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Lore:Redguard Names/Daggerfall
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
This is a list of all the possible Redguard names that can be generated in The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall.
- Names for Redguards in Daggerfall consist of a prefix followed by a vowel followed by a suffix, sometimes followed by a second suffix. All Redguard names are unisex and they have no surnames.
- The 51 prefixes for Redguard names are: B, Ba, Bo, Bl, B', C, Cy, Ca, C', Ch, D, D', Dh, F, F', Fl, Fh, Fa, G, Gl, Gr, Gh, K, Kl, Kr, Kh, L, Lh, M, Ma, Mh, M', N, Nh, R, Ra, Rh, Rl, S, Sa, Sl, St, Sh, Shr, T, T', Tl, Th, V, Vl, V'
- The 5 vowels for Redguard names are: a, e, i, o, u
- The 26 suffixes for Redguard names are: ch, ct, fyl, g, ght, j, ld, ll, lp, r, rc, rch, rd, rg, rht, rk, rm, rn, rp, rt, s, sh, st, th, v, z
- The 36 second suffixes for Redguard names are: am, an, ar, ba, ca, -e, e, em, en, er, fa, ga, -i, i, im, ir, ja, ka, ke, 'kern, ki, in, om, on, rn, -si, sa, t, ta, te, ten, tha, ti, um, un, ur
- There are 245,310 possible names. Due to the large number of possible names, the list is divided alphabetically.