General:Bethesda01's Posts

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Bethesda01's Posts
Medium/Format Online Forum
Hosted By

Bethesda01 was the username employed by Bethesda Softworks for its customer support in the 1990s. The account operator for BBS posts is unknown. Judith Weller, the lead coordinator of beta testing at Bethesda is said to have operated this account on UseNet.


Is that robed gentleman with a green staff in the Imperial Palace the Jagar Tharn character, how do I defeat him? (04-09-94)[edit]

Yes - That is Tharn. You can't really kill him. When he gets into that shell just click on him and take all his equipment and keys - one of which is the key to the prison where the emperor is!

Codex Scientia hint book upcoming (04-18-94)[edit]

It is going to the printers this weeK!

Defeating Golems in Arena (04-18-94)[edit]

It takes a weapon made of EBony. If you don't have the weapon you can either cast and invisibility spell or drink a potion of invisibility and sneak past him.

When will the next Arena patch come out? (04-22-94)[edit]

The version 1.05 patch is currently in beta test and should be ready in a few weeks. Design is already working on a sequel.

What will TES2 be like? (04-28-94)[edit]

The sequel will have more depth of play and a more complex storyline.

What will TES2 feature? (04-28-94)[edit]

You will be able to bring your character over for the sequel. Byt the way the working title for the sequel is now DAGGERFALLS.

What will TES2 be like? (05-01-94)[edit]

The sequel to ARENA will have more in-depth story and role playing to it.

When is the Codex Scientia release date? (05-03-94)[edit]

Cluebook should be out on May 9th

What will TES2 be like? (05-05-94)[edit]

The sequel to Arena will be DAGGERFALL. There will be a completely new engines and the game will be skilled bases in addition to the usualy. More NPC interaction. It will not be an add-on to ARENA since it iwll have a new engine. However, DAGGERFALL is located in the World of Tamriel.

Computer Gaming World has reported that the next Elder Scrolls game will be Mournhold? (05-06-94)[edit]

The sequel was orginally intended to be Mournhold, but designer, Ted Peterson preferred to set in in Daggerfall - So the CGW rumor is out-of-date.

When is the next patch for Arena coming out? (05-06-94)[edit]

We hope that the v1.05 patch will be available here on Monday, sometime. It is in intensive testing throughout the weekend.

When will TES2 come out? (05-06-94)[edit]

Don't look for the sequel before 1995.


On Daggerfall's release date (06-06-95)[edit]

The current DAGGERFALL release date is projected to be about the end of the 2nd Quarter 1995.

On Daggerfall's progress (06-09-95)[edit]

Actually right now we are building the world and doing some alpha testing.

On Daggerfall's beta (08-01-95)[edit]

Undoubtedly one of our Beta Testers will have WIN 95 as soon as it is officially releaed - but DAGGERFALL goes to Beta this week.

On Daggerfall's progress, again (08-03-95)[edit]

We have no idea how long beta will take - it really depends on the first month of testing - after about a month you can get a better idea how long it will take to complete.
1. You can definately own a house/castle/ship
2. Various types of quests - for individuals, and guilds
3. Character reputation will deterimine membership in guilds, quests, and generall how NPC's treat you.
4. Character generation. In addition to the standard character generation which will be similar to that in ARENA, we will have a Custom CHaracter maker. Also don't forget that skills are now a part of the character attributes.

That's all I will say for now.

On Daggerfall's progress, again (08-03-95)[edit]

While DAGGERFALL will run on a 486Dx33 - it will be pretty slow. We are recommending that users have a 486DX 50-66 to get the game to run well. Now that DAGGERFALL is going to beta we will have a much better idea as to how it will run on a 486Dx33 - it will be tested on one.

Also those riddles that everyone hated so much have been banished in DAGGERFALL. We have really tried to listen to the folks who played ARENA and make sure that DAGGERFALL will eliminate a lot of things the users didn't like about ARENA.

There will definately be more NPC interaction. We will have virtual books - you can go to a library or find a book and read some of the legends of the World of Tamriel.

We are also trying to balance the game better so that you won't be a superman by half way throught the game. While you will be able to make items in the item makers - you may have to weigh the negative effects of the item you create against it's positive effects. Also we have some big tough, new monsters waiting for those super characters!

We are trying very hard to have DAGGERFALL come out the end of October and have already started taking pre-orders for the special edition of DAGGERFALL at the Emporium at our Web Site

On save porting from Arena to Daggerfall (08-10-95)[edit]

The Spell Maker will be in DAGGERFALL along with an item and potion maker. ALso most of your spells will transfer if you bring your character over from ARENA.

Arena versus Daggerfall (10-19-95)[edit]

There will be a far better story, more NPC interaction, the guilds in the city will be active for you to join and visit. There are 43 monsters in DAGGERFALL and I don't think they will be walking around every city at night without a very good plot reason for that to happen!

There is no telling what you will meet if you take a stroll across the countryside.

On monsters for Daggerfall (10-24-95)[edit]

The plan is to have monsters of a high level who will only be encountered by high level characters. Low level monsters will be encountered by low level characters. The monsters will not "level up" as they did in ARENA.

Random monster encounter will be done away with to a large extent. The design team feels that if you clean-out a dungeon it should stay cleaned out - but over a period of time monster can and will return to the dungeon.

On player character system for Daggerfall (11-29-95)[edit]

DAGGERFALL is a sequel to ARENA in so far as it is set in the same world - but it is not a sequel in the AD&D sense where you need to start with high level characters and not level 1 characters. The main difference will be that higher level/imported characters will meet higher level monsters early on whereas level 1 character will have lower level monsters. While we know that many players also want to bring over their favorite ARENA character we can't believe that they won't want to try out the custom character maker!

Don't forget that even with imported character you will need to get their skills up to speed.

I am talking about your skills - your stats will come over as they are. But the skill will be those of a level 1 character of your character class. Remember the skills are new for DAGGERFALL.

On world design for Daggerfall (12-01-95)[edit]

The dungeons associated with the main quest will have unque personalities just as the staff dungeons had in ARENA. In Arena there were only 4 main types of random dungeons there will be many more possible combinations in DAGGERFALL so that the random dungeons won't be as similar to one another as in Arena.

Also there will be a wider range of geographic features: deserts, lowlands, wetlands, swamps, mountains, hilly terrain. And of course there will be the various weather effects for the time of year.


The cities will also be more varied - the main cities like DAGGERFALL and Wayrest will be very larges, but there will also be more small towns, villages and hamlets etc.


There will be lakes, seas, rivers, and streams. Here is what the chief designer, Ted Peterson, said at a recent conference on CompuServe:

>Bethesda Softworks: We got swamps and hilly woodlands, mountains and desert, badlands and oceans and rivers (probably forgetting some ;->) Haunted misty woodlands being my favorite ;-> and, of course, city terrain to match

On foot travel for Daggerfall (12-22-95)[edit]

In ARENA you could not travel from one town to another on foot. The wilderness area outside the city gates would eventually wrap.

However, in DAGGERFALL you will be able to walk from one town to another if you want. For those that prefer a speedier method, there will be a Fast Travel Option which can be customised to make stops at interestngs point on the journey


What is the final purpose of Daggerfall? (05-23-96)[edit]

You will be told about a mystery surrounding the royal court of DAGGERFALL.

The roots of the mystery reach back into early Tamriel history. Your job will be to solved that mystery. That is all I will tell you about it!