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Stop hand.svg The latest version (1.5) contains a serious bug which will slowly damage save games in Level 5. In the worst case, this can result in unusable save games. For further information regarding this bug, see here.

When playing Battlespire, having the latest patch is highly recommended, as many bugs and glitches are often fixed by the patches. Be sure to become familiarized with the Critical Level 5 Bug that was introduced in the latest official patch, Version 1.5 before attempting to take on Level 5: The Chimera of Desolation.

  • Users that purchased Battlespire through Steam do not need to manually patch their copy, the latest patch is automatically incorporated into the game.
  • The gog release and Microsoft Store includes all the latest patches.

Steam Patch[edit]

An unnumbered patch was released on 7 June 2022 exclusively for the Steam version of Battlespire, over 24 years after Battlespire's last patch release by the game's original developers.[1]


"A small update has been made to Battlespire. Please find the list of patch notes below."


  • Added the Game Manual
  • Adjusted default resolution and scaler

Bug Fixes[edit]

  • Fixed a crash with multiplayer map "Capture the flag 2"

Version 1.5[edit]

Patch 1.5 was released on 23 January 1998.[2]


  • Gamma Control. There are two ways to control your monitor brightness [gamma correction]. First way: In the spire.cfg file add a line that says "gamma" and next to it put a value from 1.0 to 1.9. [Place this line BEFORE the video, or bad things happen.] Second way: Start playing the game, and then use "ctrl +" and "ctrl -" to increase or decrease the gamma. [The current gamma value is NOT saved, so the next time you run Battlespire, the gamma value will be reset to the default 1.0, OR to any value you have specified in the spire.cfg file.

Bug Fixes[edit]

  • When you set the cdrom music volume to zero, the cdrom will now stop spinning. Before it would continue spinning and playing the music, even at zero volume, wearing out the drive.
  • Multiplayer fix: it should be much harder to get stuck inside a monster or another player -- it now automatically bounces you out of player/monsters if you get too close for comfort.
  • Problems with triggering the teleport light cone at the end of level 7 have been fixed.
  • Efforts have been made to improve network traffic for Mplayer network playing. This means you should see less of those "Synchronizing Network" messages.
  • The amount of object memory has been increased. This should prevent reported problems when loading saved games on Level 5.

Version 1.3[edit]


  • New Deathmatch Levels. There are three new multiplayer deathmatch levels for your slaying pleasure.
  • In multiplayer, when you go into the chat screen, you can see the scores of the other players but not their kills tally! Whoops. That has been added.

Bug Fixes[edit]

  • On the castle capture the flag multiplayer level, there was a bug with the way the catapults worked. They would work the first time, then the second time around, they would shoot you backwards into oblivion. That bug has been squashed.

See Also[edit]


  1. ^ An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire - Update Patch Notes (7 June 2022).
  2. ^ The Adrenaline Vault - What's New? (23 January 1998). avault. Archived from the original on 5 February 1998.