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Morrowind:Vivec Ministry

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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: not added

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, not checked
The Ministry of Truth floats in the air above the Temple Canton.
Cells inside the Ministry

The Ministry of Truth floats above the Temple Canton. Actually a small moonlet from Oblivion called Baar Dau, this celestial object is said to have been stopped in its fall toward the city of Vivec by Lord Vivec himself, who brought it to rest above the Temple Canton, where it has hovered ever since.

Although the moonlet looks quite majestic hovering sedately above the city, local legend maintains that, should the populace cease to worship Vivec, the moonlet will complete its fall and raze the city.

The Temple has dug many tunnels and chambers into the moonlet and converted it into a maximum security prison for dissidents and religious criminals, the term being vague and hence being open to interpretation, allowing various people to be imprisoned. The security of the Ministry is obvious to any who see it; the only way to and from the moonlet is by flight.

During the Main Quest you will attempt to rescue Mehra Milo from here. The entrance and various inside doors are locked and heavily guarded by Ordinators, most of them hostile. Unlike most ordinators, however, they will not only not turn hostile if you're wearing Ordinator armor, but will also let you pass, their Fight is not too high. There are a few others on whom different methods can be used to avoid bloodshed.

If you are an Adept or higher in the Temple hierarchy, the guards will warn you to leave the first time you talk to them, and become hostile on the second (in which case all guards in the area will attack you on sight). If you have the Morrowind Patch Project installed and are the Patriarch of the Temple, they will protest the irregularity of your demands for access to the Ministry, but will nevertheless comply, giving you directions to people in charge with the keys and warning you about the hostile guards.

In the Prison Keep, the three doors to the holding cells are locked (15) from both sides - if you pick the lock or use a spell to get in to a cell, you'll have to do the same again to get out. Alternatively, carefully steal the cell key from the desk in the corner of the largest wooden platform, as it will work on both sides of all the cell doors.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Andalin Hardil Female Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 191 108 100 90 Hall of Processing
Brelo Athelvis Male Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 196 108 100 60 Hall of Processing
Daglin Selarar Male Nord Barbarian Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 142 80 0 30 Prison Keep
Duldrar Saren Male Dark Elf Warrior 18 196 108 100 60 Prison Keep
Ervas Aradil Male Dark Elf Warrior 18 196 108 100 90 Prison Keep
Fadren Dalis Male Dark Elf Warrior 18 196 108 100 90 Prison Keep
Favas Nilem Male Dark Elf Warrior 18 196 108 100 90 Prison Keep
Frizkav Brutya Male Breton Thief Thieves Guild Operative(Operative) 12 92 136 0 30 Holding Cells
Grand Inquisitor Male Dark Elf Spellsword Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 23 235 142 100 60 Hall of Processing
Hyna Dorn'ke Female Wood Elf Hunter 5 51 86 0 30 Prison Keep
Ilden Mirel Male Redguard Warrior Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 13 163 80 0 30 Holding Cells
Ilet Tistar Male Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 196 108 100 60 Hall of Processing
Miara Viake Female Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 191 108 100 90 Hall of Processing
Tamira Vian Female Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 191 108 100 60 Hall of Processing
Trevyn Fedos Male Dark Elf Warrior Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 18 196 108 100 90 Hall of Processing
Vobend Dulfass Male Dark Elf Thief Thieves Guild Blackcap(Blackcap) 8 76 102 0 30 Prison Keep


Hall of Processing
Prison Keep