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Isle of Madness

Legends:Xavara Atronach

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Xavara Atronach
Creature (DaedraAtronach)
LG-card-Xavara Atronach.png
Deck code ID si
Card Set LG-icon-Isle of Madness.png Isle of Madness
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png3
Attribute Endurance Endurance
Power Power 3 Health Health 3
Rarity Common Common
Summon: You may sacrifice another creature to give Xavara Atronach its power and health.

Xavara Atronach is a common Endurance creature card. It is available as part of the Isle of Madness story set.


  • This card's summon ability applies the Daedric Hunger card effect.
  • This card is named after the ruins of Xavara, which previously appeared in the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion. The ruins were inhabited by Zealots who possessed the ability to summon Flesh Atronachs like the one depicted in the card's art.
