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The Obscuros (ESO)

The Obscuros is a scrying artifact that enhances the user's Sight and projects their visions in the form of holographic constructs for anyone to see. It is said to be the most powerful scrying device on Tamriel.[1] It was used and protected by the ancient Psijics before being deactivated and hidden to prevent its misuse,[1][2] being relocated to the island of Dranil Kir and locked away with magical traps.[3] The artifacts' presence on the island made it infamously plagued by severe weather.[4]

Circa 2E 582, the Psijic monk Lilatha sought to find the origin of several incidents regarding peoples' shadows coming to life and killing them. She employed the help of the Vestige to assist her, who gathered an Anuic Lantern and Liminal Lens before meeting her at Dranil Kir to find the Obscuros. The pair reached, repaired, and activated the artifact, asking it where the Skeleton Key was located. It output a projection of the Clockwork City,[2] which would prove to be accurate. Later that year, the Vestige would recover the Skeleton Key from the city, where it was being used to imprison Sotha Sil.[5]


  • An object known as the Clockwork Obscuros was a souvenir of Sotha Sil's capable of displaying a projection of the Clockwork City.[6]


  1. ^ a b Lilatha's dialogue in ESO
  2. ^ a b Events of Of Knives and Long Shadows in ESO: Summerset
  3. ^ Dranil Kir loading screen in ESO
  4. ^ Dranil Kir appearance in ESO
  5. ^ Events of ESO: Clockwork City
  6. ^ Clockwork Obscuros item description in ESO