Lore:Bestiary T

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Tanagers are a type of bird. A type of dye was named after Taneth Tanagers.[1]

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The Taskers,[citation needed] or Wormies as they were unaffectionately called by the Imperial soldier Mazgar gra Yagash,[2]:Part 1, Chapter 6 were the reanimated corpse warriors of Umbriel, a floating city severed from Oblivion. They were individuals whose souls were stolen by Soul-spinner lines, then animated by their ethereal flying larvae intergrating into their bodies. Due to this, reports from the College of Whispers likened them more to flesh atronachs then more conventional reanimated undead like bonewalkers.[2]:Part 2, Chapter 6 In addition to killing inviduals to obtain more souls to power Umbriel, they were tasked with gathering raw materials and creatures to be used in Umbriel's kitchens. As such they can be summoned back to Umbriel using special incantations.[3]:Part 2, Chapter 8

They were primarily composed of freshly dead corpses riddled with maggots, hence the name.[2]:Part 1, Chapter 6 They began to rise around Umbriel and follow its trajectory from its starting point of Lilmoth in southern Black Marsh, to the Scathing Bay in north-central Morrowind, and the Imperial City in central Cyrodiil.[2]:Part 1, Chapter 3 Many of the wormies comprised of Argonians but the army consisted of anything that came in Umbriel's path. Even people who died while fighting them can be instantly reanimated into a wormy.[2]:Part 1, Chapter 1

Unlike the mindless zombies some would assume, they showed signs of intelligence and willful, malicious intent.[2]:Part 1, Chapter 1 They were capable of speaking, albeit in a raspy tone. They also had no problem surviving underwater, whether it was in the Scathing Bay or Lake Rumare.[2]:Part 3, Chapter 3 As they encroached on Cheydinhal, they successfully ambushed a group of legionnaires escorting people from Mountain Watch and intentionally stayed out of range from the city's siege weapons.[2]:Part 1, Chapter 6



Termites are small insects that eat and nest in wood. Termite mounds can be found in the deserts of Elsweyr, as well as the regions along the border of Elsweyr and Valenwood. They are known to be troublesome due to infesting wood.[4][5]

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A felsaad tern

Terns are a type of seabird that are known to fly over ships in the Abecean Sea.[6] Felsaad Terns are a species with black feathers on their head and white feathers on the rest of the body. They can be found flying around Solstheim and parts of Vvardenfell. Their feathers are used in alchemy.

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Terror Bird[edit]

A Topaz Terror Bird

Terror Birds, also known as Khrasaat in Ta'agra, are large, carnivorous and flightless birds found in Elsweyr and parts of the West Weald (typically close to the Hammerfell border). They are very aggressive towards anyone who approaches them or their territory. Terror Birds have a communal nature when it comes to looking after their young and eggs with pack-like behavior, and will attack anything that comes near the nest without hesitation. Terror Birds are also extremely strong and are seen as a challenge by Khajiit warriors, in which the warriors die almost as often as they win against the beast, they have also been recorded taking down a Senche-Cat.

Their diet consists of meat, from animals such as antelope and sometimes men and mer, though the Altmer mistakenly seem to think that a Terror Bird's diet consists of only moon-sugar plants.

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A Tharriker

Tharrikers are large and unnatural senche-like carnivores with four ears, feathery front legs, and scorpion-like tails.[7][8] Their origins are linked to the Recollection and they were unleashed upon the West Weald circa 2E 582.[9][8][7] Being sired in the Recollection "grow pits",[9] they often were used to aid members of the group in combat, with many also being affected by corruption from the Wildburn.[10] They are capable of reproduction by laying eggs.[8]

A few were rescued from the Recollection's grow pits by the Imperial Legion. These rescued tharrikers were then trained to be used as mounts and kept in Skingrad's stables.[9][11] Goblins of the Rock Bone Tribe were also capable of training tharrikers.[12][7]

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A Pine Thrush Nest

Thrushes are a type of bird. The Pine Thrush can be found throughout southern Skyrim's forested areas like Falkreath Hold and The Rift. Compared to the common chicken egg, a Pine Thrush's egg is a lot harder to come by but it can replace it just as easily in Sweet Nog, a popular warming drink in Nordic cuisine.[13] Their eggs are also used in alchemy. It can restore the consumer's stamina, but also make them susceptible to poisons. Pine Thrushes are not native to Black Marsh.[14] The Red-Breasted Thrush is another species of thrush.[UOL 1]

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A thunderbug

Thunderbugs are large beetles[15] that are imbued with electricity, which they can use to defend themselves and their nests. They congregate in packs to feed off of their fellows' elemental energy.[16] Thunderbugs get their name from the shock they deliver when they bite. They can also spit tiny shock balls and call thunder from the sky to attack. They usually keep to themselves, and nest in soft dirt near trees and under ridges. They are fiercely protective of their eggs, which are sweet and feel tingly when swallowed.[17] Thunderbugs hatch as maggots, which are essential in eliminating the more dangerous poisons in Rotmeth during the brewing process. Thunderbug hearts are also used to brew Rotmeth, as they give the brew a signature tang.[18] The thunderbug's carapace, mandibles and chitin can be used to make a variety of goods.[19]


Ticks are small parasitic arachnids capable of spreading disease, often found in fields.[20] They suck the blood of larger creatures,[21] and eat fleas.[22] Snow-ticks are a species that are eaten by the Sharp Stick Goblin tribe, they prepare them by roasting them over fire when they are plump.[23] Hoarvors are a giant species of tick.[24]

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Tick Bird[edit]

Tick birds are a type of scavenging bird that feeds on ticks. Terms and idioms involving tick birds were commonly used in Black Marsh.[25]

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Toe-Borers are parasitic creatures. A salve of shalk resin and crushed bergamot seeds is used to repel toe-borers.[26]

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A tomeshell

Tomeshells (or Fangtomes)[27] are Daedric spirits native to Apocrypha that inhabit discarded books, similar to the way hermit crabs inhabit discarded shells.[28][29] They are mostly harmless, but can lash out when threatened. They are considered a type of Daedric vermin.[29] Their pages are known as feathers and can be used in magic rituals.

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A torchbug

Torchbugs (or fireflies) are small, nocturnal beetles that are found all over Tamriel. They are prized for the usefulness in crafting potions. Bosmer catch torchbugs and dry them out to be smoked in pipes.[30] Torchbugs can be encased in amber and enchanted to create a handy light source that fits in one's pocket.[31] Torchbugs are attracted to the nocturnal flowers that feed from graht-oaks, and often build their hives near those flowers.[32] Some Bosmer also believe that being followed by a friendly torchbug is a sign of good fortune.[30] Similarly, the Khajiit believe that crimson torchbugs are the light of Jode given form, and that they bless moon-sugar crops as they flit around them.[33] These crimson torchbugs are also known to thrive in Murkmire.[34]

Totem Spirit[edit]

A totem spirit

Totem Spirits are spiritual beings manifested through unity and family bonds. They are physical manifestations of clans and families. They embody memories of the past, bonds between clan members, and collective hopes for the future.

Some Orc clans, such as the Kalmur Clan, were known to commune with totem spirits. The spirit of their clan, Atrozu assumed the shape of a bear and was typically protected by the clan wise woman, who in turn communed with it for advice when necessary.

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Tree-Hoppers are creatures that inhabit Valenwood. The Bosmer use spells to repel them as part of the process for brewing beer from meat. The term "tree-hopper," derived from them, was also used to describe peaceful, innocent people.

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A troll

Trolls (known as Trohls in ancient text) are large, ape-like, bestial humanoids endowed with three eyes. Known as formidable monsters throughout Tamriel, they have a powerful regeneration ability that makes them almost unkillable, but they also have a crippling weakness to fire. Trolls are found all over the continent, mostly in caves and forested areas. They are typically reclusive creatures, their lairs are usually far from commonly traversed paths. They are also truly ancient creatures, having roamed Nirn since the Dawn Era. Despite this, the origin of trolls is completely unknown to scholars, and much about their reproductive biology is not well understood.

For more information, see the lore article.


A rotten turkey leg

Turkeys are a type of poultry raised for their meat.[35] They are served roasted in Colovian cuisine.[36] Clannfear are compared in appearance to "plate-necked turkeys".[37]

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A turtle doll

Turtles are shelled reptiles found in Tamriel and Thras. They are able to swim and can float up to the surface of water. Newborn turtles are considered quite meek. The Sload slaughter and revive various sea creatures such as turtles and crabs to keep as pets. Turtle stew is a slow roasted dish.

Certain types of turtles are known as tortoises. Certain people have summoned giant sea turtles to aid them in sailing. Haj Mota and the Mock Turtle are considered to be species of turtles.

Argonians have many sayings related to turtles, such as that one with a "turtle-heart" is "Hard on the outside, but soft on the inside". Another phrase is "The turtle walks slowly and wears armor on her back. Her soul is cautious, just as her body is cautious." Vanus Galerion likened the Psijic's policies to a "bemused turtle" that lumbers along quietly, only occasionally poking its head above the grass to check for danger.

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  • Lore


  1. ^ Fledgling: Taneth Tanager dye in ESO
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Lord of SoulsGreg Keyes
  3. ^ The Infernal CityGreg Keyes
  4. ^ Adrahawn's dialogue in ESO
  5. ^ Travels Around the Western HoldsInky-Claws
  6. ^ A Call for Common Hair — Anonymous
  7. ^ a b c Lieutenant Agrance's dialogue in ESO
  8. ^ a b c Commandant Salerius' dialogue in ESO
  9. ^ a b c West Weald Tharriker mount description in ESO
  10. ^ Tharrikers in ESO
  11. ^ Presence of West Weald Tharriker in Skingrad's stables in ESO
  12. ^ Events of Training Camp in ESO
  13. ^ The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook/Recipe List
  14. ^ Ukatsei's dialogue in ESO
  15. ^ Razor-Edged Mandible item description in ESO
  16. ^ Yinz-Hei's dialogue during Shock to the System in ESO
  17. ^ Bolga's Guide to Island BeastsBolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral
  18. ^ Events of For Everything a Season in ESO
  19. ^ Various contraband item descriptions from ESO
  20. ^ Marina Bincal's dialogue in ESO
  21. ^ Sahrotnax's dialogue in ESO: Scalebreaker
  22. ^ Crendal's dialogue in Redguard
  23. ^ Landal Gevont's dialogue in ESO: Wrathstone
  24. ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: ValenwoodFlaccus Terentius, 2E 581
  25. ^ Exploring the Xal Ithix RuinsLooks-Under-Rocks
  26. ^ Discomforts of WarRobier Douare, Alchemist
  27. ^ Albinoscript Fangtome pet description in ESO
  28. ^ The Littlest TomeshellCipher Mukheesh
  29. ^ a b Denizens of ApocryphaCipher Plautis
  30. ^ a b Devoted Torchbug pet description in ESO
  31. ^ Torchbug Amberlight item description in ESO
  32. ^ Arboreal ArchitectureCirantille
  33. ^ Crimson Torchbug pet description in ESO
  34. ^ Appearance of Murkmire's red torchbugs in ESO
  35. ^ Razum-dar's dialogue in ESO
  36. ^ Colovian Roast Turkey in ESO
  37. ^ Knave of Rooks' dialogue in ESO

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.