Morrowind:Ienas Sarandas (quest)

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Help local merchants collect on overdue purchases.
Quest Giver: Bevene Releth, Bivale Teneran, Daynes Redothril, Llether Vari, or Tiras Sadus at their shops in Ald'ruhn
Location(s): Ald'ruhn
Reward: 150/200 gold (see Bugs)
Disposition: +40 (Bevene Releth)
+40 (Bivale Teneran)
+40 (Daynes Redothril)
+40 (Llether Vari)
+40 (Tiras Sadus)
+30 (Ienas Sarandas)
Reputation Gain: +1 Reputation
ID: Town_Aldruhn (also: town_ald_ienas, Town_Ald_Bevene, Town_Ald_Bivale, Town_Ald_Daynes, Town_Ald_Llethri, Town_Ald_Tiras)
Suggested Items: Saryoni's Sermons, Greef,
Cyrodiilic Brandy, or Flin
Ienas Sarandas, riches to rags

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to any of the named merchants about work.
  2. Convince Ienas Sarandas of the errors of his path.
  3. Return the items to the merchants.
  4. Evil Path is to keep the items or kill him.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Ienas Sarandas has lost more than money[edit]

In Ald'ruhn, ask around and you will learn that Ienas Sarandas has lost his patrimony betting on guar and has sold his family silverware to pay his debts. Go to any of the merchants and they will offer you work. It seems that Ienas Sarandas has failed to pay up for the goods he has purchased.

Guiding him back to the right path[edit]

Look for Ienas Sarandas in his house. Ask him about the overdue payments. Don't bother threatening him, as it does no good. There are three ways to convince Ienas to do the right thing and give you the goods to return on his behalf.

You can persuade him if you have a Speechcraft skill of at least 50, or you can raise his Disposition toward you to at least 60. Alternatively, you can quote an excerpt from the book Saryoni's Sermons if you have a copy in your inventory or offer him a sip of Greef, Cyrodiilic Brandy, or Flin to convince him to mend his ways (he will not take the book or the drinks from you; you just have to be carrying one of them). There's a copy of Saryoni's Sermons on a small round table in his house he won't mind you taking.

Using any of these techniques results in him giving you the items and joining the Temple, and earns you 1 Reputation along with 30 disposition. In some versions of the game, the drink may not give the reputation point. Sarandas will move to the Ald'ruhn Temple as soon as you leave his house. It is also possible to kill Ienas to complete the quest, but you'll miss out on the reputation point and the merchants won't be happy with you.

Bad Path[edit]

Another option is to get the Ienas Sarandas conversation topic from one of the merchants, talk to Sarandas, get him to give you his clothing (using one of the above methods), and keep it for yourself. The Brocade Shirt and Silk Pants both have the enchant values of their exquisite counterparts, while the Racer Suede Belt, Glass Ring, Ebony Ring and Firejade Amulet have the enchant values of their expensive counterparts. You can also just kill him for the items, but note that if you do so, you can still complete the quest but your disposition with the locals may actually decrease.

The Merchants[edit]

The merchants are quite easy to find, three of them are right outside Ienas' house. The enchanter and the fine clothier are located in the Ald'ruhn Manor District on the bottom floor. The merchants also give you some gold and better prices, along with praise for your skilful solution. If you have killed Ienas however, they will still give you the gold but lower their disposition.


  • This quest is actually five smaller quests combined into one, in terms of how they appear in your journal. Oddly, these quest names misspell Ienas' last name as "Sarandus" instead of "Sarandas".
Item/s to be Returned Vendor Gold Reward
Bevene Releth and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Bevene)
Firejade Amulet Bevene Releth 25
Bivale Teneran and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Bivale)
Brocade Shirt and Silk Pants Bivale Teneran 50 (see Bugs)
Daynes Redothril and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Daynes)
Ebony Ring and Glass Ring Daynes Redothril 50
Llether Vari and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Llethri)
Designer Shoes Llether Vari 50
Tiras Sadus and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Tiras)
Racer Suede Belt Tiras Sadus 25
  • While the gold reward remains the same regardless of how you recovered the items, it is not the case for the other rewards.
    • Peacefully persuading Ienas will earn you +40 disposition with the vendors, who will be pleased with the way you handled the affair.
    • Killing Ienas will, understandably, penalize you with -20 disposition from each vendor.


  • If you retrieve the shirt and pants for Bivale Teneran peacefully you won't get the 50 gold reward. The script that is supposed to give you the gold has been mistakenly attached to a comment on the previous line, so it never executes. Completing the quest by killing Ienas will give you the reward, but also the negative consequences.
  • The responses to each peaceful resolution seem to be mixed up: the high speechcraft or disposition method refers to you quoting the Sermons, whereas the Sermons method has both a seemingly persuasion-based method as well as the Sermons quoting. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Ienas Sarandas (Town_Aldruhn)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
5 The clothier Bivale Teneran made a brocade shirt and silk pants for Ienas Sarandus, but Ienas Sarandus has not made the final payment on time. Bivale Teneran has offered to pay me 50 gold if I will find Ienas Sarandus, get the 360 gold he owes Bivale Teneran, or get the shirt and pants and bring them back to Bivale Teneran.
10 The enchanter Llether Vari offered to pay me 50 drakes if I will find a customer named Ienas Sarandus, and either collect a payment of 120 gold, or retrieve designer shoes from Ienas Sarandus and return them to Llether Vari.
15 Bevene Releth the clothier made a firejade amulet and delivered it to a customer named Ienas Sarandas, but Sarandas has not made the promised final payment. Bevene Releth has offered to pay me 25 gold if I will either retrieve the unpaid-for amulet, or will collect the final 50 gold from Sarandas.
20 The trader Tiras Sadus sold an Ashlander hand-crafted racer suede belt to a customer, but the customer has failed to make his final payment on time. If I can find Ienas Sarandas and retrieve the belt for the trader, or if I can get the 50 septims owed to the trader, Tiras Sadus will pay me 25 gold.
25 Daynes Redothril the pawnbroker sold two fine matched rings, one with an raw ebony stone, the other with a raw glass stone, to a customer named Ienas Sarandas. But Sarandas has failed to pay the remaining 150 gold owed. If I can find Sarandas, and either get the ebony ring and the glass ring and return them to Redothril, or get the 150 gold Sarandas owes Redothril, the pawnbroker will pay me 50 gold.
35 I spoke to Ienas Sarandas about his overdue payments. He said he had no cash at present to pay his debts, but that he was sure he would be able to pay very soon. I decided to take no immediate action.
40 I spoke to Ienas Sarandas about his overdue payments. I tried to threaten him with violence, but he dismissed my threats, and repeated that he did not have the cash, but that he expected to have it soon.
45 I persuaded Ienas Sarandas to give me the goods. Now I must return the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, the ebony ring and glass ring to Daynes Redothril, the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth. Ienas Sarandas has resolved to live honestly and honorably from this day forward.
50 I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold. She seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
52 I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold.
55 I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
57 I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold.
60 I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold. She seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
62 I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold.
65 I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 gold. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
67 I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 gold.
70 I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
72 I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold.
75 I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold. She had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and she suspected me, though she had no proof. She did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
76 I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
77 I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold. She had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and she suspected me, though she had no proof. She did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
78 I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 gold. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
79 I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
Ienas Sarandas (town_ald_ienas)
1 Someone said that Ienas Sarandas lost his patrimony betting on the guar, and sold every piece of the family silverware to pay his debts.

Bevene Releth and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Bevene)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 Bevene Releth the clothier made a firejade amulet and delivered it to a customer named Ienas Sarandas, but Sarandas has not made the promised final payment. Bevene Releth has offered to pay me 25 gold if I will either retrieve the unpaid for amulet, or will collect the final 50 gold from Sarandas.
3 Finishes quest☑ I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold. She seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
5 Finishes quest☑ I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold.
10 Finishes quest☑ I returned the firejade amulet to Bevene Releth, and she paid me 25 gold. She had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and she suspected me, though she had no proof. She did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.

Bivale Teneran and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Bivale)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 The clothier Bivale Teneran made a brocade shirt and silk pants for Ienas Sarandus, but Ienas Sarandus has not made the final payment on time. Bivale Teneran has offered to pay me 50 gold if I will find Ienas Sarandus, get the 360 drakes he owes Bivale Teneran, or get the shirt and pants and bring them back to Bivale Teneran.
3 Finishes quest☑ I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold. She seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
5 Finishes quest☑ I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold.
10 Finishes quest☑ I returned the brocade shirt and silk pants to Bivale Teneran, and she paid me 50 gold. She had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and she suspected me, though she had no proof. She did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.

Daynes Redothril and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Daynes)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 Daynes Redothril the pawnbroker sold two fine matched rings, one with an raw ebony stone, the other with a raw glass stone, to a customer named Ienas Sarandas. But Sarandas has failed to pay the remaining 150 gold owed. If I can find Sarandas, and either get the ebony ring and the glass ring and return them to Redothril, or get the 150 gold Sarandas owes Redothril, the pawnbroker will pay me 50 gold.
3 Finishes quest☑ I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
5 Finishes quest☑ I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold.
10 Finishes quest☑ I returned the ebony ring and the glass ring to Daynes Redothril, and he paid me 50 gold. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.

Llether Vari and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Llethri)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 The enchanter Llether Vari offered to pay me 50 gold if I will find a customer named Ienas Sarandus, and either collect a payment of 120 gold, or retrieve designer shoes from Ienas Sarandus and return them to Llether Vari.
3 Finishes quest☑ I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
5 Finishes quest☑ I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold.
10 Finishes quest☑ I returned the designer shoes to Llether Vari, and he paid me 50 gold. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.

Tiras Sadus and Ienas Sarandus (Town_Ald_Tiras)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 The trader Tiras Sadus sold an Ashlander hand-crafted racer suede belt to a customer, but the customer has failed to make his final payment on time. If I can find Ienas Sarandas and retrieve the belt for the trader, or if I can get the 50 septims owed to the trader, Tiras Sadus will pay me 25 gold.
3 Finishes quest☑ I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 drakes. He seemed very pleased with the way I had handled the affair.
5 Finishes quest☑ I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 drakes.
10 Finishes quest☑ I returned the racer suede belt to Tiras Sadus, and he paid me 25 drakes. He had heard that Ienas Sarandas had been found dead, and he suspected me, though he had no proof. He did not seem at all pleased with the way I had handled the affair.