Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Crouches-In-Crevices

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(RefID: xx06786B)
Location The Restful Watchman
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level PC×0.75 (range=10-25) Class Thief
RefID xx06786B BaseID xx06786A
Gold 750 (+ inventory gold (see bugs); +1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys Fence (all)
Other Information
Health 50×? Magicka 50×?
Stamina 50×?
Primary Skills Light Armor, Sneak
Class Details CombatThief
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRBrumaCrouchesInCrevicesFenceFaction; CYRBrumaMS04ThugsFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRJobFenceFaction; CYRJobMerchantFaction; CYRTownBrumaFaction

Crouches-In-Crevices is an Argonian thief who works as a fence out of the notorious Restful Watchman tavern.

Crouches can initially be found inside the Watchman at all times, eating one-hour meals at 7am and 7pm, and never sleeping. During the related quest, Renod Even-Toned will ask you to retrieve his lute from the thugs over at the tavern. After persuading or intimidating Crouches to admit he stole the lute and sold it off, he will cruelly suggest you set up Renod by sending him to visit a friend of his at Capstone Cave.

After this point, or earlier if Renod is dead, Crouches will crawl out of the Watchman every night at 10pm and head to a spot near the eastern gate, behind Galarynn's house.

Crouches wears farmer's clothes and matching gloves and boots, as well as a mage's hood. He is armed with two iron daggers and also carries a flawless jade and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, rings, food and drink.

Related Quests[edit]


If you approach him at night while he is fencing, he will seethe:

"What in Oblivion are you doing back here?"

Should say nothing, he will then repeat:

"Since you seem to be a little hard of hearing, I'll ask again. What in Oblivion are you doing back here?"
Easy. I don't want any trouble.
"Nor do I, but if life has taught me anything it's that we don't always get what we want. Either way, we're talking in circles."
I could ask you the same question.
"And, just like you, I could avoid answering the question posed. See? Two can play at this game."
You don't remember me, Crouches?
"Oh. It's you. Couldn't make you out in this light. Not that your identity makes all that much difference."
Watch it, or I'm liable to shove something big down your throat until you choke.
"Believe me, violence is in neither of our best interests."

Whatever your reply, he will continue:

"Listen. It's not going to do me any good to kill you. Drawing more attention to myself - not a good business plan. In my line of work, anyway. So, I'll let you live, under the... let's call it a good faith assumption, that you're not a paladin of righteousness or a complete idiot. And perhaps your knowledge of my trade can prove... useful to both of us. See, I'm a... merchant without excessive scruples, you might say. Someone who'll buy what you're selling no matter where it came from, understand? A fence. Just in case you hadn't cottoned on by now. So, you just, uhh, come around here whenever you have some stolen goods to hawk. I hang around here late at night, around ten 'till about four."

At this point, you will be able to access his services as a fence:

I have need of your... services.
"Ah... what've you got for me?"

You will be able to trade with him up until 5am, when he heads back to the Watchman. Crouches will buy any item from you, legitimate or stolen. He was meant to sell a wide range of goods, but due to a bug will instead offer a more limited selection.


  • Crouches also appears to have something to do with the theft of Serulius the Stagnant's journal, as the beggar mutters: "Serves me right for trusting that slimy Argonian in the tavern. Cowers-in-Corners, or whatever his name is."


  • Crouches will not offer the Standard Merchandise below, instead only selling whatever items are in his inventory. The amount of gold he has for trading is also randomly based on his inventory, with 750 being the minimum. ?

Standard Merchandise[edit]

This is the merchandise found in Crouches's standard merchant chest, available when he is at his spot near the eastern gate. These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.

Count Item Details
1 Potion of Cure Disease
~1 Leveled Gems Max 2 (2@25%)
~1 Leveled Jewelry (unenchanted) or Amulet of the Divines Max 2 (2@25%)
~3 Leveled Enchanted Jewelry Max 4 (4@75%)
~4 Leveled Animal Parts Max 5 (5@75%)
~4 Leveled Enchanted Robes Max 5 (5@75%)
~1 Leveled Ingots Best-quality; Max 5 (5@25%)
~3 Leveled Ores/Charcoal Max 5 (5@50%)
~4 Leveled Soul Gems (empty and full) Max 5 (5@75%)
~3 Random Novice Spell Tomes Max 5 (5@50%)
~11 Leveled Armor (unenchanted) Max 15 (15@75%)
~5 Leveled Weapons (unenchanted) Max 7 (7@75%)
~8 Leveled Potions Max 15 (15@50%)
~15 Leveled Arrows (batches of 10) Max 20 (20@75%)
~5 Lockpicks Max 8 (1@25% plus 7@6.25%)
~5 Torches Best-quality; Max 10 (10@50%)
~4 Leveled Miscellaneous Items (clutter) and Clothing Max 5 (5@75%)