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General:Necrom Preview—Conjuring the Arcanist

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Originally published May 25, 2023. The original article can be found here.

Learn about the all-new Arcanist class, arriving soon as part of The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, and see how the ESO dev team crafted this new way to play.

The Arcanist is ESO's first new class since 2019's Elsweyr Chapter and introduces three skill lines (Curative Runeforms, Herald of the Tome, and Soldier of Apocrypha) in addition to an all-new combat mechanic: the Crux System. Adding a new class to the game is a major undertaking, so we spoke to members of the development team to learn more about the Arcanist's key features, design, and development.

Conjuring a New Class[edit]

When planning ESO's newest class, including its abilities, background, and aesthetic, the team knew that first and foremost, the Arcanist had to stand apart.

"We set out to create something new and unique that doesn't look or play like any class we've made before," explains Brian Wheeler, ESO's Lead Combat Designer. "The Arcanist had to be different and not just a new coat of paint or a collection of 'best hits' from the game's other classes."

In addition, the team wanted to ensure that the new Arcanist class appealed to both new and existing players alike, regardless of experience level.

"One of the tenets we had when making the Arcanist was to create abilities that explored new ground and concepts, while still having some that long-time players could see and draw comparisons to," explains Stephen Cerretani, one of the Arcanist's Combat Designers. "A great example are the first two abilities in the Herald of the Tome skill line. Runeblades has the makings of a long-range spammable, akin to Flame Skull or Force Shock. On the other hand, we have Fatecarver, a channeled beam that you can freely aim, wreaking havoc to anything before you."

(In original article, a video of The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom - Wield the Power of the Arcanist was embedded here (link)

Finally, it was also important that the Arcanist support multiple roles (damage, tanking, healing) while presenting a single consistent identity.

"The ability to perform any role using its own skills helps provide for a cohesive class experience," explains Wheeler. "Whether you're taking damage or dishing it out, the FX, audio, and animations all feel like they're part of the same suite. This keeps the fantasy of playing an Arcanist intact without breaking up the visuals and overall vibe by over-relying on other abilities from other skill lines."

Apocrypha-Inspired Power[edit]

To help create this special identity, the team made the decision* to connect the Arcanist to the realm of Apocrypha. This unique thematic background became the foundation for not only the class's combat abilities, but its entire aesthetic, including its FX and sounds.

"The Arcanist, stylistically, is worlds apart from our other classes," explains Dylan Hairston, the Arcanist's Senior Sound Designer. "Where the Dragonknight might wield fire and poison, the Arcanist wields knowledge, runes, tentacles, etc. This allowed me to develop sounds that don't have a strong real-world precedent, and I had a blast figuring out how some of the more obscure things would sound."

The Arcanist utilizes eldritch runes of power

"We really wanted to make players feel like Arcanists are drawing from ancient knowledge, so focusing more on text, ink, and larger drawn runes helps that idea come across," says Brian Hahn, the Arcanist's Senior FX Artist. "Incorporating one of the black books [sic] into a lot of the casting animation also plays on this idea. We had a lot of fun coming up with ways to use it as a casting focus."

Of course, when looking for inspiration, the team immersed themselves in the sinister, mysterious lore of Hermaeus Mora and Apocrypha.**

"Hermaeus Mora has a strong Lovecraftian draw, and I leaned into that heavily to try to make sounds that invoke this sense of being in your head," says Hairston. "We included elements of whispers or unintelligible murmurs as though the sounds themselves contain infinite knowledge and power."

Bring Apocrypha to Nirn with unique abilities

"We also played around a bit with the idea of forbidden knowledge," explains Hahn. "Abilities like Abyssal Impact and Runes of Eldritch Horror are supposed to feel like they came from the darker depths of Apocrypha. As opposed to abilities like Remedy Cascade and Runeblades, which feel like you're drawing from powers that would be more widely available in this part of Oblivion."

Getting to the Crux of It[edit]

In addition to three unique Skill Lines (complete with active, passive, and ultimate abilities) that each support the three playstyles, the Arcanist also introduces the Crux System. When playing an Arcanist, certain abilities will generate Crux, a new resource that you can use by activating Crux-spending abilities. Those abilities then enjoy additional benefits like cheaper resource costs, additional damage, and more.

"Similar to the Necromancer's corpse mechanic, with an Arcanist, you can enhance your abilities via the Crux system," explains Wheeler. "However, with the new class, you're able to stay mobile and build and spend Crux as you wish. This gives the Arcanist the chance to choose their own destiny on the fly, and it adds a layer of mastery outside of simply putting together your gear sets and ability bar."

Empower your abilities with Crux

"The Crux system gives more of a direct ebb and flow to the class," says Cerretani. "You can cast your abilities whenever you feel the opportunity requires it, but when you have all three Crux available to you and your ability buttons are shining, it's a great feeling to know you'll be firing at maximum effect."

Because of the Crux System, the Arcanist features has customization that helps it stand apart from previous classes.

"You can go as simple or complex as you want with the Arcanist's Crux System, and we designed the full suite of abilities that way," says Wheeler. "Not all your abilities build or spend, and some abilities provide benefits for simply building Crux and not spending it. Some players can even play with just no builders or spenders at all if they want, while others can load up all kinds of combinations to juggle building, spending, and sitting on three Crux for the right opportunity."

(In the original article, the video Exploring the Arcanist was embedded here (link))

How you build and play your Arcanist is up to you, and the team worked hard to ensure that no matter your experience level, you can both have fun and be effective when playing the new class.

"With the Arcanist we wanted to make sure that you could still have fun and fire off cool-looking abilities without having to worry about if you met some additional prerequisite," explains Cerretani. "All the while leaving room for our veterans and number crunchers to have the opportunity to really get into the weeds with how the abilities interacted with one another."

Master the Power of Apocrypha[edit]

With the new Arcanist class, you can manipulate the eldritch energies of Hermaeus Mora's realm to sunder your foes, stand steadfast against any attack, and restore your allies. How you chose to use this new class is up to you, and a near-limitless number of builds and playstyles await those willing to delve into the secrets of Apocrypha. How will you utilize these spectacular new powers? Let us know via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadow Over Morrowind adventure and arrives for PC/Mac on June 5, 2023, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 20, 2023.

Pre-purchase Necrom now to receive unique bonus rewards at launch and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount.

*Perhaps influenced by the Prince of Knowledge himself?

**No developers were transformed into Hushed during the making of the Arcanist.