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General:The Imperial City Guide: Areas

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Originally published August 12, 2015. The original article can be found here.

Knowing your way around the Imperial City and navigating its many dangers can often mean the difference between survival and certain demise.

With our Areas guide, you'll learn where each Imperial District is located, where the connections to the Sewers are throughout the city, and where you can enter the two Imperial City dungeons. We can't tell you where enemy-alliance players are lurking, though—you're on your own there!

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  1. The Memorial District
  2. The Arena District
  3. The Arboretum
  4. The Temple District
  5. The Nobles District
  6. The Elven Gardens
  1. The Imperial City Prison
  2. The White-Gold Tower
Other Areas
  1. The Imperial Sewers
  2. Aldmeri Dominion Base
  3. Daggerfall Covenant Base
  4. Ebonheart Pact Base

The Arena District[edit]

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This district houses the awe-inspiring Imperial Arena. Unfortunately, the Daedra have twisted it into something dark and profane. Imperial citizens are forced to battle beasts, and each other, for the amusement of Molag Bal's soldiers. Of course, these "battles" typically amount to civilians being slaughtered and devoured by Daedric beasts.

In the Arena District, you can fight enemy-alliance players and Xivkyn forces, enter the Ethereal Trophy Vault, and step foot into the Imperial Arena. Inside the arena, a challenging test of might awaits—battle against bosses and try to defeat the Ringmaster for a special reward. As you're exploring the Arena District, keep a watchful eye out for the roaming Immolator Charr (Ogrim) and King Khrogo (Daedroth)!

The Arboretum District[edit]


The Arboretum District was an idyllic garden prior to the Daedric invasion. Its proximity to the archives made it a popular haunt for the city's scholars. Now the district is filled with bonfires beneath a thick blanket of smoke. The Daedra have plundered the city's archives—burning as many books and scrolls as they can find.

Lady Malygda (Spider Daedra) and Ysenda Resplendet [sic] (Harvester) patrol the Arboretum District's streets. Be aware of your surroundings, lest she get the jump on you. You'll also find the Clawed Trophy Vault and Arboretum Armory crafting hub in this district.

The Elven Gardens[edit]

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Prior to the invasion, the Elven Gardens District was a bustling residential quarter. Now it functions as a base of operations for the perfidious "Legion Zero." The dark legionaries have established great forges here as well as siege foundries, drill yards, and everything else an army might need.

As you explore the Elven Gardens, look for the Planar Armor Trophy Vault. You may also run into Zoal the Ever-Wakeful (Watcher) or the Screeching Matron (Clannfear), the district's roaming bosses.

The Memorial District[edit]

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This section of the city was a thriving market prior to Varen Aquilarios' conquest of the city. After he took the Ruby Throne, Varen converted the district into a cemetery and memorial dedicated to all the soldiers who died fighting Leovic's troops. This has made the Memorial District fertile ground for Molag Bal's twisted necromancers. The Worm Cult and Molag Bal's Xivkyn work around the clock, exhuming graves and raising the dead.

(This district is eventually reestablished as the Imperial Market District, as seen in Oblivion.)

There's a lot to see in the Memorial District—this is where you can enter the Imperial City Prison dungeon (to the very north.) You'll also find the Bone Shard Trophy Vault and Memorial Armory crafting hub. And if you smell something a little putrid along the way, Volghass the Flesh Atronach might be making its rounds nearby along with Amoncrul (Bone Colossus).

The Nobles District[edit]

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The Nobles District served as a residential neighborhood for the city's upper class, including councilors and wealthy merchants. When the Daedric invasion started, Captain Caudex gathered as many legionaries as he could and established a makeshift garrison in the old forum at the center of the district. They've somehow managed to hold that fort for several months, despite the Daedric onslaught.

The Nobles District is home to the Legionary Trophy Vault and Nobles Armory crafting hub. A word of warning, especially if you travel alone—be on your guard always in the Nobles District. The swift and silent Baron Thirsk (Grievous Twilight) or frosty Nunatak (Frost Atronach) are always on the hunt for their next mortal victims.

The Temple District[edit]

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This district was formerly the traditional center of faith in the city. Now, the once beautiful Temple of the One has been converted into a horrifying torture chamber. Priests are routinely tortured and interrogated here, while members of the laity are sacrificed to appease Daedric Prince Molag Bal.

While exploring the Temple District, keep an eye out for the Monstrous Tooth Trophy Vault and roaming bosses Glorgoloch the Destroyer (Flesh Atronach) and Mazaluhad (Lich).

The Imperial City Prison[edit]

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The Imperial City was overrun some time ago. With its invasion, the prison was also abandoned by its once steadfast guards. In the chaos that resulted, gangs of prisoners fought and preyed upon each other—this lasted until the Daedra arrived to lord over the Imperial Prison. A Grievous Twilight and its minions have since completely taken over the prison. The Daedra capture mortals of all kinds from the Imperial City warzone and process them in the prison. Prisoners are sent deep underground, where the Daedra have unearthed a network of Ayleid ruins, converting them into holding pens and terrible torture chambers.

Located in the north-most area of the Memorial District, the Imperial City Prison is one of the Imperial City's two small-group dungeons. You can enter the prison via the Memorial District, or by clicking on the Point of Interest map icon for the dungeon while anywhere in Tamriel that is not Cyrodiil or the Imperial City. Team up with three friends and choose to take on either Normal mode or Veteran mode—the latter yields Veteran Rank 16 rewards!

The White-Gold Tower[edit]

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The Daedra have invaded the White-Gold Tower as part of their full-scale attack on the Imperial City. Terran Arminus, an Imperial Moth Priest, seeks your aid in retrieving an Elder Scroll she has hidden in the Tower. It's imperative you find it before the Daedra. Will you be successful, or succumb to the forces of Molag Bal?

Located in the center of the Imperial City and visible from miles away in all directions, the White-Gold Tower is one of the two small-group dungeons in the Imperial City. Enter it in the Sewers near your alliance's base, or by clicking on the Point of Interest map icon for the dungeon while anywhere in Tamriel that is not Cyrodiil or the Imperial City. Team up with three friends and choose to take on either Normal mode or Veteran mode—the latter yields Veteran Rank 16 rewards!

The Imperial Sewers[edit]

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The Imperial Sewers are a vast and ancient network of drains and cisterns providing basic sanitation for the city above. Deeper still are ancient Ayleid ruins—long-forgotten structures, hidden by centuries of neglect. The sewers have always served as a haven for beasts and bandits, but now Molag Bal has taken over. Feared Daedric lieutenants patrol the halls, looking for victims and secrets tucked away beneath the White-Gold Tower.

The massive Imperial Sewers are a network of subterranean passageways and canals that span the entirety of the Imperial City. Here are some of the things you'll find while exploring the Sewers:

  • Entrance to White-Gold Tower
  • Entrance to each of the Imperial City alliance bases
  • Ladders that connect to every district
  • Patrolling Xivkyn Generals
  • Boss monsters
  • Trove Scamps and Cunning Scamps
  • A special event in the Barathrum Centrata, at the center of the Sewers

The Alliance Bases[edit]

The three alliances have established small footholds in the Imperial Sewers in preparation for a larger offensive. These garrisons are clearly improvised and ramshackle, but provide all the necessary services an adventurer might need. While the bases are primarily military in nature, many merchants have gathered there as well—desperate to get their hands on valuable Tel Var Stones.

Aldmeri Dominion Base[edit]

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The Aldmeri Dominion base is beneath the Arboretum and Temple Districts, on the east side of the Imperial Sewers.

You'll find the following basic essentials (and more) in each of the Imperial City alliance bases in the Sewers.

  • A Banker that offers normal banking functions, and Tel Var Stone deposits
  • Basic crafting stations
  • A cooking fire
  • A crafting style merchant
  • A dye station
  • A general goods merchant
  • A lockbox merchant where you can buy randomized set pieces
  • Tel Var Stone merchants (armor, and crafting components)
  • The "Drake of Blades" will appear there when you first begin your journey in the Imperial City

Daggerfall Covenant Base[edit]

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The Daggerfall Covenant base is directly below the Elven Gardens and Noble Districts, on the west side of the Imperial Sewers.

You'll find the following basic essentials (and more) in each of the Imperial City alliance bases in the Sewers.

  • A Banker that offers normal banking functions, and Tel Var Stone deposits
  • Basic crafting stations
  • A cooking fire
  • A crafting style merchant
  • A dye station
  • A general goods merchant
  • A lockbox merchant where you can buy randomized set pieces
  • Tel Var Stone merchants (armor, and crafting components)
  • The "Drake of Blades" will appear there when you first begin your journey in the Imperial City

Ebonheart Pact Base[edit]

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The Ebonheart Pact base is directly below the Arena and Memorial Districts, on the north side of the Imperial Sewers.

You'll find the following basic essentials (and more) in each of the Imperial City alliance bases in the Sewers.

  • A Banker that offers normal banking functions, and Tel Var Stone deposits
  • Basic crafting stations
  • A cooking fire
  • A crafting style merchant
  • A dye station
  • A general goods merchant
  • A lockbox merchant where you can buy randomized set pieces
  • Tel Var Stone merchants (armor, and crafting components)
  • The "Drake of Blades" will appear there when you first begin your journey in the Imperial City

Not every point-of-interest is revealed on this map of the Imperial City. There is more to discover as you explore the city under siege, including Skyshards, story events, and ruins. You'll have to venture into the Imperial City yourself to uncover its every secret!

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