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Shivering:Dawnfang and Duskfang

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Dawnfang / Duskfang
Leveled Artifact: Dawnfang / Duskfang (0007D43C, 0007D443)
(All statistics are for level Superior 30+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID SE03Dawnfang30A / SE03Duskfang30A
Damage Damage 25
Damage Damage 25 Health Health 825
Speed 0.9
Speed 0.9 Reach 1
Weight Weight 47 Value Value 8164/6585
Nourish Blade; Fire Damage 15 pts; Absorb Health 7 pts for 1 sec
Nourish Blade; Frost Damage 15 pts; Absorb Magicka 7 pts for 1 sec
Charge/Cost = Uses 10900/136=80 / 7000/88=79
Dawnfang left, Duskfang right

Dawnfang/Duskfang is a unique leveled sword of Akaviri origin with a unique look. It is an unusual weapon in that it really is four weapons in one. During the day (6 a.m. - 6 p.m.) it is Dawnfang, doing fire damage on strike. During the night (6 p.m. - 6 a.m.) it is Duskfang, doing frost damage on strike (Both do the same amount of damage). At dusk and dawn, the blade in your inventory will be replaced with the other.

Nourish Blade effect: Each weapon keeps track of the number of opponents killed with the blade; providing you killed at least 12 enemies during the preceding 12 hour period, the next blade you receive will be Dawnfang/Duskfang Superior. You must kill 12 enemies in each 12 hour period in order for the following weapon to be the Superior version. Killing your own summons is a good way to obtain the 12 required kills. Like other enchantments, the Nourish Blade effect requires charges in order to successfully activate upon killing the enemy. The Superior version does have an increased enchantment charge and absorbs health (Dawnfang Superior) or magicka (Duskfang Superior) in addition to the previous fire/frost enchantment. Kills are attributed to the blade only if the blade delivers the killing blow.

All four forms of the blade are leveled, but all four forms have the same stats at each level. It does not level with the player; instead, it is only leveled to your level when it is first received. Also, the sword will usually never have to be repaired or recharged, as each version comes at 100% health and fully charged.

Dawnfang/Duskfang is received at the conclusion of Baiting the Trap.

Related Quests[edit]


  • The sword's enchantment will be recharged when it is replaced, meaning that you have to recharge it much less often, and can avoid doing so entirely if you simply switch to another weapon until it is replaced.
  • Each time the sword switches between Duskfang/Dawnfang, it will be removed from any assigned hotkey.
  • Grommok's Journal provides some background information about the sword.
  • The journal states that the superior version of Duskfang did "more frost damage than normal", but the frost damage enchantment actually stays the same.
  • Grommok actually carries a different version of the blade, called Grommok's Blade, which is identical to Dawnfang but lacks the enchantment and has stats between the level 1-4 and 5-9 versions of Dawnfang/Duskfang.

Leveled Stats[edit]

Level ID Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Magnitude Charge/Cost=Uses
Absorb Health/Magicka
(Superior Only)
1-4 00079058 / 0007D436
0007905F / 0007D43D
19.0 98 162 / 508
162 / 366
7 3 1 250/5=50
5-9 00079061 / 0007D437
00079059 / 0007D43E
23.0 225 354 / 965
334 / 670
12 5 2 600/11=54
10-14 00079062 / 0007D438
0007905A / 0007D43F
31.0 350 676 / 1562
626 / 1124
17 7 3 1125/17=66
15-19 00079063 / 0007D439
0007905B / 0007D440
35.0 450 1509 / 2849
1458 / 2169
19 9 4 1500/23=65
20-24 00079064 / 0007D43A
0007905C / 0007D441
39.0 588 2692 / 5927
2570 / 3564
21 11 5 2200/31=70
25-29 00079065 / 0007D43B
0007905D / 0007D442
43.0 700 4405 / 6736
4283 / 5499
23 13 6 2850/38=75
30+ 00079066 / 0007D43C
0007905E / 0007D443
47.0 825 5208 / 8164
5046 / 6585
25 15 7 3600/45=80
Grommok's Blade 00013441 15.0 100 1000 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a


  • If you drop either Duskfang/Dawnfang (voluntarily or by being disarmed), the kill count will reset to 0 when you pick the weapon up again.
  • If you have Duskfang/Dawnfang equipped and are riding a horse when the swap occurs, you will keep the version you had equipped and receive the alternate form as well. The duplicate will have one less use than the original, and will disappear if kept in your inventory when the change occurs again. You can also sell the duplicate to a merchant.