Lore:Cliff Racer

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Cliff Racers
A Cliff Racer
Type Beast
Range Morrowind
Appears in

Morrowind, ESO, Legends

Cliff Racers (or cliffracers) are large flying reptiles found throughout Morrowind, and are related to Cliff Striders and Cliff Darters. They are very aggressive and will attack anyone in sight. Cliff Racers have good vision range, and will often detect and follow travelers without being noticed. This can result in swarms of them descending upon the unwary adventurer.

There are several conflicting theories as to their origins. Their alleged ancestors, known as Bat Lizards were said to have been encountered by Topal the Pilot in the Merethic Era. They were native to a forested island theorized to have been Gorne.[1] One account states Cliff Racers migrated to the island of Vvardenfell from parts unknown where, thanks to their numbers, they overwhelmed the Dragon population that lived there and drove them out.[UOL 1] Though another claims that the Skylamps ate all the Dragons.[UOL 2] Some historians theorize that Cliff Striders, which are closely related to Cliff Racers, have a shared ancestry with Hackwings. This possible divergence may have resulted from Dark Elves raiding Black Marsh for thousands of years to bring back things they deemed valuable, such as slave labor, livestock, and critters.[2]

Due to their pest-like nature, Cliff Racers were eventually driven from Vvardenfell by Saint Jiub the Eradicator,[3] although they have been known to exist in mainland Morrowind well into the Fourth Era.[4]

Racer Plumes are used locally and throughout the Empire as decorations for garments and household goods.[5] Pillows are known to be stuffed with racer plumes.[6] These plumes are also used to make levitation potions.[7]



  • In the mid-Second Era, one Thetys Ramarys of Balmora, selectively bred the Cliff Strider for their wing strength, in the hopes that they would eventually be able to take flight and dominate Vvardenfell's skies.[8] It is implied that this breeding program may have given rise to the Cliff Racers that plagued Vvardenfell in the Third Era. While a species of Cliff Racers already existed at that time, they were smaller and seemingly less aggressive than those found in the Third Era.

See Also[edit]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.