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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
Quests: written by Maroonroar (none)

Services: written by Dragon Guard and Maroonroar (already written), checked by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by WoahBro

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by WoahBro

Unique Dialogue: written by Maroonroar

Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by WoahBro
Basks-In-The-Sun (basks_in_the_sun)
Location Fort Frostmoth, Docks
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 20 Class Shipmaster
Raven Rock
Other Information
Health 126 Magicka 142
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Basks-In-The-Sun, an Argonian shipmaster, is the only living Argonian to be found on Solstheim, and his reaction to the climate makes it very clear why. The inability of any clothier in Morrowind to construct a pair of boots to keep those reptilian toes warm makes frigid Solstheim a very unattractive environment for the Argonian race. Basks-In-The-Sun is the shipmaster at the Fort Frostmoth docks, and will provide you transport to Raven Rock or back to Khuul.

He is wearing a common shirt with matching pants and a pair of gloves. He is wielding a silver flameblade and is carrying 500 gold. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater; otherwise he knows no spells.


  • Voice:
    • "All I ask is for [sic] a pair of boots. How hard could it be?"
    • "Just... keep... moving... and... maybe... I... won't.... FREEZE."
    • "I should be named Talks-Too-Much. 'Argonians are tough. A little cold weather won't bother me.'"
    • "Blood cold. Air cold. Everything...cold."
    • "On or off the boat. Oh, for the marshes of home...."

  • East Empire Company: "They are building a mine at Raven Rock.
  • Greetings:
  • "Welcome to Solstheim, jewel of absolutely nowhere. It's a miserable place, even for the warmbloods. If you want to leave, I'd be happy to take you back to Vvardenfell. If you feel like you must stay, speak with Captain Falx Carius in his chambers, at Fort Frostmoth. Captain Carius is the commander here. Not a bad man, but he is a fool for remaining in this place. So cold. So cold. If you are here about the colony, Carnius Magius is the man you will speak to. Find him at the Imperial Cult Shrine."
  • "Do you wish to go back to Vvardenfell as much as I do? What about Raven Rock, where the new colony is going to be built? I can take you there for a price."
  • Captain Carius: "The Captain of this fort can be found within its walls. Ask his soldiers where to find him. Go if you wish. I will gladly wait here to make the voyage back to Vvardenfell."
  • Fort Frostmoth: "You're in Fort Frostmoth, jewel of the empire. Get out while you still can."
  • Raven Rock: "The empire wishes to build a mine west of here. Ebony, they say. I say they will be very, very cold."