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Bloodmoon:Apronia Alfena

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Quests: not written

Services: written by Aegithalos (none)

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Apronia Alfena (Apronia Alfena)
Home City Raven Rock
Location Supply Ship
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 30 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 217 Magicka 144
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Follower During Missing Supply Ship
Faction(s) East Empire Company 0(Underling)
Apronia Alfena

Apronia Alfena is an Imperial commoner and the sole survivor from the stranded Supply Ship, located on the coast northwest of the watch tower. When you first discover her screaming and surrounded, you find a dead draugr next to where she stands. You can only assume that she slew it. Once you eliminate the draugr threat, you must escort her back to Raven Rock. On safe arrival, she will then become part of the Colony.

She wears an exquisite shirt, skirt, and shoes, and she carries the late Captain Elberoth's steel saber until the supply route problems are taken care of. Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Missing Supply Ship[edit]

You may find Apronia hiding from a group of draugr behind the wrecked ship that she was a passsenger on. Obviously, she very much wants you to take care of the threat that these undead creatures pose to her:

Apronia Alfena: "Get them away, get them away! The horrid things!"

Trying to speak with her before you have dealt with all three draugr prompts her to repeat these words to you:

  • "Get them away, get them away! The horrid things!"
  • Goodbye.

Once you have completed this task, Apronia will ask you to escort her to safety:

  • "You.... you killed them? They're all gone? Don't leave me here; you've got to let me go with you!"
  • go with you
    • "Oh, you just can't leave me. No one would be that heartless. I'd freeze to death out here! I don't know what I was thinking, hitching a ride on a supply ship in the first place. Who appoints a Wood Elf captain of a ship? I should've known better. And then that horrible crash.... And now they're all dead, and the supplies are ruined, and I just want to get warm. Oh, please take me with you..."
    • Follow me.
      • "Oh, thank you! There isn't even any food left to survive on - most of the supplies are gone... Well, I guess you should just take me to whomever your boss is. I mean, I hope you're not offended that I'm assuming that you're not the boss; it's just that people that tend to be bosses of things don't usually wander around the countryside looking for people to help. They send other people out to do those sort of things, don't they? Hey, how come we're not going anywhere yet?"
      • Goodbye.
    • I'm sorry, I can't take you anywhere.
      • "What? You must be joking. You're seriously going to leave me out here? But I'll die!"

Regardless of whether you have (already) agreed to escort her to Raven Rock, if you exit the conversation and speak with her again, Apronia will worriedly ask:

  • "What is it? You're not going to turn out to be some crazy person, and take me out into the woods and kill me, right? You seem normal; you're still going to let me go with you to wherever you came from, right?"

If you mention the topic "go with you" to her while she is acting as her follower (which she does if you agree to bring her to Raven Rock), she will say:

  • "Is something wrong? Do I need to wait here or something? I really hope you don't leave me alone, because it's so cold, and I'm just sure there are even worse things than those horrible monsters back at the ship, and I just don't know what I'd do all by myself, and I just really, really need someone to keep me company and talk to me. So what is it?"
  • Nevermind. Follow me.
    • "Okay, let's go then. I really do want to get warm and dry, and I'm hoping you're taking me someplace where I can do that. I figure you must be from either the colony or the fort, and either one of those options is fine. I mean, where else could you have come from? Some strange little hut in the woods? Ha ha - that sure would be odd, wouldn't it! What kind of person just lives in the woods all alone? Oh, sorry. Are we going now?"
  • Wait here.
    • "Wait here? You mean right here? Because, I mean, if I have to wait for a long time, I might get even colder. Or, if I have to wait for a really long time, I might have to... well, you know... I mean, a person can only hold out for so long, right? And I'd hate to think that you were going to leave me here for that long, but maybe you need to. I don't know; I'm no wilderness, forest expert type. So I'll just wait here, I guess, and you tell me when I can go with you, okay?"

Upon her safe arrival in Raven Rock, Apronia will thank you for not doing any of the horrible things that she previously mentioned:

  • "I just can't thank you enough for rescuing me from that horrible shipwreck, %PCName. I'm sure I'll have a delightful time here in the colony; I do hope that the people here are nice and like to chat."
  • go with you
    • "Oh, don't be silly. You've already brought me here; where else would we go? I think I've seen quite enough of the woods, thank you, and one can only look at snow and rocks and dirt for so long before one decides she's seen enough to last her the rest of her life. Of course, I'm desperately trying to politely tell you that I'm not going anywhere else on the island; you do understand that, don't you?"

If you get near her after you have safely brought her to Raven Watch, she will say:

Apronia Alfena: "Well, if it isn't you again. I daresay you're one of the nicest people I met, and that's saying quite a lot."

Setting up Shop[edit]

Since Apronia is now a member of the colony, it makes sense to ask for her opinion in the matter that is central to this quest:

  • "Well, if it isn't you again, %PCName. How are you?"
  • decision
    • "You're asking me? Well, gee. It's nice to know that you think I'm important! I think it would be great if there were a place where I could go shopping and buy some nice new clothes. Maybe something that isn't wool, you know? I'm a very big fan of wool, of course, but after a while it gets a little itchy, and starts to smell."

If you mention the topic again after the decision has been made, she will say:

  • "It was decided already, %PCName."

Supply Route Problems[edit]

As per Falco's suggestion, you should speak with Apronia in order to obtain Elberoth's saber:

  • Elberoth
    • "He was completely incompetent as a ship captain, I can tell you that much. Such an odd little Bosmer, too. Thought he was the best fighter in the province. Always waving that sword around. But then the ship crashed, and he was injured. For all his talk of being a good fighter, he sure didn't last long against those horrible undead things. I ended up taking his saber, and using it to defend myself. About the only thing he ended up being good for, in my opinion."
    • his saber
      • [Elberoth's Saber has been added to your inventory.] "It certainly came in handy. Now that I think of it, though, I don't really have much of a use for it. Here, you take it. Not like it's worth much of anything, but odds are you'd be more likely to use it than I ever will."

After giving you the saber, she has the following things to say about these the two aforementioned topics:

  • Elberoth
    • "I don't know what else to tell you, %PCName. I might have remembered more, were it not blocked out by the horrible events that ended that trip."
  • his saber
    • "I already gave it to you, %PCName. What, did you lose it? It's not like it was worth much. At least, not to anyone but Elberoth, and he certainly won't be needing it again."