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Bloodmoon:Sabrina Vitellia

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Sabrina Vitellia (Sabrina Vitellia)
Home Town Raven Rock
Store Smith
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 40 Class Smith
Other Repairs Repairs
Gold 10000 Mercantile Apprentice (19)
Sells Iron & Steel Armor, Silver Weapons
Other Information
Health 332 Magicka 142
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Sabrina Vitellia

Sabrina Vitellia is an Imperial smith and the proprietor of the local smithy in Raven Rock and has a noticeably large amount of gold to barter with.

Sabrina will only appear if you choose to have a smithy built during the Raven Rock quest Setting up Shop. Otherwise, the trader Sathyn Andrano will appear.

Related Quests[edit]


"This place isn't much, but I've forged the best of weapons with less."
"You're standing the midst of the services Raven Rock has to offer. If you need anything else, you're better off checking at Fort Frostmoth."


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)


  • She has an Old Man's Lucky Coin, identical to the one you can receive from Wulf. It is behind her, on the bottom shelf where she keeps her dishes.