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Lore:Crafting Motif 92: Ancestral Akaviri Style

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Crafting Motif 92: Ancestral Akaviri Style
by Caelius Calogerus, Imperial Captain
A guide to crafting armor and weapons in the Ancestral Akaviri style

We halted the Akaviri forces at Pale Pass. I thought that would be the end of it, but none could have anticipated what transpired. The hush over the land as the blood cooled and the Akaviri, hearing the voice of Reman Cyrodiil, knelt and swore to serve him. Now, those remaining raiders are part of our army. They fight alongside us. These are strange times, but we will only weaken ourselves with infighting. I am writing this account to try and better understand these Tsaesci warriors. I think it prudent to begin with their martial knowledge first.


While the Akaviri's axes do not look much different from our own at a distance, to see them up close is another matter entirely. Intricate carvings of heavy whorls splay out along the head of the weapon. The end result is as beautiful as the edges are sharp.


I am amazed by the detail the Akaviri render in their armor. Even the simplest things, like a belt, are wrought with exquisite designs that draw the eye. Some look more like pendants than belts and include carved talismans framed within dark bronze.


Swaths of green ribbon feature prominently in Akaviri footwear. They are often tied in knots at the front of this shin and hold the protective length of material that fits against it.


The Akaviri bows are much heftier than our own. The overall shape of the bow is similar, but it feels heavier to the touch and holds up against a great deal of punishment. It looks like it was born in a blacksmith's forge, not carved by delicate hands.


The Akaviri fashion their chest armor from small plates. These plates are laced together in horizontal rows which provides a great deal of protection. To compliment this design, they add metalwork in the shape of flowers and serpentine knots of ribbon.


Many of my friends fell to the needle-like sharpness of the Akaviri blades. Not only do the edge of their daggers draw blood from the slightest touch, but the tip of each is sharpened into a deadly point. These weapons can puncture as easily as they can flay skin from bone.


Many of the Akaviri leave their fingers exposed. Their gloves allow for material to be wrapped tightly across the palm all the way up to the forearm, but leave the fingers free. Most of their gloves have a protective component to them as well, either made from tough hide or some other flexible material.


The Akaviri helmets extend outward, flaring at the jaw to create a more rounded shape. Carved facial armor sits inside the helm and either partially, or completely covers the wearers visage.


Our new soldiers tend to keep their legs free and the material around them loose. Whatever protection they deem necessary is usually affixed to the waist and is allowed to drape down. I imagine this flexibility is what makes them move so quickly across a battlefield.


Whether held in two hands or in one, the Akaviri maces pulverize bone upon contact. Or at least, that's the impression they give. I have been fortunate enough not to be at the receiving end of one. The spikes on these weapons look sharp enough to be daggers in their own right.


Of all their weaponry and armor, I admire the Akaviri's shields most of all. A silhouette in the shape of a flying dragon soars across the faces of the heavy bucklers. The horror of gazing up into an open sky and seeing such a shape easily comes to mind.


The Akaviri fashion their shoulder pauldrons out of strong, but moldable material. They allow for full rotation of the shoulder while still managing to protect the wearer from attack. Often, this material is layered in horizontal rows and strung together tightly to make a whole piece.


I have yet to speak with any Akaviri who wield a staff, but I am most curious about the metal rings they affix to the heads of theirs. The sound of them clashing as the Akaviri walk -a melodious and terrible song—chills one's bones.


The craftsmanship of the Akaviri swords is truly something to behold. I have been lucky enough to observe the intensely laborious process by which the Akaviri make these incredible weapons. The smith folds the material that creates the blade over and over again until the correct consistency is achieved. Then, they apply a gritty liquid concoction to the sword which miraculously curves the blade. This process is quite long and is made even longer when it comes to polishing the final product. The Akaviri can spend days perfecting these distinctive weapons.