Lore:Artifacts A
Abolisher is an artifact created by the Daedric Prince Boethiah to aid in Ithelia's imprisonment, described as a pitted blade with an edge that can cut the veil between worlds. It held the power to open portals, destroy them, or reopen sealed portals. In addition it could be used to sever the link the Many Paths provided to a different reality, rendering it inaccessible. Abolisher was ultimately destroyed when it was used as part of a spell originating from Hermaeus Mora, which was provided to the Vestige in order to repair the reality tears created by Ithelia's power that were threatening to unravel all existence. After the spell was cast Abolisher became a normal sword, its Daedric power fully expended.
Adamantium Helm of Tohan[edit]
The Adamantium Helm of Tohan is a legendary Adamantium artifact. The helmet is medium weight, while still being very durable and offering superior protection. It has an immensely high potential for enchantment. Nothing is known of Tohan or the helm's origins.
- Morrowind (Helm of Tohan official plugin)
Akaviri Sunderblade[edit]
The Akaviri Sunderblade, also shortened to just Sunderblade is a legendary katana that belonged to the first leader of the Akaviri Dragonguard, Ghelin-Brol who were sworn to the protection of the Emperor Reman Cyrodiil. It was known for its potent enchantment that could disintegrate weapons and armors of the foes of the wielder. Numerous superb katanas were fashioned to look like the legendary Sunderblade and were used for centuries by high-ranking Imperial Blades before the order was disbanded.
As of 3E 433 the legendary blade was available for purchase in the Three Brothers Trade Goods shop in the Imperial City from Imperial merchant Sergius Verus. It is unknown whether or not Hero of Kvatch purchased the blade or not, however.
Amulet of Infectious Charm[edit]
The Amulet of Infectious Charm is a legendary magical trinket once owned by the Nord chieftain Hrothmund the Red of Solstheim, the first chieftain of Thirsk. The amulet is enchanted to boost the personality of the wearer hugely, but at the cost of being constantly fatigued and susceptible to disease. According to legends, Hrothmund was ugly as a troll, but received much womanly attention due to the amulet. The amulet was buried in Hrothmund's Barrow high in the Moesring Mountains after he was killed and eaten by Ondjage, the Fell Wolf.
Amulet of Kings[edit]
The Amulet of Kings, also called the Amulet of the Kings of Glory, was a pendant traditionally worn by the ruling emperor of Cyrodiil. Set in its center was the Chim-el Adabal, also known as the Red Diamond, a huge soul gem of Ayleid origin. It was held in a golden clasp surrounded by eight smaller gems that represented the Eight Divines of the original Cyrodilic pantheon, created by Queen Alessia. It served as the symbol of the divine right of the Cyrodilic emperors. The amulet was an important component of the coronation ceremony and a powerful artifact when used for divination. The soul of each reigning emperor was enshrined within the central stone, presumably during the coronation ritual involving the Dragonfires and the divine Covenant. In this way Cyrodiil's rulers were brought together in death, forming an 'oversoul' that could provide counsel to their successors. The amulet could only be worn by certain individuals—those who could wear it were said to have the 'Dragon Blood' in their veins. The specific requirements, however, have been a subject of debate, and they may simply have called for the attributes of a ruler or some divine mandate.
The Amulet of Kings is a sacred symbol of the Empire, although most people think of the Red Dragon Crown as the Empire's main symbol of power. The Red Diamond has also become a symbol heavily associated with Imperials.
Ansei Wards[edit]
The Ansei Wards were three ancient Redguard relics that contained the spirits of powerful Ansei warriors. They were created in the First Era to combat against the threat of necromancy in the Alik'r Desert. It is believed that the Ansei forged the wards from their own shehai. According to some scholars, these treasured relics have played an important role throughout the history of the Alik'r. The Wards themselves take the form of large ornate golden scimitars encrusted with gemstones.
Anvil of Mithas[edit]
The Anvil of Mithas is an ancient anvil created by Mithas, the greatest Dwemer smith. It is twinned with the Hammer of Gharen, which is the only object strong enough not to shatter when used to shape metal upon the Anvil. When the Hammer strikes the Anvil, it produces a ringing which reveals the location of the entrance to the Dwarven mines beneath Red Mountain.
Arcane Knot[edit]
The Arcane Knot is a dangerous and deeply unstable mystical object of incredible power. It is said that if reality can be thought of as a great glass mirror then, when that mirror breaks, the result is many mirrors, many realities. The Arcane Knot is said to possess the power to treat the mirror as if it never broke, to connect the different realities and even allow one to cross over from one to the next. The Knot's influence can have various effects such as granting the one holding it incredible power, causing the size of their physical form to increase, or spawning Glass Atronachs, but it is deeply volatile and will eventually consume the holder and everyone around them, infusing them with Temporal Splinters that build up into a destructive Arcane Fracture, and draining and eating away at them until they disappear into the Knot itself. It is said that even momentary exposure to the Knot can cause one's very animus to shatter and thus surviving in its presence for any period of time is impressive. For a long time the Arcane Knot was held deep within the Lucent Citadel in Fargrave, its origin and intended function were completely unkown and even among Fargrave's Daedra there were only a select few that could remember the citadel. In 2E 582 an expedition of Mirrormoor Daedra attempted to retrieve the Arcane Knot, as their leader believed it belonged to them. A group of adventurers defeated the Daedra and retrieved the Arcane Knot, surviving its influence long enough to contain its chaotic power within the Null Arca, a Daedric device created to supress dangerous magical objects. With the potential calamity the Mirrormoor Daedra could've caused with the Knot prevented, the contained object was taken away for study by Scribes of Hermaeus Mora.
Arcanist Tomes[edit]
Arcanist tomes are sentient artifacts created by the forces of Apocrypha, the Oblivion realm of Hermaeus Mora. One becomes a spellcaster known as an arcanist when one is bonded to one of them. These tomes are the object of which arcanists learn of the spells they wield and the vector through which their spells are cast. In other words, their power is derived from the book itself: knowledge alone is one thing, but arcanists are unique in that the tome they wield is integral to their spellcasting. All mages use runes of some kind, but the runework wielded by arcanists is extremely elaborate on top of producing unique feats of spellwork. Some mortals hypothesize these tomes to be pieces of Apocrypha itself.
Armlet of Torug[edit]
The Armlet of Torug was a powerful relic belonging to King Torug gro-Igron, the founder of Orsinium. According to legend, Torug used the gem-encrusted, magical bracelet to tame the savage wilderness of Wrothgar and establish his city.
Armor of Tiber Septim[edit]
The Armor of Tiber Septim is an artifact associated with Talos, one of the Nine Divines. Talos wore the armor prior to his apotheosis, when he was the man known as Tiber Septim. The armor is a plated cuirass, black and gold in color. It is a piece of heavy armor, made in the Imperial Legion style and similar in appearance to the Imperial Dragon Armor worn by subsequent Emperors.
Arms of Chaos[edit]
The Arms of Chaos consist of two staves: the Arm of the Sun and the Arm of the Moon. This pair of staves was created by a descendant of Loreth the Fangler, who sought to recreate the legendary magic of the Staff of Chaos.
- Skyrim (Arm of the Sun, Arm of the Moon)
Aurbical Abacus[edit]
The Aurbical Abacus was an ancient Yokudan relic created by distilling the knowledge and wisdom of twenty generations of the priest-wizards of the Yokudan god Zeht. It had the physical appearance of having glass gears and ivory pistons, and suffused with the blue glow of star-magic. It was used to track the movements of the moons, constellations, and planets and calculate the exact turn of the seasons. It detected the directional origin of star-magicka, or "varliance," and stored it as data. It can also predict the weather and even control it on a continental scale. It was brought to Hew's Bane after Yokuda sank, by the Zeht priesthood, where it was buried in the old Hubalajad family tomb known as Bahraha's Gloom.
Auriel's Bow[edit]
Auriel's Bow, (also spelled Auri-El's Bow) is an artifact used by the elven god Auriel. Although it takes the form of a modest elven moonstone bow, it is one of the most powerful weapons on Tamriel.
The bow draws its power from Aetherius itself, channeling it through the sun. It has the ability to turn any arrow into a "missile of death", although its enchantment effects vary: it has been known to cause magical fire or shock damage, drain an opponent's stamina and magicka reserves, or harness the power of the sun. It can also make the wielder immune to lesser attacks, and is especially devastating when used against the undead. Occasionally it can be seemingly unenchanted. Without Auriel's power behind it, however, the bow uses its own store of energy for its power. Once exhausted of this energy, the bow will vanish, abandoning its owner to reappear elsewhere.
Auriel's Quiver[edit]
Auriel's Quiver is a mysterious ivory case, embossed with gold. It may be associated with the elven god Auriel and his legendary bow and shield.
At some point, the quiver was given "scholarly markings" to identify it. It was being circulated throughout Tamriel circa 2E 582. Nothing else is known about the quiver.
Auriel's Shield[edit]
Auriel's Shield is an artifact used by the elven god Auriel, the Altmeri Akatosh, Dragon God of Time. It takes the form of a small shield, sometimes rounded, made from either ebony or moonstone. It has several magical abilities that help to make its wielder nigh invulnerable. Its known enchantments include resistance to fire, shielding from either magical or physical attacks, healing properties, magical armor enhancement, and spell reflection. Sometimes it also appears to be seemingly unenchanted.
The shield has the ability to absorb the power of blocked attacks; this energy can then be released by bashing an opponent with the shield, delivering a devastating physical blow. Its shielding ability is supposedly unsurpassed. The shield is twinned with Auriel's Bow.
Like many great artifacts, the shield has a life and personality of its own, and does not feel bound to its user. A popular fable tells of it abandoning its owner in her greatest hour of need, but this story is thought to be apocryphal. Legend says it was created by Anuiel at Auriel's request so that the latter could use it in his campaign against the forces of Lorkhan during the Dawn Era.
Azra's Bandage[edit]
Azra's Bandage is a ring with magical healing properties. The ring was kept incased in a shadow-infused crystal by Pergan Asuul within Earthtear Caverns before being retrieved by the Soul of Conflict circa 3E 397. After it was retrieved by the hero, Pergan Asuul lamented that it was the handiwork of Azra and was not meant for hands such as theirs.
Azra's Mace[edit]
Azra's Mace is a powerful mace created by Azra Nightwielder that could inflict more damage than weapons of even Daedric quality. In appearance, it is a dark metal mace engraved with a runic 'A', and a runic 'N', which are the initials of Azra's name. It was found by the Soul of Conflict in the Crypt of Hearts circa 3E 397.
Azra's Staffs[edit]
Azra's Staffs are a collection of staves created and enchanted by the original Shadowmage Azra Nightwielder, whose advances in magic were legendary. In addition to his role in the development of Shadow magic, he was also known as a pioneer of staff enchantment. His techniques were considered rudimentary by the Fourth Era, but his genius remained evident throughout the ages.
Azra himself wielded a staff, though its properties are not known. Neloth of House Telvanni was known to collect the staves created by Azra Nightwielder. Each staff of his creation led to Neloth's greater understanding of the field of enchantment. He was known to have several of these staves in his personal collection. In 4E 201, Neloth discovered the locations of several staves created by Azra and enlisted an adventurer to retrieve some of them from sites he had identified in the province of Skyrim. It is known that he wielded at least one such staff in battle.
The staffs created by Azra are numerous and have a variety of known effects, including influencing the minds of people, making them calm or fearful, commanding undead and forcing them to flee, summoning various types of Daedra from Oblivion and banishing them, and causing paralysis. Some of them also command elements, the most notable of which are fire, frost, and lightning.
Azura's Crystal[edit]
Azura's Crystal is an artifact of Azura. It is capable of capturing Daedric essences, acting as a prison for the vestige and preventing the Daedra from returning to Oblivion. After being 'charged' by a captured essence, the Crystal can be used as a power source for magical devices such as Void Keys.
Found in:
Azura's Star[edit]
Azura's Star (also called the Twilight Star) is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Azura, and is prominently used as her symbol. In appearance it looks like a large, intricately designed throwing star or gemstone, with eight star-like prongs. In the right hands, Azura's Star acts as a reusable soul gem of almost unlimited capacity. It is considered to possess legendary magical powers. This makes it highly sought by mages and assassins. It can only capture white souls, but was once corrupted by mortals to trap black souls instead, becoming the Black Star. Using Azura's Star empties it, freeing the trapped soul to make its journey to Oblivion. Some believe Azura's Star can turn living creatures into statues.