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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ammar

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Indoril
Region: Mephalan Vales

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

The clifftop fortress of Ammar
"A proud bastion of the Indoril. This fortress has long preserved the peace in the western Mephalan Vales." - Meeran Dalvas

Ammar is an Indoril coastal fortress, and the northernmost Indoril-owned settlement before the start of Telvanni-owned lands. It is likely the first Indoril settlement travelers heading south will come to, and is therefore a common rest stop where supplies and equipment repairs can be had. The garrison there is well known for keeping the surrounding area of the Mephalan Vales safe and peaceful. Ammar is directly opposite the Shrine of Azura on the Vvardenfell coast.

The Fort[edit]

The leader of the fort is the Indoril noble Tavrene Indalas, who can be found in Indalas Manor at the top of the fortress, with two of his family members. Services can be found in the Entrance Hall, consisting of Tavura Mervu for the Alchemist service, Methrendes Garil the Smith, and Marilie the Trader. Across a small covered walkway from Indalas Manor can be found the Guard Tower (captained by Karthin Saril), containing a small prison where a Nord named Hlorgir Firm-Hand requires assistance with a case of mistaken identity.

Getting There and Around[edit]

There are no fast-travel services except for intervention, which takes you to Akamora (Almsivi) or Helnim (Divine). Boat travel can be found at Darvonis to the south and Marog to the north, The nearest silt strider and mage guild guide services can be found at Helnim.


  • Ammar was originally called Ayemar.

Places of Interest Around Ammar[edit]

  • The Daedric ruin of Malkamalit can be found south of the fort across the river, along with the Dwemer ruin of Bazhthum.
  • Heading north from the fort will take you to a huge Indoril-style bridge marking the boundary between Indoril and Telvanni territory, along with the Indalas Ancestral Tomb, the resting place for the deceased of the local noble family.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Adura Indalas Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 9 82 106 90 30 Indalas Manor Tavrene's daughter
Delera Indalas Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 12 100 116 90 30 Indalas Manor Tavrene's wife
Falvil Muran Female Dark Elf Commoner Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 4 58 86 90 30 Indalas Manor
Gorthas Llerthu Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 15 98 120 90 30 Gatehouse
Hlorgir Firm-Hand Male Nord Commoner 3 67 64 50 30 Guard Tower Quest giver
Karthin Saril Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 25 274 144 100 30 Guard Tower Captain of the Guard
Marilie Female Redguard Trader Service 5 74 72 90 30 Entrance Hall Merchant
Meeran Dalvas Male Dark Elf Commoner Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 5 68 88 90 30 Indalas Manor Steward
Methrendes Garil Male Dark Elf Smith Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 12 140 98 90 30 Entrance Hall Merchant, Blacksmith
Tavrene Indalas Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Concordant Minister(Concordant Minister) 30 212 172 90 30 Indalas Manor Lord of Ammar
Tavura Mervu Female Dark Elf Alchemist Service 8 67 138 90 30 Entrance Hall Merchant
Vuvil Adas Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 20 210 122 100 30 [22,-8]

Related Quests[edit]



Map Key
  • 1. Entrance Hall
  • 2. Gatehouse
  • 3. Indalas Manor
  • 4. Guard Tower