Better Cities:Sermons of a Daedric Priest
Book Information Sermons of a Daedric Priest |
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Found in the following locations:
UTHOR'S NOTE: After undergoing a series of translations, and decryptions at the Arcane University, my associates Sondil, Ardarume, and I have finally discovered an excellent collection of sermons from daedric priests throughout Tamriel. I've travelled for 17 years to obtain these sermons, and each spot I had encountered was as dangerous as the previous. The only sermon that escapes this rule is the final one, which managed to fall directly into my hands from an unknown source. Oddly enough, you'll find that these sermons are more of daedric poems, rhyming often, and in harmony as perhaps sung. After an obsessive amount of traveling, decoding, and fighting, we're proud to deliver these to you, however interesting your reaction may be.
Sermon One, found 3E 408, High Rock
Grab the wine! Kill the swine!
We will feast and we will drink!
Loose your constricting morals!
Dance until the night fades to day
So says Sanguine, lord of all debauchery
Make new friends tonight and sing
And perhaps fill the inn's beds tonight
Let not the ever-loathing guard stay your hand
If he should try to ruin the mood
See to it that you spill his blood
And then dance! Dance through the night!
Make jest and be in revelry
Bring the wine! Kill the swine!
We will feast and we will drink!
Loose your constricting morals!
Praise to Sanguine and revelry to all!
Sermon Two, Found 3E 410, High Rock
I say to you all that there is no other
Who is like Dusk and Dawn's mother.
She holds in her hand a brilliant star
Her grace and kindness reach far.
But though you see the Dawn
the details of Dusk are not drawn.
Cold and manipulative is she
Mortals her puppets will be.
Nerevarine, proud hero of us all
Unwittingly came to answer her divine call.
The Three who ruled the cursed race
Met in person with Death's face.
The keeper of the Star holds the strings
Over all peasants, merchants, and kings.
But fear not my good people of faith
To your loyalty the queen shows grace.
Hold true to the Dawn, the Dusk, and the Star
And your riches shall extend far.
Sermon Three, Found 3E 416, Skyrim
Shadows moving, webs unfurling
In the darkness, gears are turning
Friendship and love grow thin
As dissent does begin
Ties shatter, blood spills
Spinner laughs over merciless kills
Friend becomes greatest foe
Murder of reason unknown
A town becomes a true hell
Families hear the tolling of Death's bell
Few emerge through the blood
Peace's web dies in the flood
Spinner laughs, her dark deed done
In the end, the victor is none.
Sermon Four, Found 3E 422, Summerset Isles
In the beginning there was chaos, Anu and Padomay and Sithis
Then came the Aedra, and along with them the Daedra
Hero was he great Trinimac of the Aedra, But in death the outcast became a Daedra
Malacath emerged, and the Orsimer were forged
The sixteen princes left for their new home, Trinimac's brothers by murder became stone
Orsimer tall and proud, became covered in hatred's shroud
Exiled were they, to the Outcast they did pray
Wrothgarian and Dragontail became their home, mountains of the Earth Bones
Boethiah's enemies lived on, but years passed until their acceptance was won
Trinimac's people proud and tall, lived on past their god's fall
Loyal to his people is the god, on his people no one will trod
Slaves were the ogres to men and mer, but Malacath saw that it was no more
Outcast's grace never fades, praise to Malacath for all our days.
Fifth Sermon, Found 3E 425
They say they say that one fateful day
An evil race was born, created were the vampires of Nirn
Who could defile, forge a creation so vile
King of rape none could defy, that day did the Earth Bones cry
Lamae in her screams Arkay did hear, but he could little more than shed a tear
Her dark awakening did spread, creating the progeny of the living dead
But what the great give the great take, vampire's curse was an avoidable fate
Satisfied not the corruptor went on, searching from dusk until dawn
Til he did find one lost soul, and on this man came death's hard toll
Rewarded was he that became a tool, only in debt was the fool
King of rape was he, and none have done fouler deed
But forget not his sphere, or you shall find divine wrath to fear.
NOTE: It is suggested that there is a sermon for every daedric prince, and although this gives an interesting representation of every daedric prince, it does not teach us all we need to know. I will continue my work, categorizing all the findings of my research, until I grow even older still.