Better Cities:Fraya Paleille

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Fraya Paleille
(RefID: xx055E12)
Home City Imperial City, Temple District
Store Fraya's Finery
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 10 Class Rogue
RefID xx055E12 BaseID xx055E1E
Other Information
Health 88 Magicka 157
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Fraya; Fraya's Finery; IC Citizens
Fraya Paleille

Fraya Paleille is a Breton rogue who lives in the Imperial City Temple District. She owns Fraya's Finery, though she doesn't actually work there.

Fraya wakes up at 6am every morning, eats breakfast, and spends a couple of hours getting ready for the day before she goes to visit her fellow citizens around the upper level of the Talos Plaza District. At 4pm, she returns to the shop to see how things are going, then she goes upstairs at 6pm to eat dinner with her husband. She spends the rest of the evening in, and goes to bed at 10pm.

She wears a random upper-class shirt and pants, along with gold-trimmed shoes, and is armed with a leveled dagger. She carries a Potion of Healing, a moderate amount of gold, and keys to the shop and the apartment.

The apartment over the shop is large, consisting of three rooms. The biggest one is their living space; one corner has a dining table and three chairs, along with shelves and cupboards for dishes and food. Another corner has a conversation area with three benches, a shelf of books, and another cupboard for drinks. A writing desk rounds out the furnishings here. A hallway leads back to two smaller rooms; the first is an unused guest room with a single bed, two armoires, and some crates stashed away. The second is their bedroom; it has a double bed, three dressers (one of which has a jewelry chest on it), and an armoire.

Aside from rumors, she has nothing special to say.