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Race Proto‑Nord Gender Male
Resided in Valthume
Appears in Skyrim

Hevnoraak was a tyrannical Dragon Priest who inhabited Valthume in ancient times. He was a masterful manipulator who twisted the kindest of men into soldiers with boundless loyalty. Hevnoraak amassed an army of fanatical followers, and eventually, fear all it took to keep them in line. He could humiliate and torture his followers without consequence, for they would not rebel against him. As his death drew near, Hevnoraak grew obsessed with ensuring his resurrection. He filled several vessels with blood drained from his own body, with the intention of using it to transfer his power back into his body after his death. Following Hevnoraak's demise, a warrior named Valdar swore to guard the Dragon Priest's tomb and keep him from rising. Hevnoraak's body was bound, and Valdar remained vigilant for many generations.[1]

In 4E 201, the Last Dragonborn entered Valthume and encountered the spirit of Valdar, whose strength was fading. The warrior would not be able to hold Hevnoraak in place for much longer, and asked the Dragonborn to bring him Hevnoraak's vessels so they could weaken the lich before he awoke. The Dragonborn collected the vessels and helped Valdar perform a ritual to awaken Hevnoraak in a weakened state. The Hero then defeated the Dragon Priest, claiming his iron mask and foiling his plot, freeing Valdar from his ancient oath, allowing the spirit to rest.[2]


  •   The inhabitants of Skyrim during the Dragon War were variously labeled Nords[3] and Atmorans.[4] The truth may lie somewhere in-between; while the two are considered distinct races,[5] the men living in the transition period between the terms' respective usage have been considered 'proto-Nords'.[6][7][8]

See Also[edit]
