Better Cities:Pharun

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(RefID: xx0060A1)
Home City Imperial City, Waterfront District
Location Skooma Den
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 1 Class Commoner
RefID xx0060A1 BaseID xx0060A0
Other Information
Health 16 Magicka 200
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) IC Citizens; Imperial City Waterfront Resident

Pharun is an Imperial commoner skooma addict who lives in an abandoned basement in the Imperial City Waterfront District.

He doesn't do much beyond sleep and get high; he sleeps from 2am to noon, spends a couple of hours wandering around the cellar, then sits down to drink skooma for the rest of the day.

Pharun wears a pair of sack cloth pants and nothing else; he always has several bottles of skooma on him.

Aside from rumors, he has nothing to say.