was only used in secret meetings, he doubted this claim, stating that crowns are symbols of status.[1]

Regarding the Dawn's Eye Crown, he noted that its gold and the variant of the College of Winterhold's eye symbolized leadership over both mundane and arcane mysteries. According to Taleon, Dawn had mastered both magic and people to uncover secrets, leading both Shadow and Shroud.[8]

For the Shrouded Crown, he described how silver could glint in the darkness, but the master who wore this crown often obscured its shine while pursuing hidden agendas. In simpler terms, this crown was earned as a badge of office by a spymaster for Shroud.[9]

Taleon's Crag is a cavern in southern Deshaan that shares its name with the author. Some have suggested that the site was named after Taleon Mythmaker, who, by then a renowned writer, chose to retire there following his bitter literary feud with Helgreir Lute-Voice. However, Phrastus of Elinhir dismissed this theory, calling it "fanciful twaddle".[2]


Dawn's Eye Crown

Works Written[edit]

Name Description
The Bastard's Tomb The tale of a total bastard
The Crown of Freydis A history of the second royal crown of Skyrim
Orcs: Monsters or Misunderstood? A brief essay on the creation and virtues of the Orcish race
