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Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/Getting Started

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It is recommended anyone new to Daggerfall should first read these "Daggerfall Classic" game sources for basic information. This article is to explain differences in Daggerfall:Unity (DFU) that aren't obviously stated in-game and provide some beginning advice specific to DFU. Pertinent information already present elsewhere on the UESP Wiki is given as a link where appropriate. Some limited information is duplicated in order to expand upon how it is implemented in DFU.

REFERENCES for Beginners[edit]

The following "footnote" citations are used to indicate the general sources of the provided information. Selecting the citation footnote number in this document will take you directly to the "Additional Resources" section, which contains the link to the actual source document.

  • [1] The main Classic Daggerfall Wiki page. Everything "Classic" on the UESP wiki links from here.
    • [2] Classic Daggerfall User Interface
    • [3] Classic Daggerfall Key Controls
    • [4] Classic Daggerfall Calendar
    • [5] Classic Daggerfall Unofficial Newbie FAQ
    • [6] Classic Daggerfall Hints
    • [7] Classic Daggerfall User`s Guide (Just the Bestiary so far.)
  • [8] Classic "The (In)famous Beginner's Guide to Daggerfall" by Mark Stinson. 318 page MS Word document, with both "rapid" and "slow leveling" strategies and play suggestions.
  • [9] The Daggerfall:Unity Wiki page. Everything "DFU" on the UESP wiki links from here.
    • [10] Daggerfall:Unity Console commands.
    • [11] Daggerfall:Unity Default Shortcut keys.
    • [12] Daggerfall:Unity Differences from Classic gameplay.
  • [13] Daggerfall Workshop Forums (home of DFU development and discussion).
    • [14] Daggerfall:Unity Releases.
    • [15] Daggerfall:Unity Roadmap of development plans
    • [16] Daggerfall:Unity "Persistent Data Path" by platform (Windows, Linux, OSx).
    • [17] Daggerfall:Unity "Persistent Data Path" location of the actionkey "KeyBind.txt" file.
      • The game "settings.ini" file (aka "defaults.ini") is also located here. This "settings" file can be deleted and the game will recreate one from "defaults" the next time it is run. You will still have to point it to the location where you installed the original "Classic" Daggerfall game files. There is no reason to change the system resource "defaults.ini" as it is a reference file only (and can be viewed here). It gets copied/created as "settings.ini" when used for "gameplay" if not found to exist.[18]

More specific citations (typically to forum threads containing the reference) appear in-line as they occur. They are also linked from the "Additional Resources" section.


See the "Classic User Interface"[2], and "Classic Key Controls"[3] pages.

Daggerfall:Unity has the "KeyBind.txt" file[17] which can be modified with a plaintext editor, using simple quoted text names for keys (e.g. "F10" for the <F10> key). Key bindings not available in the "Pause | Control" Menu (accessed via the <Esc> key by default) can be changed there. The controls listed as "(default)" below are taken from the original, unmodified version of this file.

Daggerfall:Unity Alpha 0.10.18 added context sensitive "keyboard shortcuts" to the interface. See the "Daggerfall:Unity Default Shortcut keys"[11] page. These cannot be edited in the "KeyBind.txt" file or the in-game "Controls" panel.

  • < c >: Crouch. (default)[17] reduces character effective height; as well as movement below 50% of base speed (walking), which provides the passive stealth skill the chance to avoid being detected.
Note: "Crouching" is not the same as "Sneaking" (see below). However "Crouching" will always be stealthy. [See Daggerfall:Stealth page.]
  • < h >: "Swap hand". (default; requires selecting startup option of "Equip a bow in left hand only")[19] Swaps between a bow in the left and a single-handed weapon in the right hand. This "QoL" feature merely reduces the number of mouse clicks needed in the Inventory Screen otherwise.
  • < i >: "(In-game) Status". (default)[17] This key is not shown on the User Interface so it is often overlooked or forgotten, but it displays a message box with the current in-game location, time, day of the week, month, legal and (in a second message box) health status. Some mods (such as "Climates and Cloaks") have tied additional message boxes (e.g. "micro-climate and weather conditions") to this key as well.
  • <F8>: ScreenShot. (default)[19] Internal game hotkey. Saved to "ScreenShots" folder under the "persistent data path"[16].
  • <F9>: Quicksave. (default)[17]
  • <F12>: Quickload. (default)[17]
  • <Shift+F10>: Hides the "Heads Up Display (HUD)". (default)[17] Primarily intended for "clean" screenshots.
  • <Left-Alt>: Sneak. (default)[17]
"Sneak" takes your current movement speed, reduces it by 50% and another 1 point (so it is always less than 50% of current speed). Thus "Sneak" can apply while running, riding a horse, or levitating but that alone might not be enough movement reduction for a stealth chance. "Crouching" alone will always be stealthy. Combining "Crouch" with "Sneak" will drop movement to about a quarter of base speed but that combination does not increase the chance to be stealthy. (Later "The Elder Scrolls (TES)" games conflated "Crouch" with "Sneak" causing this confusion, though it was never the case for Daggerfall Classic.)[20]
  • <Enter>: Activate Cursor. (default)[17] Meaning the key toggles the cursor mode between "Interactive Mode pointer" and "mouse-look" camera view cross-hair for combat. The cursor mode determines the effect of various mouse buttons on objects under the cursor. If the cursor seems to be "acting up", toggle this key.
  • <Ctrl+ MB1>: Split stack. (default)[12] Click in the "Inventory Screen" to split a stack of items.
MB0 is the "primary" mouse button (usually "left" when held in the right hand). MB1 (aka the "secondary") button is typically the oppositely positioned (i.e. "right") of dual mouse buttons. MB0 and MB1 refer to the "primary" versus "secondary" functional roles rather than the position of the button. In Daggerfall (both Classic and DFU), by default MB0 is used to "grab" while MB1 is used to "attack".
  • DFU added a "click-to-attack" option. The "click-to-attack" mode strike direction is chosen at random and does not allow for player choice.[21]
  • Removing an arrow from a loaded bow without shooting (with the Archery draw and release option on), requires pressing the other mouse button (MB0 = "grab") as well, so both mouse buttons are pressed at the same time, then release of the "attack" one (MB1) first. This will "unknock" the arrow. Pressing the "activate cursor" button (default is "<Enter>") will do this as well.[22]
  • Clicking on worn shirts & cloaks while the "USE" button is active in your Inventory changes the way you appear to wear things on your "paper doll" (e.g. hood up or down on a cloak).[22] Some items can be worn in combination (e.g. more than one cloak) and this can help with identifying which is worn as what layer. Some mods (such as "Climates and Cloaks") can detect how such things are worn and adjust effects on that basis.[23]
  • When accessing the Inventory, <Left/Right-Click> on the world("dirt" icon)/"loot pile" image (at the top of the rightmost column) to scroll through the current category of possible icons to select the loot pile icon you want to appear. This applies to the pile "in the world space" as well as in the Inventory. Use the <Middle Mouse Button> or "mouse wheel" to change loot pile categories of icons. Useful for organizing homes or leaving "breadcrumbs" in dungeons.[24]
  • Clicking on Inventory items under the world/"loot pile" column will add the item to your Inventory.[12]
This is why "REMOVE" (instead of "EQUIP") is always active when you are in "STEAL" or "GRAB" Interaction Mode when clicking on a loot pile. However nothing prevents you from clicking on items in your Inventory while the "REMOVE" button is active and dropping that item into the world in a new loot pile at your feet if there is not a container visible in the world column (i.e it's showing the "dirt" icon). Note the newly dropped pile will not appear in the world column, which is still showing the originally selected loot pile (or lack of one), until you close the Inventory and select the new pile.
  • Clicking on the "GOLD" line in the Character sheet (accessed with <F5>) will show what bank accounts and loans the character has in each region.[12]
  • Clicking on buildings while in "INFO" (<F3>) Interaction Mode will reveal the building's name without having to enter it (as long as you don't click on the door during business hours). If a building door is locked, using "INFO" mode tells you what times it will be open for business.[22]
  • Walking (< W >) into a wall activates climbing mode. (Looking up seems to help at low character levels.) Walking backwards (< S >) off a ledge activates rappel mode. (This isn't really stated anywhere in-game.) You cannot climb or rappel while holding a weapon. (Train safely using the hedges around small in-town cemeteries and single story buildings.)[22]
  • The "Fast Travel" "Find" function returns similar names that also account for possible spelling mistakes.[12]
  • Sometimes when using the "Find" function in the "Regional Map", the location does not appear on the map and the "red cross" formed of vertical and horizontal locator lines appears as only a single line. This is not a bug, but rather an indication that the location is in the Region, but the missing locator line is "off the displayed map page". The map does NOT automatically know how to adjust to display the located regional page. In the toolbar below the map are arrows which will "jump" the display to other page portions of the Region.[25]
  • When the "Quest Log" registers a new location to travel to, many times you can click on the log entry and the game will automatically configure a "Fast Travel" to it.[22]
  • The "Loitering" time limit can be raised from 3 to 12 hours on the DFU Launcher "Advanced | Interface" page.[12]


If at some point you disable the "launcher step menu" (unchecked "Always show this window" in the launcher main screen), you will lose the ability to manage your game settings and mods. (The game will go straight to the "Load", "New", and "Exit" menu.) It will be necessary to edit and re-enable that setting in the INI file located in the "persistent data path" folder[16] to restore it to automatically appear again.

However, since Alpha v0.10.19 you can just keep the <Shift> key pressed while you start Daggerfall:Unity, and the launcher should appear; even if disabled in the INI file[26].


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from the "DFU vs Classic Differences: Master List" thread[12].

  • The game now has more than six (up to disk space) "save" slots, which are listed by character.
  • The counter next to your compass (if you have one) shows how many arrows you have left if a bow is equipped.
  • You can see what "Interactive Mode" you are in by looking at the symbol next to your "Health / Fatigue / Magicka" (HFM) Status (<F7>) bars.
  • "Armor damage" now takes shields into account (they take partial damage if protecting an area hit).


  • Now have "light" mechanics (e.g. torches, candles, lanterns, etc. act as light sources). (The former "junk" is now useful.)
  • Dungeon lights all give out "white light", even torches. You can change this with mods. [27]
  • Going along with that, you can go into the DFU Launcher "Advanced Settings | Options" to make the dungeons darker.

Fast Travel[edit]

  • Clicking on an entry in "Log" will (most of the time) open the "Fast Travel" map to show you the location pixel.
  • Boats accept "letters of credit" as payment for the cost of a trip.
  • Walled City gates close at 18:00 and open at 06:00. Plan accordingly or try to climb the walls.[15]

Inventory Screen[edit]

  • <Ctrl+ MB1> click to split a stack of items. (See the CONTROLS section.)
  • Mode defaults to REMOVE instead of EQUIP if you click on a loot pile.
  • Hovering the mouse over the GOLD button will display the amount of "gold piece" coins and weight of carried funds in the "information" field below. (The "Character" Paperdoll screen (<F5>) shows the total value of all funds: coins and "Letters of Credit".)
  • Items with a "green" background are Quest Items.

Regional Map[edit]

  • <Right-click> will enlarge it.
  • Find location by substring, not only prefix.
  • <L> key to list all (known) locations.
  • "I'm at" button works when zoomed in.
  • When zoomed in, <LeftShift+Mouse> movement will scroll the map around.

Safe Storage[edit]

The information in this subsection is taken from [28]

The only "safe storage" for your character`s possessions placed into the world (in a "loot pile") is in something that character "owns". This includes the "wagon", "ship", "home", but also "rooms" in taverns for as long as they are rented. However, Taverns work similarly to player homes while the rental period lasts. Which is to say, dropped loot will persist so long as you "own" that room (keep paying the rent) no matter how far the character travels. You'll need to drop the items to loot piles on the floor though. Any furniture storage is still considered private property of the Tavern. Once the rental period has expired or the owned item is sold, the contents are reset. (If the room is rented for 399 days, then the contents are not removed (lost) until on the 400th day.)

Corpses that pile up in interiors such as Guild halls and in player "owned" spaces will remain until the scene is reset. There is currently no other mechanism to clear them out without also tossing your loot as they are considered "loot pile containers".

All scenes are cached until you leave a location (traveling to a ship doesn't count for this purpose) so you can drop stuff in dozens of buildings in town and they will remain until you leave that town and travel to another pixel on the map. Caches should be cleared upon traveling from the area and back again. This applies to corpses as well. (Corpse in exteriors are on a timer.)


  • A targeting spell does not cost spell points before you actually fire it (i.e. "press button to fire").
This means it also does not count as a "use" of the spell until the "cost to cast" is paid; affecting the Classic "conserve spell points" exploit of targeted training spells as suggested in Daggerfall:Leveling and Skills.
  • Spell effects will expire after the hour of "exhaustion," and collapse (if duration hasn't already timed out).
  • An "Area Around Castor" spell affects a 4 meter radius. (Your character is 2 units high, so the unit is about a meter and the area-of-effect radius is about twice the height of the character).
  • The effect is only played once, and determines who, around the caster, is affected. Then if the spell has any duration, those targets will continue to be affected over time. It's a variant of missile, not an aura following you around.[29]

Stolen Goods[edit]

  • Merchants can recognize their own goods and will not buy something you stole from them or their shop once you leave the shop or reload the game.[30]

Town Map[edit]

  • can be scrolled by mouse dragging.

Misc QoL[edit]

  • Corpses will display the "this body has no treasure" message only once and then will become "unclickable" afterwards. This is intended to make it easier to loot stacks of adjacent bodies.
  • Auto-dismount when trying to enter a building on horseback.
  • Consider if rebinding the default "Interactive Mode" hotkeys to <1>, <2>, <3> works better for you. (Suggest to not bother rebinding "Dialogue" mode: it does nothing different than the "Info Mode" except allowing conversation, which "Grab" mode does as well.)
  • Use the "Grab Mode" (<F2>) key to "click through" message boxes and loading screen pauses. This ensures you are in a safe, but clean display "Interaction Mode" when the game resumes as the "any key" used sometimes gets passed through to the game (e.g. "clicking a mouse button can result in a weapon swing and assault charge").


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from [22].

All skills are increased by practicing them. You only get skill increases on resting/loitering/fast travel after "using" it a certain number of times. The number of "uses" required increases as your skill increases. Six hours is the minimum wait after the necessary number of uses have been accumulated.

  • Dragonish, Spriggan, Giantish, Nymph, Daedaric, Orcish, Harpy, Centaurian languages.
Higher skill = higher chance of pacifying those enemies, which makes them not attack you.
Practiced by: going near enemies.
  • Streetwise, Etiquette.
Higher skill = higher chance of pacifying certain humanoids.
Practiced by: going near enemies, using polite/ blunt modes in conversation. (Also possibly, clicking "lie/ persuade" when pleading not guilty in court?)
  • Climbing.
Higher skill = less chance of falling off walls while climbing.
Practiced by: climbing walls.
  • Medical.
Higher skill = healing faster when you rest.
Practiced by: sleeping.
  • Critical strike.
Higher Skill = bonus to hit enemies.
Practiced by: hitting enemies with weapons.
  • Dodging.
Higher skill = bonus to not get hit by enemies.
Practiced by: getting hit by enemies.
  • Stealth.
Higher skill = more chance creatures won't notice you.
Practiced by: being near enemies (which is happening approximately 80% of the time in dungeons).
  • Magic schools:
Higher skill = less spell points required to cast that type of spell.
Practiced by: casting.


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from [12]

  • Advantages and Disadvantages that depend upon a particular circumstance (such as "in Day/Night") are "penalized/reduced" immediately upon entering a disadvantaged environment, but do not "restore" immediately upon entering a favorable one. It takes "rest/loiter/fast travel" in the favorable environment to reset the status upwards (e.g. how much magicka is available) at the current rate of recovery.


  • Disadvantage - Unable to use magic in Day/Night.
Only affects the ability of the player to cast spells in that circumstance. Does not affect the ability of "magic items" to function (e.g. if an item has "cast when used", it will still activate in the disadvantage circumstance).
  • Disadvantage - Reduced Magic in Day/Night.
The reduction occurs upon entering the disadvantaged environment, but the amount of spell points do not recover to maximum simply by leaving (e.g "Reduced Magic in Daylight", then entering a Dungeon). It is necessary to "Rest" outside of the disadvantaged environment to recover the reduced points.[31]

Class vs Racial Advantages/Disadvantages[edit]

The following comes from a Reddit post by developer Interkarma[32] specifically addressing the question. (Minor edits for clarity and emphasis).

There are five spell elements in Daggerfall: Fire, Cold, Poison, Shock, and Magic. Immunity to Magic will give you a 100% saving throw against spells using the Magic element, just like Immunity to Fire will give you 100% saving throw against Fire-based spells. It's confusing because we often think of "magic" as a generic umbrella term for all arcane effects, but in Daggerfall it's another elemental carrier for spell effects.

There are two key differences in DFU vs. Classic here:

Firstly, diseases and poisons (from enemy claws or poisoned weapons) are considered physical afflictions from enemy attacks - they aren't spells. The way Classic treats these as spells appears to be a bug. There are even specific Immunity to Disease and Immunity to Poison advantages that are both made redundant with Immunity to Magic doing everything. This makes the choice between them meaningless, which doesn't appear to be intentional. DFU fixes this so the choice of advantages (Immunity to Magic/Poison/Disease/etc.) all become discrete and meaningful again.

The second change is a method of combining race-based advantages with class-based advantages/disadvantages so it's not easily exploited and our choices have actual consequences. Here's the gist using the High Elf race as an example:

  • A High Elf has a 100% resistance against Paralysis as a race. All other races natively have only 50% resistance against Paralysis.
  • Selecting Critical Weakness to Paralysis will lower resistance by 50% for any race. Low Tolerance to Paralysis will lower resistance by 25%.
  • So a High Elf with Critical Weakness to Paralysis still ends up with a 50% resistance. Every other race with the same affliction will have a 0% resistance to Paralysis. The High Elf is still better off than any other race with the same disadvantage, but not as resistant as most others of their kind.

So if a player chooses to make their character Critically Weak to Paralysis (and this can only happen through player choice) now that choice has actual consequences rather than just being a way to game the system and get free points at character creation time.


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from [22].

  • While it seems obvious that doing quests for guilds will improve your reputation with that faction, what about quests from others such as shopkeepers, nobles, and commoners?  :* They have their own factions (and sub-factions) which are constantly in flux. The reputation for completing those quests affect the quest-giver's respective factions as well.
  • Apparently doing quests from taverns increases your commoner rep; doing quests from palaces increases your nobility rep. Both increase your regional rep.
  • There are 10 ranks in every guild (0-9). Rank "0" is "non-member".
  • Each guild has certain skills they require you to have at each rank. (See the Daggerfall:Factions page for details.) (Note that Guild Rank is separate from "Level" as described in Daggerfall:Leveling and Skills.) To rank up, four things have to be true:
  1. A certain rep level within that Guild. Note this gets reset to zero each time you gain a Guild Rank.
  2. Your highest of the required Guild skills at a certain level.
  3. The lowest of the required Guild skills at a certain level.
  4. At least 28 days have passed since the last rank promotion.
  • Every month, your reputation will get 1 point closer to zero (below which they will expel you). Negative rep means they dislike you, positive rep means they approve of you. A character can also be demoted to a lower rank within a guild for not completing any quests within 112 days. The only reps you can see (without console commands[10]) are how guilds you are in think of you, and the legal rep of the region you are in.
  • See Hints on Thieving to get invited to the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Potion makers are services only offered by the Dark Brotherhood and a few temples. (Also offered by the mod Archaeologists Guild.)


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from [22].

See first the Classic Quest Related Hints page.

  • A lot of quests don't give you the exact location. Ask wandering NPC's for the name of the location or the person you are looking for.
This implies you want to accept such quests as early in the day as possible while people are up and about. (Experience suggests some quests are not available after a certain time of day.)
  • When you reach a dead end: click on torches, skulls, boxes, statues, banners, etc.. (Actually, if something looks interesting click on it. Quick save first.)
  • Red brick doors do many things. They can kill you, teleport you, make noises, or do nothing. Save then click / walk into them. (Making a noise usually is an indication something out of view but within detection range has changed. Look around already examined areas some more.)
  • Upon failing a lockpicking attempt, whack the door with your "hand-to-hand" skill (hands or feet can't be broken) or a weapon (which can break) to "force" the lock. However, you cannot force "magically locked" doors this way. You have to find a trigger in the dungeon or use a powerful enough (magnitude) Open spell.
  • That yellow blob on the dungeon map shows you the layout of the dungeon. See Assembling of Dungeons for more details.
This will also help you learn how to solve dungeons more efficiently, telling you where you do not need to search.
  • "Breadcrumbs": While in a dungeon, you can drop 1 gold and edit the loot pile icon to something really distinct. (The "gold bar" works really well.) In your "Inventory" you can <left, right, and middle-mouse button or wheel click> on the inventory loot pile icon in the right-most "container" column to change the appearance of that icon in the world. Middle mouse changes the "icon group" and left/right cycles through available icons in that group. It's great for customizing your piles into weapons, potions, etc. Now you have an easy marker that can be seen at some distance. These can be used as "breadcrumbs" marking where you have explored previously.[28] (See the mod "Drop A Coin" for an easy way to implement this.)
  • The initial Main Quest note arrives after a month. The meeting with Lady Brisienna will take place somewhere in Daggerfall Province. If you intend to follow the Main Quest plotline, don't miss this meeting because you traveled too far away to make it back in time or failed to keep track of the date.
  • Quest items must remain in the inventory at all times when the related quests are active. However, if the quest is only active for a specific time interval (e.g "Guard the Guild" quests) do not hold the quest item outside of that time frame or leave the designated location with it; or else you will suffer an immediate -30 reputation drop without notice.
  • Crypts are pretty tiny, but usually have 1-2 enemies and 1-3 treasure piles, making them attractive for beginners. Go in, kill/grab everything, go out to dump the stuff in the wagon and repeat. But they can have "undead" (see Bestiary and Material Modifiers for effectiveness against particular monsters), so you need to be properly equipped with silver or better gear for some.
  • Attempting to "Rest" in a "non-wilderness", civilized exterior area outside of a Room (e.g. Towns, Farms, Homes, etc.) will cause a warning to appear prior to implementing the action. It is also possible to "rest" for a short period of time before the guards become aware. Note that "Loitering" is permitted but only up to the limit set under Controls above. You can "loiter" in a shop after closing and continue to conduct business if you are already present during normal business hours.
  • It is necessary to enable "allow magic item repair" on the initial configuration "Advanced | Enhancements" page before you can repair magic items, or they become trash.
  • Long bows last twice as long as short bows, and material durability matters such as an Ebony Short bow is only good for roughly 20 shots.
No durability condition is lost if you don't damage the target.
Arrows do not have a "material" component. They take on that of the bow instead, such as when attacking enemies only affected by "silver or better" material weapons.[33]
Recommend Archers to carry two bows, and a spare in the wagon.


Unless otherwise indicated, these are taken from [22].

  • Gold has weight (400 coins = 1 kg). Note that when a merchant starts to pay for goods sold to them in "Letters of Credit" (LoC), it means you are now at your "encumbrance limit" (determined by your Strength x 1.5). Each "LoC" is written for the exact amount of that sale, and has it's own weight of 0.25 kg. (See Daggerfall:Banks.)
  • Over-encumbrance is reflected in a temporary reduction (orange color) to the "Speed" stat.
  • "LoCs" from any bank are accepted everywhere, including to purchase travel on ships. Note that the "change" is in coins, and subject to the above encumbrance rule.
  • Banks: You can pay back Bank Loans in any amount: it'll subtract the amount you paid from the amount due. However, a bank is specific to that region and so are it's loans. You can't pay back a loan from a "Daggerfall" bank to one in "Alik'r".
  • Shops: For the beginner, you want to deal with the LOWEST quality shops (Rusty) as they will give you the closest to the "list" value of your items when you sell (roughly half with Merchant around 10 skill), and the lowest cost when buying. When buying however, you are likely going to find better material items as you level up at the more expensive shops. "Different materials affect the damage done by a weapon, its weight, and its ability to harm certain monsters." See Items for price and valuation formulas, and Material Modifiers for effectiveness against particular monsters.
Note that each point of Merchant skill gained also increases the number of transaction "uses" needed for the next gain. In Classic this was increased at 15% intervals, but DFU it increases with each gain. (Skill of less than 10 requires 15 "uses", skill of 15 requires 19, skill of 16 requires 20, etc..)
Key descriptive words of the shop's ranking according to the merchant's skill ("low to highly skilled"). Low skilled merchants pay you more for items and sell them for less than more highly skilled ones:
  • Rusty (aka Worst) -> Sturdy (Poor) -> Practical (Average) -> Better (Good) -> Incense (Best).
  • Quality/Value progression is:
Leather -> Chain -> Iron -> Steel -> Silver -> Elven -> Dwarven -> Mithril -> Adamantium -> Ebony -> Orcish -> Daedric.
  • If you are training weapon skills, the cheaper materials will net you more strikes overall (for skill checks) and are the least painful to repair or replace. Save your Daedrics for enemies that deserve them. Dwarven and Ebony weapons in particular are notable for the fact that they are lighter than equipment made of other materials, and are to be preferred if you don't need Daedric's power. Dwarven weapons are also quite inexpensive and are a good material choice for chewing up trash mobs, as only Daedra, Vampire Ancients, and both Lich varieties are immune to them. Orcish gear, on the other hand, has the least chance to appear, never below level 9, and only player level affects that chance. (FYI: Daedric gauntlet`s are extremely rare as well. "Luck" skill is not involved in the formula.)[34]
  • To find shops of a specific type (along with hours of operation and quality as appropriate) see the linked pages:
  • Perore's General Pawnbrokers in Bubyrydata (Alik'r Desert) has the best prices in the Bay area!
However: Bubyrydata does not generally make a good "base" town having only the Thieves Guild, Armorer, Pawnshop, and Temple of Stendar. In DFU, you cannot generally sell stolen goods back to the same shop you stole them from. (See Stolen Goods in this article.)


Letters link to individual instances where the citation is placed in the article.
"^" links to the source document.

  1. ^ Classic Daggerfall Wiki Main page
  2. ^ a b Classic Daggerfall User Interface
  3. ^ a b Classic Daggerfall Key Controls
  4. ^ Classic Daggerfall Calendar
  5. ^ Classic Daggerfall Unofficial Newbie FAQ
  6. ^ Classic Daggerfall Hints
  7. ^ Classic Daggerfall User's Guide
  8. ^ "The (In)famous Beginner's Guide to Daggerfall"
  9. ^ Daggerfall:Unity Wiki Main page
  10. ^ a b Daggerfall:Unity Console
  11. ^ a b Daggerfall:Unity Default Shortcut Keys
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h Daggerfall: Unity/Classic Gameplay Differences
  13. ^ Daggerfall Workshop Forums
  14. ^ Daggerfall:Unity Releases
  15. ^ a b Daggerfall:Unity Roadmap of development plans
  16. ^ a b c Daggerfall:Unity Persistent Data Path
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i "< Daggerfall:Unity Persistent Data Path >\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\KeyBind.txt"
  18. ^ DFU Forum: What is the default.ini settings?
  19. ^ a b DFU March Builds (2020)
  20. ^ DFU Forum: Crouch - gameplay purpose? thread.
  21. ^ DFU Forum: Click to Attack or not thread.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i DFU Forum: Non-Obivious things in DFU (beginner's guide) thread.
  23. ^ DFU Forum: MOD Climates & Cloaks thread.
  24. ^ DFU Forum: Decorating/Placing Objects thread.
  25. ^ DFU Forum: City not on map thread.
  26. ^ Menu for mod configuration is missing thread
  27. ^ DFU 0-7-2-Combined-Release Personal Light Sources thread.
  28. ^ a b DFU Forum: Removing Corpses Indoors thread.
  29. ^ DFU Forum: Questions about "Area around Caster" effect from SpellMaker
  30. ^ DFU Forum: Mods for nerfing the OP stealing? thread
  31. ^ DFU Forum: Isn't a Crypt a Dungeon? thread.
  32. ^ Reddit: Interkarma on Class vs Racial Advantages/Disadvantages thread.
  33. ^ DFU Forum: Do Arrows Have Different Materials? thread.
  34. ^ DFU Forum: Unable to find gloves better than Steel, which is also rare.